We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

And what happens next, after the cataclysmic labour government?

As I have often stated I am keen to see the ‘Conservative’ Party not just lose but be annihilated, I was asked the very reasonable question:

And what happens next, after the cataclysmic labour government?


The impending disaster as Labour dials all the Tory idiocy up to 11 is what will hopefully create the political space for an actual small-c conservative party, likely some messy mishmash of nationalists, classical liberals and old-school pre-woke former tribal labour supporters.

The not-very-ideological “tribal voters” (which face it is a large chunk of both Labour and Tory voters) will only be up for grabs when it become impossible to pretend the old tribes still exist. Most Tory tribal voters have got the message, and some Labour ones as well. The next few years will convince what remains.

It will be a ruinous, horrible intermediate period (in the Egyptian sense of the term). Close to nothing Labour does will make people’s lives better, and as Labour gets desperate, they will become ever more rapacious as they try to fund various doomed-from-the-start schemes (such as the nationalised energy company, which I imagine will quickly become the British Leyland of our time). As a result, many with movable assets will indeed move them and themselves elsewhere until it becomes clear how things will shake out in the medium to long term.

That is how I see it. No prizes for guessing what I am going to do during the ‘intermediate’ period.

26 comments to And what happens next, after the cataclysmic labour government?

  • Schrödinger's Dog

    What happens after the next Labour government?

    Cockroaches lunching on whatever remains of our civilisation, most likely.

  • Fred Z

    Don’t forget us poor tourists.

    Not one paltry, more or less useless Canadian penny of mine goes into the UK after Labour gets elected.

    It’s Florida for me.

  • Mr Ed

    I essentially agree. The last 14 years on Labour not being in office has not kept their policies from being implemented in all but the occasional incidence. The entire British State needs dismantling and turning from a lorry we have to pull to a cart we can push. There is no Milei on the British scene but he is a true Prester John for the 21st Century.

    We have already had the most evil manifestation of the British State in this Parliament, so Labour give me no fear, we must take Schadenfreude from our painful vindication. Socialism is slow-motion cannibalism:

  • Ferox

    I fear that none of us will live to see that painful vindication, unless you have readers on this site who still get sent to bed by their mothers.

    The Soviet Union took 80 years to run its full arc – 4 solid generations of suffering and misery. And even now there are still apologists who pine for the glories of the Soviet state.

    When you succeed in destroying the last opposition to full-blown leftism in your society (and I agree, the conservative alternatives to the radical woke left are shit, on both sides of the pond) you will have to be satisfied with knowing in your hearts that one day freedom might prevail – because we will all die in the long darkness that comes after.

  • WindyPants

    Sorry to piss on your chips even further, Ferox, but none of the states that emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union turned out to be small-state Shangri-las either.

    I can’t think of any country that has successfully unwound its big state tendencies – hence why Argentina is so important to the world right now.

  • Marius

    I am keen to see the ‘Conservative’ Party not just lose but be annihilated,

    It’s already looking like that’s not going to happen. A poll today shows the gap down to 12 percentage points. I remain certain the Tories will lose, but annihilation seems highly unlikely. Reform is hampered by the election timeline, is getting no publicity and no Farage. Tice lacks charisma and I couldn’t name another Reform candidate. I know people here and BTL on newspaper articles are keen to destroy the Tories but Conservative voters are conservative! ‘Better the devil you know” is as conservative a statement as you’ll find.

    On the Labour side, Starmer proudly declaring himself a socialist won’t have won over any floating voters to say the least. Times-reading former Tories with Long Brexit Derangement Syndrome will likely vote LibDem. Labour will also lose votes in Muslim rotten boroughs to Galloway’s nasty bunch.

    I suspect Starmer will end up with a modest majority or even have to team up with the LibDems. The latter situation could usher in a nicely-distracting row about Europe, although that might be wishful thinking….

  • Mr Ed


    The Soviet Union took 80 years to run its full arc –

    Yes, I was thinking about timelines when I posted above, but was undecided. Our decay timeline started in 1939 but has run at a much leas severe and harsh pace, so perhaps we have done two generations worth already and the Soviets had land and resources to play with and each other to eat, as happened in the Ukraine in the 1930s snd the siege of Leningrad. Perhaps our system will collapse more easily? Will pronouns matter in a famine?

    That’s optimism for you.

  • Discovered Joys

    It seems more likely that Labour in Government will be as useless as the Conservatives. MPs and their Party are figureheads for the SS Blob and only manage (poorly) to do what they are allowed to do. You can argue that Liz Truss and even Boris Johnson were defenestrated for trying to do something.

    Yes, Labour will pose and proclaim and make promises, but given the quality and inclinations of the people available will they be able to do anything beyond the equivalent of a fresh coat of paint? Red or blue, it makes no difference. The Socialist bogeyman is a paper tiger created by some sections of the media.

    And no, I’m probably not voting for either of the main parties.

