We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

We are at the point where tolerance is not an option

For some reason, it turns out that if someone suggests that there is something wrong with a white family having white offspring in front of a gazillion people, you are supposed to enthusiastically nod along and pass on your congratulations. Naively, I failed to comply and recklessly set out on a voyage of light-hearted piss-taking, asking immature questions such as ‘does everything have to be viewed through the prism of race, sexuality and culture?’.

Turns out the answer is: YES! And what’s more, your skin colour dictates the type of questions you’re allowed to ask.

– Paul Cox, writing “You’re White – You Can’t Write About This” Local Newspaper Tells Comedian.

And apropos that, the other day commenter Ferox made this remark:

My view has always been (and I have argued it here on this site) that if you need to know the color (or demographic trait in general) of the speaker before you know if you are offended or not, then the hate is coming from you – not from the speaker. What you hate is not what was said but the person saying it.

Ferox, making a not unrelated point.

20 comments to We are at the point where tolerance is not an option

  • Mark

    If I may.

    “does everything have to be viewed through the prism (I’ll allow the cultural appropriation) of your infinite inferiority complex?”

    If the response (a bit of a long shot here, assuming anything remotely cogent) is to deny an inferiority complex, just point out that if it walks like a duck etc.

  • Kirk

    I’ll just lay this out here as a bit of historical trivia:

    Trying to convince a majority in a given society that they’re evil, and need to self-terminate? Yeah; that’s never, ever worked out once the idiots behind it really got going. The rubes soon figure that the game is rigged, and resistance starts.

    All these assholes are doing is triggering the next paroxysm of violence and ethnic cleansing. For examples? See “Kosovo”, where the Serbs were helpfully pushed aside by Tito’s politics and drive to do away with ethnocentrism. He allowed Albanians to settle in that territory, refugees from Hoxha. Results? Anyone remember the recent history? Can anyone project where all that is going?

    Where’s the NATO to enforce this ethnic cleansing of European native ethnicities going to come from, I wonder…? Who’s going to pay for it? NATO? LOL… By the time these idiots get done, the continent is going to be primed for a bloodbath of epic proportions, and it’ll be really easy to ID the victims: Anyone with a dark skin.

    It’ll get really bad, and when the native majorities are going to find their backs to the wall; observe what happens next. Who will win may well be questionable, but the amount of violence that’s going to come into play when the end-game is reached is a scientific certitude. The idjit class forgets several things: One, the ethnic Europeans were world-champions at violence for one hell of a long time, and that they, the political class, have never really been all that popular. Do remember the f*cking Dutch, of all people, once ate a Prime Minister that displeased them. And, that guy wasn’t presenting an existential threat to the people who turned on him, the way the current lot of supposedly Dutch politicians are presenting the farmers. Anyone remember just where the hell the South African Boers came from…?

    Britain absolutely made the right decision to separate from the EU. That pathway is littered with future disasters of a scope nobody seems to recognize, not the least the fact that all of these “good idea” initiatives aren’t being decided on by collective agreement; it’s all executive fiat by unelected bureaucrats. If I were an EU bureaucrat or minister, I’d be looking at the distance from those Dutch farmers to my offices, and doing some math. I’d also be making sure that there was an easily accessible bolt-hole, one that was capable of surviving some time while on fire.

  • Zerren Yeoville

    Meanwhile, over at Spiked, it turns out that the Tiktoker who filmed himself committing ‘pranks’ such as invading random family homes or stealing an old lady’s dog, is now whining that ‘I’m a black male doing these things and that’s why there’s such an uproar.’

    Get real, kiddo. If you were white, one of your victims would undoubtedly have punched your teeth out long ago. Being black is what made you untouchable – your victims were well aware just how much worse it would be for them if they dared retaliate.

  • Paul Marks.

    “EDI” Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, is the British version of the American DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – and both are just jargon for Critical Theory “Woke” Marxism. If someone does not have the basic honesty to point that out – they will not really fight the doctrine.

