We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day – the silence of the ‘anti-racists’

To say our elites have a blindspot where anti-Semitism is concerned is a grotesque understatement. Having spent years obsessing over fantasy forms of racism and fascism, having spent years soberly telling us that Boris Johnson was Eton’s answer to Hitler, the great and good look upon Jew-hating marches, attacks and even terror plots… and it barely registers.

Whether these people are ignoring anti-Semitism, making excuses for it, or participating in it, the story remains the same. Our supposedly ‘anti-racist’ betters, people who during the Black Lives Matter uprising just two years ago were taking knees and ‘doing the work’ and tweeting #SilenceIsViolence from their £4million townhouses, are so marinated in a divisive identity politics and a demented ‘anti-imperialism’ that they see Jews as ‘white’ oppressors, even when they’re being beaten up, and Israel as the aggressor, even when it is under attack.

The silence of the ‘anti-racists’ over the barbaric rise of anti-Semitism reminds us that these people were never anti-racists at all.

Tom Slater

20 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – the silence of the ‘anti-racists’

  • DiscoveredJoys

    The Woke see the world in terms of the oppressed and the oppressors. They bolt on intersectionality to explain why some oppressed are more oppressed than others, and some oppressors more oppressive than others. The cunning bit is that the oppressed are excused anything and the oppressors excused nothing.

    Which is why black rioting causing death and destruction is excused but a peaceful riot at the Capitol is not excused. Why HAMAS attacks are excused but Israeli retaliation is not excused.

    With this simplified mindset any label (such as anti-Semitism, white supremacy) may be used as a weapon with no further justification needed.

  • Sam Duncan

    Number of anti-Semitic hate crimes across Britain rose dramatically in the weeks after outbreak of Israel-Hamas war

    The British Transport Police had one of the largest increases, recording 87 antisemitic offences in the month after October 7 … as well as a jump in Islamophobic offences with 22.

    The BTP being the closest thing we have to a national force (despite the SNP’s best efforts, it still operates in Scotland), it would seem reasonable to assume that, although it reported the largest increase, it’s somewhat representative of the national picture. And it saw four times as many offences against Jews as Muslims. Which isn’t to excuse those 22, but which is the bigger problem and which is the one Our Betters get more agitated over?

  • Anyone who sees the Pro-Hamas leftwing marchers and doesn’t see anti-semitism is either deaf, dumb and blind or being deliberately obstructionist.

    Sure, they might not be shouting “Death to the Jews” in English (but some are), but that is their clear intention.

    Anyone who denies this or plays the “Opposition to the State of Israel is not anti-semitism” card is just a lying anti-semite.

  • Paul Marks

    As it stands the post misunderstands what “antiracism” is – although the article the post is from comes closer to the truth.

    “Antiracism” is not about standing for a colour blind society (indeed that is considered a “racist” concept – as is meritocracy) – quite the opposite. “Antiracism” is about promoting (yes promoting – encouraging) racial hatred – specifically of white people, in order to undermine capitalist society. The creators of the movement were quite open about their political objective – so it is hard to see why so many people (including many “conservatives”) refuse to see it.

    Jews are, on average, more successful than other people – therefore they are, by definition, “exploiters” and “oppressors” who must be destroyed – that is what “antiracism” and “anti Imperialism” are about, after all Lenin (not his real name – but it is the name he is known by) declared that “Imperialism” is “the Highest State of Capitalism” as long ago as 1915.

    Why people keep denying that all this is a Marxist movement seeking to destroy the “Capitalist” West is hard to understand – when everyone from the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement to the Black Panthers of the 1960s were quite open about their Marxism.

    As for the United Kingdom – the Home Office has had Marxist academic advisers (on matters of race – and sex) since at least the 1970s.

    The normal response of most people in public life to the overwhelming evidence about what such things Equality Act of 2010 (which only six Members of the House of Commons voted against, these being the Members of the House of Commons who bothered to read the Bill) are for, seems to be to shut their eyes, put their fingers in their ears – and go “la, la, la”.

