We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Blogger bash

noun. A party for bloggers; a blogger get-together.

(possibly coined by Perry de Havilland)


1. noun. A link to a specific article in the archives of a blog, which will remain valid after the article is no longer listed on the blog’s front page (i.e after it has archived).

2. noun. [Deprecated] A link in a blogroll (qv, sense 1).


abrev. Do Not Quote/Do Not Print. May be used in online correspondence, to clarify that these words/comments should not be posted on the other person’s blog.

(adapted by Gary Farber from common science fiction fandom usage)


1. noun. A list of links in the sidebar of a blog, often linking to other blogs. Also: blog roll.

2. . A blog link management system such as www.blogrolling.com

Also see: Sidebar links


noun. The totality of blogs; blogs as a community.

However, the term is sometimes used to mean the totality of just warblogs (qv), or pundit blogs (qv) rather than the entire blogosphere (qv).

Also see: blogosphere, blogiverse


noun. See blogosphere.


noun. Technically someone who uses their blog to write about their cats, but is mostly used to describe mundane Journal Blog (qv) content. Often used as an epithet but not always taken as one.

Also see: Journal Blog


noun. An education oriented blog. Also: Edublog


tr. verb. To have your blog mentioned on Slashdot.org.

Also see: Instapundited

Usage: “Omfug! Our hosting server has just used up the whole month’s bandwidth in the last 12 hours! We must have been slashdotted!”

Google bomb

verb. To intentionally insert words or phrases into as many blogs as possible to increase the ranking on the Google search engine. Held by some to be a form of ‘meme war’.

(coined by Adam Mathes)


verb. Looking up one’s own name in Google to check on its prominence. Also: e-googling or self-googling.

Old media

noun. Newspapers, magazines and major network television. Also see: Dead-tree media.