We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day – climate alarmism edition

“Really, think about this: A 4.6 billion-year-old planet with an 8000-mile diameter, with a molten core (heat, etc.), with an atmosphere that is only 50 miles/240,000ft thick (being rather generous), that orbits a star only 93 million miles away with 330,000 times the earth’s mass and that emits enough radiation to burn your naked ass in 30 minutes, is having its weather unalterably changed over the course of the next 5/10/15 years (whatever it is now) by the presence of a weak greenhouse gas, CO2, that happens to now be at its lowest level in damn near the entire history of the planet — a history punctuated by global glaciations while that weak greenhouse gas was far higher than it is now — and that also happens to be the basis of plant life (and therefore atmospheric oxygen), a gas whose greenhouse effect is dwarfed by that of water vapor (on a planet with a surface area that consists of 70% water), and that geologically is currently in an interglacial period. The models that generated this political bullshit have predicted nothing correctly — not sea level change, polar ice cover, or weather.”

Mark Rippetoe. Mr Rippetoe is a strength training coach, based in Wichita Falls, Texas, and a pioneering figure in what is called barbell weight training. (Full disclosure: I use his methods and have got results.) Here he is in full Texan “growl” mode here. He’s also, in my view, very funny and a real character. We need more like him.

22 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – climate alarmism edition

  • APL

    Looking around the planet, where there are ample examples of advanced construction that is now well below sea level, one might come to the conclusion that global warming has already happened. If you discount the idea that the alarmists are making huge wedge from the global warming terror, the kindest thing one might accuse them of is suffering from some sort of ancient race trauma as a result of global warming that happened fifty thousand years ago. That is they are mentally ill.

    Otherwise, the whole thing is just graft on a massive scale.

  • Disillusionist

    “Otherwise, the whole thing is just graft on a massive scale.”

    This cannot be emphasized enough. It’s even been said out loud on multiple occasions by those who are pushing it.

    It also cannot be overstated that we are currently in an interglacial period. Pray that it doesn’t come to an end soon.

  • Paul Marks.

    It is the inconsistences that are striking – for example China produces vastly more CO2 than anyone else, yet there are no mass protests outside the Chinese embassy.

    Also the very people who most say they are most passionately against CO2 emissions are passionately against nuclear power. Yes – AGAINST nuclear power.

    And when one looks into the background of both the elite people pushing this agenda (Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and all the rest) and of the people actually in control of such groups as Extinction Rebellion – one finds that they have other motivations. It is NOT really “graft” – neither the elite or the activists are really motivated by money. They want a new society – in short what motivates these people is not money (they are mostly very well off) – what motivates them is the desire for POWER.

    They may differ on what sort of new society they want, for example the person who inspires Extinction Rebellion has sexual obsessions that I rather doubt that Klaus Schwab shares – but on one thing both the elite and the activists are united, what is left of liberty must be destroyed. A Collectivist society, they passionately believe, must replace what is left of liberty.

  • APL

    It is NOT really “graft”

    graft noun (INFLUENCE)

    [ U ] mainly US
    the act of getting money or advantage through the dishonest use of political power and influence:

    After forty years of the Global warming / climate change fraud, they may not, now be motivated by money. Because they’ve already skimmed loads of it away. The money they skimming off now, is used to buy influence and promote the fraud. No Western institution has been able to withstand it.

    Academia has been utterly corrupted, an early indication of such was the UEA scandal.

    So, no, Paul Marks, it is about money, because money buys influence.

    By the way, Extinction Rebellion, and Insulate Britain are instruments of CIA and or MI5. Didn’t you notice how these so called ‘activists’ stopped their activism when the government wanted everyone confined to their homes? Of note too, not one instance of Islamic terror between April 2020 and the end of Lockdown.

  • FrankS

    Good for Mark Rippetoe. He’s getting there on climate variation. Oh how I wish for more to follow his example and think things through for themselves about this disgraceful and degrading climate scaremongering.

  • JohnK

    People used to say that if “they” could tax the air we breathe, they would.

    Well now, “they” have found a way to do just that.

    As ever, the little people pay.

  • Bruce

    At the very core of this caper is the concept of “right-sizing” the global human population.

    Put simply, it is a DEATH CULT, but one that the demise of hundreds of millions of “less-desirables / wrong-thinkers / useless eaters” as their PRIME DIRECTIVE.

    Think: the Khmer Rouge with bio-weapons and such, ON A GLOBAL SCALE.

  • Paul Marks.

    This is about power and control – it is not about the environment.

  • David

    It seems the recent warming may be partially affected by a volcano that erupted around the end of 2021. As Wikipedia puts it ” In contrast, during the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption this sulfur was accompanied by large amounts of water vapour, which by acting as a greenhouse gas overrode the aerosol effect and caused a net warming of the climate system.” from Hunga Tunga.

    Yet water vapour is normally poo poo’d as as a greenhouse gas normally even though it has the same potency as co2 and is present in 100x the quantity in the atmosphere. Something doesn’t add up…

  • Y. Knott

    “In contrast, during the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai eruption this sulfur was accompanied by large amounts of water vapour…”

    – According to WattsUpWithThat, a significant amount of water vapour – up to 150 trillion tons of it.

  • Paul Marks.