  • Paul Marks

    As for the question of why “Capitalist Big Business” supports the Frankfurt School Marxist “DEI” agenda…

    Well partly it is the saturation of the education system, media, and culture generally, with Marxist doctrine – as the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci pointed out 90 years ago, if “Cultural Hegemony” is achieved then people will serve a world view without-even-knowing-they-are-doing-it, even if to do so leads to their own destruction and the destruction of their families – for example the “Spiked” article of Tom Slater points out that many of the supporters of this “Anti Racist”, “Anti Imperialist” Marxism are very rich – and they are supporting a movement that wants to exterminate the rich.

    Hollywood making films, and the Western elite generally, supporting such things as the Mexican Revolutionaries after 1910 (who murdered people for such “crimes” as owning a house that had a staircase in it) is well known and has been going on since at least the 1960s – Tom Wolfe called the insane Marxism of the rich elite “Radical Chic” as they celebrated people who wanted to exterminate them – seemingly totally blind to the obvious.

    However, there is also the fact that the vast “Capitalist Corporations” are not really capitalist at all.

    When James O’Keefe published film showing the head of IBM and other high up Corporate types openly admitting (indeed boasting) that they hired and promoted people on the basis of RACE (yes their “antiracism” is RACISM, that is what “antiracism” really is – antiwhite RACISM), SEX (women before men) and SEXUALITY (i.e. they had nothing but hatred and contempt for hard work and merit – what matters to them is various sexual practices) and dismissed anyone who spoke against such policies (“the First Amendment only applies to the government” cackle these evil Corporatists whose corporations depend on government favours for their very existence) some people were shocked.

    No one should have been shocked – as DEI Frankfurt School Marxism has been the norm in the Corporate world for years now. Corporations that pay vastly lower tax rates than individuals (and the idea that these vast Corporations just “represent individual shareholders” is absurd – they represent BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard – NOT “Aunt Agatha” with her few share certificates), and, no apology for repeating the point, get endless Credit Money.

    Capitalism is about Real Savings (the actual sacrifice of consumption – in order to save physical cash-money) capitalism is NOT about creating endless Credit “Money” from nothing (nothing at all) and dishing it out to your Corporatist mates via the institutionally corrupt banking system.

    Whether it is Xi in China, Putin in Russia, or Biden in America – such a monetary and financial system of institutional corruption, is despicable – it is NOT capitalism.

  • David Wallace

    Fwiw, I don’t believe these people are antisemitic on principle: rather, anti-colonial on principle, pro-Islamist on rational (but self-defeating) calculation, and, always, pro chic violence perpetrated by hard men on others by personality.

  • Paul Marks

    “Then what is capitalism?”

    I will give an example of capitalism – Josiah Wedgewood building up his pottery enterprise to a grand scale, via his hard work, thrift, and inventiveness, that is capitalism. And the money he borrowed was REAL (it was the actual sacrifice of consumption by Real Savers) – and he paid it back.

    And you could have a free plate from him – if you were prepared to accept a plate that had the illustration of a suffering slave on it, with the inscription “Am I not a man and a brother?”.

    Mr Wedgewood (a friend of Edmund Burke) has no kinship with the creatures who now control the Disney Corporation (“fuck you Bob” Iger and the rest) or the rest of these Corporate Parasites.

  • Paul Marks

    By the way – Mr Iger is from a Jewish family and claims to hate Anti-Semitism – even claiming (with utter dishonesty) that this was the reason he pulled advertising from Twitter (now X), whilst allowing the creative output of Disney to be dominated by people (some of whom are self hating people from Jewish families) who want to wipe “capitalist” Israel off the map, and who actively support groups who target Jewish merchants in American cities. The hypocrisy is total.

  • Snorri Godhi

    Why people keep denying that all this is a Marxist movement seeking to destroy the “Capitalist” West is hard to understand

    This is perhaps the most practically important difference between Paul Marks and yours truly.