    Whether it is mathematics, the natural sciences, or history and the humanities – everything in Britain is to be saturated with “EDI” (Frankfurt School Marxism) – this is officially admitted by government education bodies, and everything, ALL subjects, must also be saturated with “sustainability” – ESG (Environmental and Social Governance), United Nations “Sustainable Development Goals” (basically Henri Saint-Simon stuff from two centuries ago – dressed up to pretend the totalitarianism is “modern” and about “saving the planet”).

    Returning to EDI (Frankfurt School Marxism) the “Working Class” has been replaced by various racial and sexual groups (in this case black people) – but the BIG LIE “exploitation and oppression” remains.

    The Big Lie is the justification for the endless agitation propaganda – the agitprop that dominates education and the media – and just about everything else.

    The ironic truth is that their is plenty of “exploitation and oppression” going on – but it being committed by people who control the institutions (public and private) – the DEI and SEG people who complain about “exploitation and oppression” are the people committing it. And yes this includes the people who control most of the vast international corporations and the endless Credit Money they depend upon (very Henri Saint-Simon – yes the idea is centuries old).

    And they intend to make things vastly worse.

  • Paul Marks.

    People trained in Classical, rather than Frankfurt School, Marxism – often can not stand this “Woke” stuff, even if they no longer believe in Classical Marxism.

    Clare Fox is, I believe, an example of someone from the Classical Marxism tradition (even though I doubt the lady still believes in it) who dislikes this Woke stuff – and so does Mr Putin. I am NOT saying that the two people are alike in other ways.

    This most certainly does not mean that Mr Putin is a good person (he is not a good person) – one can be a Bad Guy whilst not being a Woke Bad Guy.

    Sadly, in real life, the “enemy of my enemy” is often NOT a friend – they are just a different sort of enemy.

  • Henry Avery

    We are at the point where tolerance is not an option

    Yes, ‘fraid so. I realise that means we’re heading to where off-route IEDs start getting made, which leads to very dark places. But dark places is where we’re headed anyway, so maybe the sooner the better. Not looking forward to the coming years but it can’t be wished away. It’ll get a lot worse before it gets better.

  • Steven R

    The West has positioned itself so that whites are going to be minorities in their own countries in just a few years. Non-Hispanic whites cease being the majority in the US around 2050 and will only account for about 40% of the US population by 2100. Short of racial violence on a scale this country has never seen, that’s the future. And it isn’t much better in Europe or Australia as I’m led to believe. London is something like only 57% white and of that only 38% of the total number is British white. And whites only acount for around 65% of school children and white birth rates continue to drop in the UK, even when you factor in the number of white immigrants from Europe. (source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/datasets/TS021/editions/2021/versions/1/filter-outputs/d2f0a39a-75b6-4995-b4bd-a5b68ff79027#get-data ).

    So the choices are whites willingly sit down, shut up, and atone for their crime of being white until the last of them die off or start encouraging non-whites to maybe go somewhere else and we all know that will require bloodshed on a level that will make the Nazis look like pikers by comparison. And frankly, neither choice is all that appealing.

    I will never understand why the people in charge wanted this. Even if they decided capitalism is wrong and the West needed knocked down a couple of pegs and we needed people to work for slave wages to prop up our welfare state, even they have to realize that their children and grandchildren will be the ones having to live in these “multicultural” states, and despite the slogans about diversity being our strength and all that, their loved ones will still be seen as just another rich white target by poor browns and blacks and yellows and reds. I just don’t get it.

  • Kirk

    @Steven R,

    Don’t look for a rational explanation for the behavior of nihilists; I’ve been trying to puzzle out the endgame for years, and all I can conclude now is that the whole point is to watch the world burn. They can’t create on their own, they’re jealous of those who can, and thus… They want to destroy it all.

    Neo-barbarians. They don’t understand what they destroy any more than the Mongols understood or appreciated the elaborate qanat systems they destroyed across the Middle East.

    Do not expect them to admit it, either, but the ultimate end they seek is destruction. Mostly because the world will not conform to their ideas or ideals. It’s really that simple, I fear: They’re the kid who kicks over the sand castle because they can’t build their own.

  • John

    The families of the boys paid tribute to the two “best friends” and said they were not only loved by their relatives, but also by the community.

