We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

This story is not alone. Elsewhere it was reported this week that ‘one in eight Swedish women will be raped in their lifetimes’. Never mind the dubious use of the future tense in this headline, when it comes to stories about rape in Sweden, beware ‘fake truths’. Sweden already has the second highest incidence of rape in the world – another actual fact – but this is because it has one of the broadest definitions of rape and most meticulous method of investigating it and correlating related statistics. Sweden has consequently one of the lowest conviction rates of rape in Europe – another fact thrown about with much alarm by people such as Naomi Klein – but this isn’t something we should be unduly concerned about. It’s a reflection, paradoxically, of just how seriously Sweden takes the crime of rape.

Patrick West

16 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • PapayaSF

    Not seriously enough to stop importing rapists….

  • terence patrick hewett

    We still have the brains of the hunter-gatherer and we respond as the hunter-gatherer. In 2017 134 university undergraduates committed suicide in the UK and it is a function of a total breakdown of a broader society: a primary educational system that protects children from the realities of life and then throws them into a university system which expects (rightly) that they stand on their own feet. And they are woefully unprepared for both life and academe.

  • Laird

    “In short, here’s a rule: facts don’t always translate into truths. And that’s a fact.”

    Well said. It’s a variant on lying with statistics.

  • James Strong

    What are the broad and narrow definitions of rape?
    I would have thought it’s a pretty simple matter to define it.

  • Alisa

    What are the broad and narrow definitions of rape?
    I would have thought it’s a pretty simple matter to define it.

    The broad definition: if you are a white heterosexual male who has a pulse, you are guilty of rape. The narrow one is what we want it to be in any particular instance.

  • Alisa

    That said, I still suggest the above link, it is instructive.

  • James, the definition is not always so simple when the two parties know each other. That said, the point the article is making is that because the Swedish legal definition of rape is so much wider than it is elsewhere, trumpeting the number of rape accusations there can be very misleading when writing for a foreign audience. And whilst not factually incorrect, one is not comparing like with like, and sometimes that is done to suit a certain narrative.

  • Paul Marks

    The fact remains that rape (real rape) is increasingly common in Sweden. And the reaction of the left-establishment is that Swedish women must change the way they dress and behave – no looking men in the eyes and so on.

    Why should Swedish women adopt Islamic culture if they do not wish to do so? Why does Sweden have to become a third world country? Why can Sweden not stay Swedish?

    At least the left know what they are doing – they hate the West (fanatically) and will do anything (anything at all – even import the barbarians) to destroy the West – once the left thought that burning the West would lead to the birth of a wonderful new society from the ashes of Western Civilisation, but now I think the left just want to destroy for the sake of destroying. It is those libertarians who bleat about free migration without worrying their heads about the consequences of opening the town gates, that are baffling – they do not want to destroy the West (as the left do), but they advocate the open borders (open the town gates) policy of the left, without checking who is waiting to come in.

    Look at old villages in the Balkans and southern Italy – the old defensive walls and so on. No state ordered the building of these defences – villagers built them themselves. Who were they defending against? A thousand years of European history, a history well known to Gladstone and Winston Churchill, has been shoved down the Memory Hole.

  • The fact remains that rape (real rape) is increasingly common in Sweden

    But that is NOT the point being made, so… so what? Yes, rape in increasingly common in Sweden, and without a doubt that is primarily for the reasons you think. But is Sweden the ‘rape capital of the world’ as is so often said by folk on the right? Well not really once you use a narrower non-3rd wave feminist definition of rape… That is what this is about, taking ‘facts’ and using them to muddy the waters. The left pulls this sort of trick all the time, but then so does Mark Stein et al.

    At least the left know what they are doing – they hate the West (fanatically) and will do anything…

    Yea, Paul, I agree. But so what? That is not what *this* is about. Not every comment needs to make this sort of observation as its not always relevant.

  • I’d be interested to see where Sweden stacks up using the “narrower non-3rd wave feminist definition of rape.” Does such data exist?

  • Mr West’s reasoning exhibits a basic flaw.

    It is a completely inevitable consequence of the power of SJW intersectionality in Sweden that the country will simultaneously:

    a) have a very broad ‘definition’ of the word ‘rape’ (and will sometimes use it when the accused is a white male),

    b) show a Rotherham-like incompetence when investigating acts that are defined as ‘rape’ in the Book of Deuteronomy and newer legal writings but whose perpetrators are more intersectional.

    I commented a while back about the Swedish police not issuing descriptions of suspects (to avoid committing disparate-impact racism in the statistics of their descriptions) and posted (as a mere aside to another matter) that a girl who reports rape by an immigrant can wait well over a month for the police even to interview her (same link as Alisa’s above).

    If Mr West has any evidence to cast doubt on the numerous reports of the Swedish police being both PC and overwhelmed, that would at least be an argument. But a ridiculously expansive re-definition of rape and a despicable indifference to just those crimes that fit the older definition are not in the least contradictory. It is absurd to offer the one as an argument against believing the other. (Who doubts the Rotherham councillors were woke in their public pronouncements and definitions?)

    So, while I can very well believe that, as a literal statement about numbers, the phrase ‘rape capital’ needs to be qualified, the implications of Mr West’s reasoning are at least as near being fake news. (Statistically, a too-expansive definition used against native accused in the past would combine with too-restrictive pursuit of recently-arrived accused in the present to understate the rate of increase.)

  • Eric

    It’s difficult to know exactly what’s going on in Sweden because the government refuses to keep the relevant statistics, and the statistics they do keep are suspect. Governments all over Europe are fudging the numbers in part because high crime rates make them look bad and in part because they don’t want to alarm the people. That would make the immigration project more difficult to continue.

  • Flubber

    ” but now I think the left just want to destroy for the sake of destroying”

    And it will take them with it.

    Its the ultimate murder-suicide.

  • PapayaSF

    It’s difficult to know exactly what’s going on in Sweden because the government refuses to keep the relevant statistics

    Which should tell you exactly what is going on.

  • the other rob

    Elsewhere, some of us have been jokingly comparing “New Rape” to “New Coke”, while simultaneously making astute observations about the untethering of words from definitions.

    It’s gallows humor, but that’s the only kind that you get in certain walks of life.