    Yes, the “anti-racists” explicitly say that “capitalism” and Western culture must be destroyed; but the reality is that, in the short-to-medium term, they are henchmen of the Western establishment. Far from dismantling the existing structures of power, they are reinforcing them.

    That is in the short-to-medium term. In the medium-to-long term, this strategy is unsustainable. Both the “anti-racist” henchmen and the establishment should have contingency plans in place for when TSHTF, if they know what is good for them; which they don’t.

  • GregWA

    How much of the anti-semitism is driven by the newly immigrated Muslim populations in the UK, the US, and elsewhere? Not sure I’ve seen the “why” question asked that way.

    Not excusing the non-Muslims, just asking. I suspect the fraction of anti-semitic events we know about (how many have happened that our crack journalist squads missed?) instigated or committed by Muslims is larger than the fraction of the population who are Muslim.

    Immigrants have always tried harder than natives (snark, sorry!)

  • Paul Marks

    Snorri – agreed.

    They do, in the short term, prop up the Corporate State (which is NOT capitalism) even whilst saying they hate the corporations – which may be a reason (one of the reasons) why the corporations fund them.

    The way they prop up the Corporate State is by DISTRACTING ATTENTION from it – for example some small businessman is not likely to think “why is that vast Corporation paying a much lower tax rate than me, and why can they borrow money at near zero interest rates?” if he is busy fighting for his life against a mob screaming that all white “racists” must be killed, and if he is desperately trying to protect his children from sexual perverts (oh dear my friends Central Office will not like the word “perverts”) who openly say they are coming for his children – and vast numbers of children have been corrupted already (to the joy of the international establishment – who see it as a way of reducing the population of Westerners – 1 in 4 young people in the United States now declare they are alphabet people, if they really were “born that way” then some power has launched genetic or chemical warfare on the United States, but in reality it is, perhaps, more matter of indoctrination rather than genetic or chemical attack).

    Tim Pool reports that when he was covering “Occupy Wall Street” it started off as protests against the special privileges of the banks and other institutionally corrupt corporations – but then other people who were NOT at the protests at the start, turned up and took over.

    What were these new people interested in?

    Anti Racism of course – and fighting “Sexism” and “Homophobia” (now it would be “Transphobia” or “Islamophobia”).

    The banks and other corrupt corporations were delighted – as they had been let off the hook.

    Full disclosure of my own stupidity – I was still defending the corporations back then, I so wanted to believe that this was, basically, a capitalist society – that I willfully ignored the evidence the evidence that it was no such thing, in front of my eyes.

    I am very sorry for my folly – but that is no real excuse. The evidence was in front of me – and I made a choice to turn my eyes away, because I did not want to see how utterly evil the international system had become.

  • Paul Marks


    Have you not heard? All religions teach the same things.

    So you can ignore the Koran, you can ignore the Hadiths, and you can ignore what Muhammed himself did – because all religions teach the same things. The Western establishment says so – so it must be true.

    And if Muslims in Western countries (who are often NOT immigrants now – they are second or third generation) do bad things – it is either because they have “misinterpreted” Islam or it is “NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM”.

    If you express any contrary opinion – you-will-be-punished.

    In Western Europe governments will punish you – in America the Corporations will punish you, you will lose your job.

    So there is nothing more to say.

  • Paul Marks

    Correction – 1 in 5, not 1 in 4, young people in the United States identify as Alphabet People (at least according to the polls) – I apologize for my error.

    But the basic point remains true – it is not plausible that this is a natural genetic thing, not plausible at all.

    Either some sort of chemical attack has been launched against Americans – or, far more likely, this is indoctrination (or, just possibly, both), it has been made (has been made – it is not some random social evolution) fashionable.

    That leads to the question – “why has this been done?” It is a not a paranoid question – it is a perfectly natural question. Something has been done on a truly massive scale in only a few years – it is perfectly reasonable to ask “why?”