    In a statement, Harvey’s family said he “lived life to the full, had a big heart and truly cared”.

    Kyrees’ family also released a tribute and said he was a “loving, caring and handsome young man”.

    “They both had so many friends and were very well liked doing many things together, having fun and laughs”, they added.

    In Cardiff they have clearly been taking note of what happens over the pond. The instant rioting, which thankfully has yet to be described by our media as mostly peaceful, is a chilling portent of a society at the point of rejecting the rule of law. While Rome (Cardiff) burns our bien pensant fiddle (fulminate at the possibility that the police might have been doing their job for once).

  • Stuart Noyes

    If an African royal family all stood together and they contained no ethnic individuals other than Negros, would it be acceptable to comment the scene saying it was too black?

  • JohnK


    No, it is only wrong when whites do it.

  • Jim

    “Don’t look for a rational explanation for the behavior of nihilists; I’ve been trying to puzzle out the endgame for years, and all I can conclude now is that the whole point is to watch the world burn. They can’t create on their own, they’re jealous of those who can, and thus… They want to destroy it all.”

    My feeling is the ‘woke’ desire to destroy the West has its origins in the fact the West won the Cold War. The Left could no longer concentrate on trying to convert the West to communism, as its shining example had just fallen apart and exposed its utter failure. The logical conclusion is if you can’t convert that which you despise into that which you approve of, then that which you despise must be destroyed.

  • Kirk

    @Jim, who said:

    My feeling is the ‘woke’ desire to destroy the West has its origins in the fact the West won the Cold War. The Left could no longer concentrate on trying to convert the West to communism, as its shining example had just fallen apart and exposed its utter failure. The logical conclusion is if you can’t convert that which you despise into that which you approve of, then that which you despise must be destroyed.

    I think that what you’re saying here is at least somewhat correct; the abject failure of the Soviet Union when it finally reached the illogical end of its illogical conceits plays a role in all this, but there’s another factor to consider: The rage of the unsuccessful and unfit against a system that refuses to reward their virtue and their self-bestowed “merit”.

    There are more than a couple of thinkers out there who rightfully blame a lot of this on “elite over-production”. You take these kids, test them (there’s my hobbyhorse, again…), then tell them they’re extra-special ‘cos they did dun so gud on dem dere test things, educate them (mostly indoctrinate, but we’re calling it “education”) and then they get out in the real world, find they have no relevant skills for the actual scrum of daily life, and they wind up going into the bureaucracy or government where they start tearing everything up in accordance with the theories they’ve been indoctrinated with, justifying it by saying “Well, I’m so much smarter, and I have the power…”

    What it boils down to is that we’re doing it wrong. These assholes don’t actually possess the slightest amount of intrinsic merit; that’s been beaten out of them because the system doesn’t reward real merit, just the artificially produced stuff it churns out via the testing and the indoctrination. Original thinkers or people devoted to the actual cause wind up driven away or into catatonia, ‘cos they don’t spout the party line.

    Our system is doing this to us, and the only cure is to blow it all up, and start over from first principles, absent this faked-up and f*cked-up cursus honorum we’ve developed. The one the Roman Republic had? Did the same thing to them, in the end, as all the idiot elites started “playing the game” rather than actually “doing the thing”. Other examples abound, throughout history.

    That’s a sign that whatever system you have going is in its death throes, by the way: The appearance of “those who game the system”, the “careerists” that do things not because they need doing or because they’re challenging, but because “they’re good for my career”. Gamesmanship is a destructive force that appears when everything has started going off, and it develops because the participants in the whole thing are no longer in it for the good of the cause, but for their own benefit. These creatures are anathema to any successful enterprise, because they represent literal sclerosis of the body politic; they act to gum things up, maintain the status quo (because they know the rules to that, and can game them…), and to prevent any preventative or curative action. They persist and proliferate, promoting their own kind, until the system collapses under the weight of their self-involved, self-concerned decisions. Whereupon, they’ll normally hand things off to some naive patsy who will take the blame for everything caving in on the greater whole.