  • Roué le Jour

    Discover Joys,
    Sadly I agree. We are simply being asked to select which group of deeply unpleasant people get the cushy sinecures. I suspect it will be “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss” business as usual.

    The government will continue to destroy the economy with net zero and society with mass immigration, policies which are by any rational assessment “enemy action.”

  • Barry Dixon

    The Tory Party deserve a kicking in the GE and then they may wake from the stupor of the last 20 years. But the madness that the Labour Party will inflict upon the UK will be unrecoverable, I fear. The destruction of the last vestiges of parliamentary sovereignty will be at the core of the assault that will take place under Browns blueprint of the removal of political autonomy and the strengthening of the managerial state.

  • APL

    “And what happens next, after the cataclysmic labour government?”

    That is the question you ask after fourteen years of cataclysmic ‘Tory’ government ?

    By the way, for the election, there are people who say ‘I’m not going to vote’. I disagree with that approach.

    My suggestion for Tories is to vote for the independent Conservative candidate in your constituency.

    Labour supporters who don’t want to vote for Keir Starmer, ( another no real world experience bureaucratic dud ), should likewise vote for alternative Labour candidates.

    I would like to see a rejection, both of the oligarch financed ‘think tank’ faction, and the oligarch financed W.E.F. faction.

    A pox on both their houses.

    N.B. I think it a sure fire bet, that the Tories have lost forever the ‘Red Wall’ converts that the W.E.F. ‘placeman’ Boris benefited from.

  • The Tory Party deserve a kicking in the GE and then they may wake from the stupor of the last 20 years.

    More likely that the Tory party in opposition will become even wetter and more like the Lib Dems / Labour than they are already. Can’t see that proposition being any more attractive to the electorate than the current lot.

    Tories delenda est!

    Vote Reform!

  • WindyPants

    The future direction of the Tories depends upon what rump survives the upcoming cull. Sadly, the safest seats haven’t been jam-packed with Laissez-Faire Cobdenites, Peelers, and neo-Thatcherites for years, so I suspect we’ll end up with more of the same.

    Tories Delenda Est.

    (and, yes, I am voting Reform)

  • lucklucky

    The Tories will even more leftist, the Labour will be like Argentina Peronism with decades in power or Trudeau like. It is what British people think they want and was build by the media and academia.

    Labour will be successful for their totalitarian proposes if they setup a paternalistic/fascistic government.

    You can only change that if you fight a cultural competition with high rates of non leftist production in arts, movies, TV series, media and academia. Without that Labour will win even if they are bad.

  • “You mean they actually vote for the lizards?”

    “Oh yes,” said Ford with a shrug, “of course.”

    “But,” said Arthur, going for the big one again, “why?”

    “Because if they didn’t vote for a lizard,” said Ford, “the wrong lizard might get in.”

    ― Douglas Adams, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  • Rocco

    This unconstrained vision for a plan to move forward reminds me a lot of a certain subset of the Left on this side of the pond who pine for the complete and utter destruction of the capitalist cisheteronormative patriarchal United States empire with the expectation that it will inevitably usher in a new and glorious utopia of socialism/communism/whatever-ism.

  • Martin

    The Tories have in the past always managed to rise back from bad times in the past. It has to be said though it course they often had much more inspired leadership, and leaders often caricatured as out of touch reactionaries were actually quite skilful at exploiting new electorates to the their advantage. Disraeli and especially Lord Salisbury imaginatively responded to early working enfranchisement through setting up organisations like the Primrose League and appealing to working class voters appalled at the puritanism and busybodying of Liberals. They also cleverly welcomed Liberal Unionists who rejected Gladstone’s Irish plans. Later under leaders like Stanley Baldwin the Tories were much better at attracting women voters in the early years of female suffrage than Labour or Liberals were. The Tories devoted a huge propaganda and organisational effort around this in the 1920s/30s.

    At present the Tories only seem to positively appeal to retired boomers. Everyone else is just told they should vote Tory despite the taxes, the mass immigration, the crime, the lockdowns, inflation and so on just because Labour will be worse. It’s completely uninspiring, and the outcome is now if polls are right the bloody Green party are more popular with under 50s than the Tories are. It seems worse for the Tories now than in 1997. Back then the Tories had a problem in that it’s membership had declined so badly the average member age was about 65. Today the problem is that their average voter age is probably getting close to 65 now! Even if they avoid zero seats this time, if all they do is keep appealing to the elderly they’ll eventually achieve zero seats through natural attrition.

    This article suggests young people on the right are utterly unimpressed with the Tories and even Reform comes across to many of them as Tory 2.0 (sadly that’s partly my impression of Reform too, or at least of Richard Tice. Candidates who are to the right of Tice get purged, while candidates who came from the Tories, Labour, Lib Dems* even get supported). They want something a lot more virile. This does give me some hope if these younger people can get good, brave, and based leadership.