    By the way if I was a follower of Islam I would ask the same question – just with rather stronger language.

    Please note that in none of the above have I said that what has been done is BAD – I have merely noted that it has been done, and asked why it has been done.

  • John

    While not belittling Islamophobic incidents I wonder if they are of a comparable seriousness. That’s before pointing out that there are nearly fifteen times as many Muslims as Jews in England and Wales (3,868k compared to 271k per the latest census) so using BTP’s admittedly limited figures Jews are nearly 60 times more likely to be subjected to a hate incident than Muslims.

    If a UK Mosque had switched to online prayers rather than risk the safety of their worshipers I’m pretty sure the bbc would have sent a reporter and film crew. I know of at least one orthodox shul that has halted its Sabbath services for precisely that reason but apparently this isn’t newsworthy.

  • NickM

    I remember when it was LGB, then LGBT, then LGBTQ and then, and then… Last I saw the BMA(?) counted 73 different genders. Everyone is different, teens are naturally finding their feet here and the more genders you invent then the more kids will go for something so obscure as to have been invented last week… It is quite clever.

    If we assume (and it is an assumption) that sexual/gender/whatever orientations continue to increase at the rate they are doing (and it is looking kinda exponential) which is faster than the rate of population increase then…

    Well, I thought of writing a short story. One about a gender identification which exists only theoretically (in the sense that nobody actually claims it) because the number of gender variations will one day exceed the number of people on the planet.

    I didn’t know where to go with making it an actual story.

    Except for one thing… I was sort of thinking of contrasting this free-for all with the actually most specific orientation – monogamy!

    Think about it! Happily married people aren’t just into on specific gender clique but just one individual! Now how “queer” is that!

    Alas, it needs to be a story otherwise it is just sloganeering. And I ain’t got it in me.

    But it would be a fun inversion. I am vaguely inspired by “Straight Fiction” by Martin Amis.

  • Nicholas (Unlicensed Joker) Gray

    Why don’t we just call them “elgees”.

  • Paul Marks

    John – the local Muslims here ignored the “no gatherings” rule during the Covid lockdowns – they are not friends of my “blood”, but I must admit I have great respect for their courage, their defiance of the tyrannical edicts of the Corporate State authorities. They are not cowards – as, sadly, so many of us Westerners are. Yes ME included – after all I lined up for the injections (two of them) and I knew perfectly well that they were toxic, I did not have the guts to “make a fuss” – after all I might have been removed from the council….. (several councilors have told me since that they did NOT have the injections, they just lied to the officials, – better men than me).

    NickM – it is the targeting of children (the unspoken “P” in the list of letters) that is the terrible thing. That, even a coward like me can not accept. Let Central Office do its worse.

  • Runcie Balspune

    @Paul Marks

    You honestly believe that religious Muslims are defying a tyrannical edict and their actions are of their own volition?

    Note they still have heads attached to shoulders, that’s a good indication they’ve adhered to the wishes of their god’s mouthpieces, not a sign of courage.

  • Snorri Godhi


    after all I lined up for the injections (two of them) and I knew perfectly well that they were toxic, I did not have the guts to “make a fuss” – after all I might have been removed from the council…

    Aren’t you too hard on yourself?
    I seem to remember that you had your injections because your doctor advised you that, given your age and conditions, the risk from covid out-weighted the risk from the injections.
    Maybe he was wrong, but can you blame yourself for trusting him?

  • Paul Marks

    Thank you Snorri – there is that. I have developed new health problems since the injections – but it is hard to prove that has been caused by the injections. As for Covid – people who had the injections still got the disease and still died from the disease – and still passed on the disease (so whatever the injections were – “vaccines” they were not), I was often exposed to Covid before I was injected – and yet never developed symptoms of the disease.

    Runcie – I can assure you that Muslims in Kettering and other English towns would NOT have been beheaded for not turning up to picnics and barbeques in local parks, they did not turn up out of fear, quite the contrary.

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