    There are three main sorts of people: The 10% that get everything done, the 80% that are just there, along for the ride, doing as they’re directed, and then the remaining 10%, the parasite “careerists” that are in it for themselves and nothing else. They’re the ones who will drive the organization into the ground, so long as they look good doing it, and it enhances their personal prospects.

    Frankly, what we really need is a class of Judge Dredd-like types, whose sole duty is identifying these types, and then summarily eliminating them from the organization. Some asshole “mentoring” a subordinate, saying “Jerry, you ought to do this… It’ll be good for your career…” needs shooting, plain and simple. Nine times out of ten, they’re lying their asses off: It won’t be good for Jerry’s sainted career, ‘cos it’s just a dirty job that needs doing, and which nobody is rewarding, and two, that asshole is teaching Jerry a lesson: Don’t do the things that need doing, do the things that get you advanced… Jerry, unless he is an utterly naive and foolish person, will learn from that conversation, and likely wind up converted over to careerism.

    You hear someone speaking approvingly of something, saying it was “good for the career”, you need to get rid of them, and stay away from them. They’re like little organizational termites, nibbling away at the things inside it that enable it to function, to be effective.

  • Paul Marks.

    Kirk – the majority population is self terminating, look at the fertility rate (well below 2 for the Anglo population).

    The constant propaganda, “you are racist, sexist…” (EDI or DEI Frankfurt School Marxism), and “you are destroying the environment” (the ESG – “Environmental and Social Governance” – Henri Saint-Simon style totalitarianism, with its fake “Science”) is having an effect. Feminism and the rest of it, is having the effect it was intended to have – destroying the family and preventing children being born and being brought up well.

    Aristotle did not have to face the “you are racist” attack (and he would not have cared if he had – the charge of “you favour your own ethnic group over other ethnic groups” would not have bothered Aristotle) – but he did encounter a lot of this evil (for example, the anti family stuff and the hostility to private property), from Plato.

  • bobby b

    “Frankly, what we really need is a class of Judge Dredd-like types, whose sole duty is identifying these types, and then summarily eliminating them from the organization.”

    Well, we have the FBI and the DOJ doing that for us now, with Dredd-like impunity. Only problem is, the wrong people get to be the ones to identify “these types.” It’s too brittle of a plan to rely upon empowering some people with such power – you can never rely on your own people being the empowered ones, unless you’re speaking of a political minority forming death squads.

  • Paul Marks.

    Steven R – Hispanics have only been treated as a different “race” in the United States since the 1970s (I am older than this new system of racial labelling).

    The Republican Party traditionally rejected politics based on racial groups – the Democrats used to play whites against non whites, and now play non whites against whites (but, notice, either way it is racial politics with the Democrats).

    In Florida this racial doctrines politics is rejected – and it should be rejected everywhere else as well.

  • Paul Marks.

    bobby be – yes, give people such power, and that power will end up in the hands of the worst people.

    Kirk and Jim.

    Private property, strong voluntary institutions – most importantly of all the family, and individual rights – rights as in “hands off”, not a “right” to the stuff of other people.

    That is the way forward.

    “But what about the Mexican, and other, gangs of armed looters and killers”.

    That is why the betrayal of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Mexico (it is there in the Constitution of 1917) by the intellectually corrupt Mexican courts (and American “liberal”, i.e. anti liberal, judges to) is so terrible.

    In Mexico there are plenty of firearms – but it is the government and the gangs who have them, not honest people.

    Imagine, for example, if it was legal for an ordinary Mexican women to carry a pistol in her purse – a Pimp trying to force her into sexual slavery would have something to fear.

  • Kirk

    @bobby b,

    Well, we have the FBI and the DOJ doing that for us now, with Dredd-like impunity. Only problem is, the wrong people get to be the ones to identify “these types.” It’s too brittle of a plan to rely upon empowering some people with such power – you can never rely on your own people being the empowered ones, unless you’re speaking of a political minority forming death squads.

    I wasn’t really making a serious suggestion, with that bit about “Judge Dredd”.