    Climate is mainly about solar cycles – but, yes, other factors can be important. Sadly this international campaign is not about honest science and sincere concern for the environment. The ordinary “foot soldiers” may be sincere, but the elite in control are not – as we can see from their private jets and their spending of many millions on houses at beach level (if they really thought the seas were going to rise they would not do that).

    This international campaign is about power and control – by a small elite, over everyone else.

  • Stonyground

    Isn’t the problem the fact that socialism was so thoroughly discredited during the last half of the twentieth century. Those that still believe in it, in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence, had to find a new way to justify it. Evil capitalists are wrecking the planet, yeah that’s the ticket.

  • JJM

    This international campaign is about power and control – by a small elite, over everyone else.

    There is no international campaign, only a Western simulacrum of one. In case John Kerry et al. haven’t quite noticed, a good chunk of the global community – including Russia, China and India – simply aren’t playing this silly game and aren’t going to be told what they can and cannot do.

    In the run-up to its pompous Summit of the Future, the UN blathers on about forging “a new global consensus” and “global governance”, terms that imply some sort of world authority with sovereign powers to “do things”. This is an entirely delusional perspective. Despite all the high-blown international rhetoric and conceit, sovereignty to act rests with nations, who will inevitably always act in what they perceive as their own interests first.

  • Fraser Orr

    @Y. Knott
    – According to WattsUpWithThat, a significant amount of water vapour – up to 150 trillion tons of it.

    And the reason why? Because it is 150m below the ocean surface, so all the volcanic ejecta must push through a HUGE water column, evaporating it, and carrying it high into the atmosphere. I have read estimates as high as a 13% increase in water vapor in the Mesosphere, which is absolutely massive. The dishonesty of anyone in climate science claiming that the current weather anomaly is due to CAGW is staggering.

  • Paul Marks.

    JJM – you have good point, the Collectivist Western elite assumed that they were the world, but that is not so.

    For example, the People’s Republic of China pretends to obey Dr Klaus Schwab and his son (and so on) – but they do really do obey them. I suspect that when the mega rich Collectivists of the West, William “Bill” Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Dr Schwab himself and all the rest, are no longer useful to the People’s Republic of China (useful for helping undermine what little is left of liberty in the West), the PRC will use them for dog food – and, I must confess that I find it very difficult to care.

  • Paul Marks.

    Stonyground did you not get the Hollywood memo? Socialism did not fail – the problem was “Russians”, indeed Putin’s agents destroyed the noble Collectivist society of the Stone Age (that supposedly existed – no such egalitarian society really existed, but the Western “educated” believe that it did), introducing private property, “Patriarchy”, inequality, unnatural bronze weapons, and the exploitation of horses.

    A noble society is like that of the television show “FROM” – no one growing food or producing manufactured goods or trading, instead people live by plundering new arrivals, with the only person to object being a crop haired young man, no doubt a Christian White Supremacist and agent of Putin!

    This all makes perfect sense to the “educated”.

  • Paul Marks.

    JJM – by the way, if you judged by English language television news stations, all the nations of the world are on the same page – with the same tied dishonest leftist propaganda on all stations whether they Turkish or Indian, American or French – but I suspect these television stations represent a small international class, who are less powerful than they think they are.

    For example, I just turned off Turkish English language news as they described the Christian Democrat candidate for President of Guatemala as a “conservative” (she is not – she is just less left wing than the candidate the international creatures, such as the Economist magazine, are supporting).

    French English language news pretends that the President of Colombia is the “fist leftist President” – he is a leftist, but far from the first leftist they have had. There have been many leftist Presidents of Colombia since at least the 1930s.

    This is one of the things I find irritating – the constant lying, not just by the media, but also by the education system.

  • Paul Marks.

    If you oppose the international “Woke” Corporate State, with its DEI and ESG (and its Credit Money – which is what creates this concentration of economic power), it just means you dislike Larry Fink (BlackRock) as a person, and are an Anti-Semite – the Economist magazine says so.

  • george m weinberg

    150 trillion tons sounds absurdly high, and it is. The Wikepedia article link says 146 million tons, still a lot but a factor of 1 million lower. The footnote says 146 teragrams, so I’m guessing WattsUpWithThat confused grams with tons.

  • Fraser Orr

    @george m weinberg
    150 trillion tons sounds absurdly high, and it is. The Wikepedia article link says 146 million tons, still a lot but a factor of 1 million lower. The footnote says 146 teragrams, so I’m guessing WattsUpWithThat confused grams with tons.

    The caldera of the volcano was about 3km wide on average, and it was 150m deep. That means the water immediately atop it contained just over four trillion cubic meters of water. No doubt in the actual explosion it would have ballooned out and taken more than the direct water. By my math that is about 4 billion tons of water. Probably double that for the ballooning effect, though no doubt not all the water ended up in the atmosphere. Not a trillion tons, but a LOT of water.

    According to this (which is perhaps a bit dubious, but the best I could find in a quick google search) there is about 100 billion tons of water in all the clouds in all the earth’s atmosphere.

    Please check my math.

  • The Pedant-General

    It’s 4 billion – not trillion – cubic metres, but otherwise yes: your 4 billions tons is correct

  • FrankS

    Here is an article on the history of climate during the time of humans. A good way to put things in perspective, and of course the author strongly rejects climate catastrophism as any honest person would who has studied the topic: