We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day – the fake climate consensus

We are told climate change is a crisis, and that there is an “overwhelming scientific consensus.”

“It’s a manufactured consensus,” says climate scientist Judith Curry in my new video. She says scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue “fame and fortune.”

She knows about that because she once spread alarm about climate change.

John Stossel

… which will come as a shock to no one here 😉

16 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – the fake climate consensus

  • Fraser Orr

    Something I have often said is this: when Big Oil funds a study supporting fracking it is dismissed because the sponsor benefits; when Big Pharam funds a study supporting the efficacy of a drug it is dismissed because the sponsor benefits; however when Big Government funds a study supporting climate change it is lauded despite the fact that it gives much more money and power to the sponsor.

    It is all part of the delusion that Government is somehow pure in its intentions and not subject to the usual agendas of the people who work there. How people can believe that given their every day experience is rather beyond me.

  • FrankS

    Judith Curry is a good scientist and a good person. She does still take Co2 rises as being of concern despite that gas having no previous as a big deal in influencing climate, but I think she is just being calmly cautious and that is forgiveable!

  • Stonyground

    Most scares seem to time themselves out naturally as the alleged problem either passes or people realise that it was never much of a problem in the first place. The climate panic has been maintained for decades now by governments and media marching in lockstep. The astronomical costs in both material wealth and personal freedoms are now such that actually admitting that the whole thing is completely made up isn’t really an option. There must surely come a point when the lies being told to maintain the delusion become so obvious that even the most gullible folk no longer believe them but I don’t see it happening any time soon.

  • Jacob

    There is some global warming… it might even be caused in part by CO2 emissions from human activity.
    But one thing is absolutely certain: solar panels and wind turbines are just snake oil. They are absolutely and definitely unable to provide our energy needs. The policies of paving over the earth with these useless black irons (panels) is useless and expensive and harmful to the environment. And 2.5 billions of these black irons have been already been deployed worldwide, as well as half a million giant, bird shredding turbines.
    This is absolutely insane.

  • Jacob

    The end result of this climate hysteria and the fight against “dirty” fossil fuel energy (the only one that works) will be a lack of energy. Without energy the world will perish. Or revert to pre-industrial levels of population and life quality (which is the same).
    The medicine is much worse than the ailment.

  • Paul Marks

    Fraser Orr – Big Pharma does, part, fund the agencies that regulate medical drugs, they have been doing that for 30 years. But sadly the words, and orders, of these government agencies are NOT dismissed – as they should be. The actions of these independent agencies have been terrible – they smeared Early Treatments for Covid, which could have saved so many lives, and they declared that the “vaccines” were “safe and effective” when they were not very effective and were certainly not safe.

    The international Corporate State of “Public-Private Partnership” (“Stakeholder Capitalism”) has show us its face – and its face is the the rotting faces of the corpses of its victims.

  • Paul Marks

    The people behind the Rio Conference of 1992 (such as David Rockefeller – but it was NOT just him, this is NOT some private project of one family) openly admitted they were using concern about C02 to push the international governance agenda they supported anyway – and had long supported. They also talked (again openly – no “conspiracy”) about how fear of pandemics could lead people to accept international governance

    What mattes to the international establishment (government and corporate) is not C02 emissions – what matters to them is world governance, that is what Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development goals, and all the rest of it, have always been about.

    If they were concerned about rising sea levels they, the international elite, would not spend millions on beach front homes – and they do. And if they were concerned about C02 emissions they would campaign against the People’s Republic of China and other Asian countries that have so massively increased (yes – increased) their C02 emissions – and they do not.

    And where is their massive campaign for nuclear power in the West? There is no such massive campaign. Instead they talk nonsense about Chinese made wind turbines and made solar cells, which are not relied upon in China as the main source of energy.

    Whatever this international campaign is really about – it is certainly not about reducing world C02 emissions, that is very clear.

  • Paul Marks

    Where are the protests outside Chinese embassies in the West about C02 emissions?

    Where are the demands from the Economist magazine (which says it is very concerned about C02) that Western countries not import goods from China? Importing goods from the People’s Republic of China and other Asian nations has led to a vast increase in C02 emissions (both in production and in transport).

    Whatever this international movement is really about, it is not really about C02 emissions. The lack of protests against China, and the policy of importing goods from China, makes that clear.

  • Dave Clemo

    I saw a meme earlier that summed it up:

    ‘97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them’

  • Paul Marks.

    We should expect some wild weather at this stage of the Sunspot cycle. But how much “warming” there is, is hard to know given the government and corporate habit of changing (“adjusting” – pretending the past was cooler than it was) data and just making up data – yes making up data. “It is much hotter in this part of Africa than it was a century ago – and we feed this into our global data to show that the world is getting warmer” – but you do not have data for this part of Africa from a century ago, “oh, we estimate it”.

    They say this without blushing, without apparent shame, such is “the science”.

    The “international community” follows American “science” – and the treatment of scientific data by official bodies in the United States is as honest as their election data, or their “Justice” system.

  • Paul Marks.

    Meanwhile in Montana – the court has ruled that C02 is “pollution” in a case brought by children (brainwashed victims of the “education” system).

    Lots of people cheering – seemingly unaware that without hydrocarbons they would freeze to death in a Montana winter.

    The education system is intellectually corrupted, the courts are a farce (when elections are rigged it is the people who complain, not the people who commit the election fraud, who are attacked by the courts), and the media cheers it all on.

    “There is a lot of ruin is a great nation” – yes but not an infinite amount of ruin, the United State of America is dying, and without America the rest of the West cannot stand.

  • jgh

    Seemingly unaware that children are not legal persons (or whatever the term is) and *cannot* bring court cases. It’s one of the definitional definitions of adulthood, being able to sue and be sued.

  • Snorri Godhi

    Judith Curry […] still take[s] Co2 rises as being of concern despite that gas having no previous as a big deal in influencing climate, but I think she is just being calmly cautious and that is forgiveable!

    Trying to reduce dependency on fossil fuels is not just forgivable: it is sensible.

    As long as one aims at Pareto optimality: a maximum reduction of fossil fuel consumption at a minimum cost.
    (NB: In this context, “cost” is not to be understood in strictly monetary terms.)

    The insanity of the “climate agenda” is that it aims at a minimum reduction in fossil fuel consumption at a maximum cost.

  • bobby b

    Re: ability of minors to sue – the lawsuit is typically brought by an adult acting on behalf of the minor. “Next friend” is the obscure legal term for this. The Montana lawsuit is structured in this manner, for those plaintiffs who were too young when it was filed. I’ve filed several lawsuits entitled, for example, “John Smith o/b/o his minor child Jack Smith.”

  • FrankS

    I would even entertain ‘reducing dependency on fossil fuels’ if the associated timescale was at least 200 years.