    In all honesty, the root problem is out in the general population. You can’t address it with a top-down “Superman” solution; it has to come up from deep within the culture. We get the kind of people I’m talking about because we tolerate them at all levels. Ain’t nobody sitting there when one of these embryonic self-aggrandizing types gets started, and putting a curb to their behavior when it’s still correctable. It’s like those interminable group projects in school… The kid that’s parasitizing off their peers is only learning how to succeed at the same behaviors in later life, and will go on to successfully weaponize them in order to become the successful parasite in some organization.

    You get the behavior you reward, and we reward these creatures at all levels and stages. If you go back into toddlerhood, you can see the dynamic in the damn family, where the kid that whines the most gets rewarded because mom or dad just want them to shut up. Social manipulation skills get rewarded, while the long-suffering “fair play” types just get screwed all through life. We really create these monsters through what goes on out in society in general… Those corrupt FBI agents? They didn’t get created out of whole cloth during their careers in the FBI; they were created by their accumulated life experience from birth forward.

    You really want to fix this crap? Well, you have to make some serious changes all across society so as to actually cease rewarding this behavior, and finding actual ways to curb it. We do need a certain amount of sociopathy to make things work, but the problem we have is that the sort we have developed and continually encourage is more like a damn forest fire than some controlled thing you can use for productive purposes.

    We make our own monsters, and we have to start recognizing that fact, while overcoming what we’re doing to create them.

    Honestly, when you see someone behaving like a self-centered, self-interested prick? Taking advantage of all and sundry around them? Whenever you don’t act to curb that behavior, you’re encouraging it. And, when you add up the aggregate of the whole thing, guess what that results in? What we’ve got going on, right now. It’s all us, all the time; we enable these things, reward them, and that’s why the scum winds up running our organizations. Think about all the assholes you worked with, who somehow wound up getting the promotions and gaining power within the organization: How did that happen? What did they do? How did they get away with it…?

    Think back on it, like I have, and you’ll soon see a pattern of rewards for them doing the things that later turned your organization into a pestilential sh*tshow. You wonder how bad leaders happen? Question how they got selected to be leaders in the first place, and how they got conditioned/trained/evaluated for promotion. It’s all on us, when you get down to it.

    I honestly think that the species has a hell of a lot of growing-up to do, in this regard. Most of us are sitting there, low in the power hierarchy, watching these things… And, we let them happen, mostly because we never think of the implications of what we’re doing by nodding our heads and keeping our opinions to ourselves. It’s all about the behavioral conditioning and the signals sent by society; every time you look the other way? You’re signaling that what these social parasites are doing is A-OK; you’re going to get more of it, and they’re going to keep right on victimizing you.

    This also explains why the LGBTQWTFBBQ situation has become what it has. They never got honest feedback, until they went too far, and now the situation has gotten completely out of control, and intolerable to the majority. You’re going to see the counter-reaction coming, and it’s at least partially the blame of the “normies” who didn’t do anything but nod along with the insanity because they weren’t assertive enough to say “Yeah, that’s not on…” The LGBTQWTFBBQ types think they got acquiescence, surrender, and even approval, when the reality was… Something different. We’ll see how it all plays out, but I think that people are going to wake up and notice that the same things that got the Catholic clergy excoriated by the general public has been going on right out in the open, conducted by the LGBTQWTFBBQ legion, and once that fact is processed…? Watch the f*ck out.

    I mean, seriously… You’re up in arms about the whole “I don’t want my kids alone with the priest…” issue, and you’re simultaneously taking them in to “Drag Queen Story Hour” down at the library? Is that even slightly sane? At all? Is it just something we haven’t noticed yet?

    Won’t end well, is all I’m saying.

  • Paul Marks.

    Kirk – yes we understand that you were not being literal, that you do NOT want “Judge Dredd” walking about shooting leftists.

    But in the deeply dishonest times we live in the establishment, including the courts, pretend that they think that such comments really are meant literally.

    They would, dishonestly, claim that you were “inciting violence” and “promoting sedition”.

    And they would then send you to prison.

    They really are that dishonest, that tyrannical.

  • Stuart Noyes

    As Richard North has mentioned in his blog, and something I’ve noticed also, nearly all tv adverts with couples or families are mixed race. Most with the man being black. The man traditionally being the dominant sex I guess they are sticking it to the white race.