    *The Reform candidate in my area, from what I’ve been able to find out, has ran and failed numerous times (and most recently just in 2022) for various council wards as a Lib Dem. It’s possible he’s had some damascene conversion but I can’t help suspect opportunism.

  • Fraser Orr

    That is how I see it. No prizes for guessing what I am going to do during the ‘intermediate’ period.

    I’m not sure I can guess, but I sure would like to know. Perhaps this comment reveals your plan?

    As a result, many with movable assets will indeed move them and themselves elsewhere until it becomes clear how things will shake out in the medium to long term.

    If so, I’d love to hear where you are going to do so, how and what the plan is. Although I live in a different country we have exactly the same problem here, and I’m very interested in any escape plans people might have that I can learn from.

  • Paul Marks

    What happens next after the disaster of a ultra “Woke” Labour government that will make present “cancel culture” look tame indeed. Dissent and “we will win in five years” will not happen – because it will not be allowed, dissent will be denounced and dissenters will be presented as monsters.

    Eventually total economic collapse will occur – but that will not produce a move towards liberty, Britain is not Argentina – Britain is a very ethnically divided society (and getting more so every day) – and when really bad times hit, ethnic-cultural groups turn on each other.

    I have seen what happens next – when I looked over the border into Syria or Lebanon (yes I have been to the border with both) – a chaotic and brutal state-of-affairs.

    Or Haiti right now, which I have not seen with my own eyes – only on television.

    It is very unfortunate that Britain will suffer first tyranny and then collapse and chaos – but there is little that one old man can do to stop it happening.

    A sad end for “this island story” as Churchill put it – but then he, eventually, had a sense it might end badly.

    Near the end of his life Winston Churchill said “I have achieved a great many things in my life” (he had held most of the great offices of state – including Prime Minister, and been a soldier and a writer and many other things) “only, in the end, to have achieved nothing at all” – Winston Churchill cared passionately about two things, the Empire – which he lived to see collapse, and the Nation – about which he was filled with foreboding, Churchill feared that the nation would also, eventually, collapse.

    Over the next few years this tragedy may occur.

  • APL

    Paul Marks: “ethnic-cultural groups turn on each other”.

    Not really sure which country you’ve been living in for the last forty years, Paul. But here are but two instances of the ‘low level’ ethnic strife, that has been introduced to this country during that time.

    “Over the next few years this tragedy may occur.”

    Missed the boat again.

  • Jon Mors

    I had assumed that Perry’s plans included copious amounts of wine and cheese.

    For myself, as I am in that unfortunate tax bracket where my marginal tax is 60%, I have seriously considered going down to 4 days a week. More generally, working less is one of the few powerful options that individuals have.

    I consider it too late for myself, being past 40, but I’ll do my best to ensure my children have some options, including acquiring citizenship for them in other jurisdictions (they could potentially get up to two additional ones).

    I am also intending to buy some more crypto, but on a self custody basis, to hand over to them, and as a reserve in case fleeing the country becomes necessary in a real sense.

    I shall also invest in more wine and cheese.


  • Mary Contrary

    Of course it will get much worse under Labour.

    It would get much worse than it is today under the Tories too, if they manage to cling on to power. The issue isn’t whether it’s going to get worse before it gets better, but whether there is any route at all to things getting better. And I agree with Perry, the only route lies through the destruction of the Tory Party, with all the pain that will accompany the Labour ascendency, because the Tories are the ones standing in the way.

  • I had assumed that Perry’s plans included copious amounts of wine and cheese.


  • Paul Marks

    As I have just said on another thread…

    The Labour party is controlled by experts on “Human Rights Law” and in the Orwellian times in which we live “Human Rights Law” means the crushing of liberty and the unlimited power of officials and judges (on an international scale).

    The level of censorship and “cancel culture” will vastly increase – what is to come will make the United Kingdom as it is now look like a free country (yes things really will get so much worse that it will make the present situation look like liberty by comparison).

    And with the de facto criminalising of dissent and the total control of the education system and media, total control by highly intelligent people who are experts in scientific indoctrination, there will be no return from what is coming.

    Yes, of course, eventually the new political system will collapse due to economic collapse – but the knowledge that this collapse (and the horrors it will bring) will occur is certainly not a comfort.

    If people can leave (if they have the financial resources to live elsewhere) they should leave – the question is where can people go?

  • Mr Ed

    “Human Rights Law” means the crushing of liberty and the unlimited power of officials and judges

    Come now, it is all about balancing competing principles and proportionality. You might be a heart attack patient on the way to hospital, in an ambulance on a road blocked by protestors. There is a balance to be struck between your peaceful enjoyment of the right to pass on the King’s highway and the due respect for the right to protest, in a pluralist democratic society, so if the police ignore the law regarding obstructing the highway, and leave you to die by refusing to remove protestors, at least a balance has been struck between the competing rights.

  • lucklucky

    Anyone can protest not denying other people rights. Blocking an highway is denying other people rights. Is in fact not protesting but aggression.

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