We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Weirdest father-daughter relationship ever

Hrm. Sorry to plunge you all into the bizarre depths of DailyKos twice in the space of a week, but some of the goings on there are quite amusing. If I was a psychologist, I would say professionally intriguing. Take DailyKos commenter “CheChe” and the – erm – unusual relationship he appears to have with his daughter. Here’s an excerpt from his post, which is so tragi-comic it is hard not to laugh out loud when reading it:

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago.

I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the Senate Republicans want to drain the treasury in order to give every American a $100 check. I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult – the rage and feelings of helplessnes were just too much. I think my daughter could tell something was wrong. I found myself at such a loss for words – nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore. I finally had to admit, “Honey, I just don’t know – I don’t know what’s going on in this country anymore…”

When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, “Daddy” she said, “why are the Republicans doing this to the country?” Well, that was it for me: I finally fell apart. She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.

Er…right. How old is this child? Does she even know what $100 is worth? Of course, the policy itself is utterly ridiculous, but that’s hardly the point.

Now, there is something really odd about this CheChe character’s comments. He takes the exact same wordage from a previous comment he wrote relaying his daughter’s earlier misery, and then superimposes another Kos talking point as the source of his little girl’s current terror and sadness to create a new saga:

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago. She just couldn’t understand why the President would be spying on everyone. “Even my Grandma?” she asked pitifully. […] When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, “Daddy” she said, “why are the Republicans doing this to the country?” Well, that was it for me: I finally fell apart. She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.

They have a lot of these kinds of chats; here’s another. Same scenario, different bogeyman:

I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago. She just couldn’t understand why the President would be going to Iraq when so many things are wrong in this country. “Doesn’t Mr. Bush care about us anymore?” she asked pitifully.

I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the President seems to be abandoning his country. “Honey, I think his boss, Mr. Rove, sent Mr. Bush out of the country in order to keep himself out of the newspapers. You see, he wasn’t sure if he was going to be arrested today or not, and so he planned Mr. Bush’s trip ahead of time just in case…”

And so on. By now, most would have twigged to the fact that this CheChe fellow might be playing a little jape on the Kos kids. But no. Check out the number of people who “recommended” one of his posts (26), versus those who pointed him out as a troll (2). It is amazing that these plainly fictional tales of crocodile-tear woe hold currency with parts of the American left. To be fair, some people on the thread pointed out CheChe as a rather obvious fraud. His subsequent denial was true to form and hilarious:

I’m simply not going to apologize for loving and comforting my daughter. […] There’s just not enough time to always be writing a new story each and every time something happens, and since this is what happened, it seems fair. Since we lost her mother there hasn’t been a lot of free time around here.


(Hat tip: Zoe Brain)

25 comments to Weirdest father-daughter relationship ever

  • rosignol

    It is amazing that these plainly fictional tales of crocodile-tear woe have currency with parts of the American left.

    No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
    — Henry Mencken

  • Chris Harper


    It really is just another demonstration of how callous the right can be that you don’t empathise with the heartfelt sorrow of this thoughtful and caring father and his delightful daughter.

  • No, no, a thousand times no. You miss the point. Clearly, Cheche is a pedophile, crying out for our help. Or at least a bad father — hey, he’s male, what more do you want? So his daughter must be seized rescued from his clutches, and placed with her mother a loving foster home, where the state can provide her with abuse far superior to that she would receive from any loving parent.

  • This came up on The Devil’s Kitchen last week. I put my money on him being a very clever troll, and his subsequent denial all part of the act. Nobody could write tosh like that in seriousness, could they?

  • Lee

    Did you know there is a book under one side of Che squared’s monitor so he can type with his head compassionately tilted?

  • RAB

    CheChe, lovely moniker.
    Arouses thoughts in all of us of the long dead scrote and 60’s poster boy.
    Could even be a pun on Chi Chi the giant panda that so famously refused to procreate , it had no offspring at all!
    Me? Well I think this guy is a gay Republican, with a great sense of humour!

  • nic

    Perhaps Verity has gone into deep cover with the Kos crowd:)

  • W. E. Messamore

    I’m beginning to notice a pattern here.

  • RAB

    What are you implying W E Wessamore !
    That the Democrat party are crybabies???
    Sob whine surely not.
    They are heroes who will gladly stand behind anyone who is in front of them (especially in cases of civil disturbance).

  • If I had a daughter and told her the Republicans were giving everyone a $100 check, she’d probably ask me to get her a new bike when my check comes in.

    Hmmm…$100 times almost 300 million is $30 billion. The budget is almost $2 trillion. Yeah, that’s a really big cut.

  • That guy should read this essay, “Global Problems Are Too Big for Little Kids”, by Stephen Hicks: http://www.stephenhicks.org/global_problems.php

  • Since we lost her mother there hasn’t been a lot of free time around here.

    Presumably, the Repulicans got ‘er.

  • Jake

    Jimmy Carter used to pull the same stunt with his daughter while he was President.

  • She didn’t lose her mother. The mother’s simply temporarily misplaced, probably buried under a mountain of hooey.

  • Uain

    I recall back in the 1980’s when during the Imperial Reign of Ronaldus Maximus, loving and oh so caring left wing nutters would constantly tell their children that the bad old republicans wanted to start a nuclear war with the peace-loving Soviet Socialist empire. I recall how these nut cases even wanted their concern (for the children) to be taught in all public schools, etc, etc,..

    …then they wondered why their children were having “nuclear nightmares”……

  • Kim du Toit

    Funniest. Troll. Ever.

  • I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look of misery and dejection on the face of my daughter as I just did a moment ago.

    I sat down with her on the sofa and (as calmly as I could) tried to explain to her why the Democrats want to immediately pull the troops from Iraq and leave chaos and violence behind, dooming Iraq to fail and punishing the good Iraqis who want our support. I tried to keep my voice steady, but it became increasingly difficult – the rage and feelings of helplessnes were just too much. I think my daughter could tell something was wrong. I found myself at such a loss for words – nothing made any sense; nothing makes sense anymore. I finally had to admit, “Honey, I just don’t know – I don’t know what’s going on in this country anymore…”

    When I finished her lower lip started to tremble and her eyes began to fill with tears, “Daddy” she said, “why do the Democrats hate freedom loving people and those who are willing to fight for them?” Well, that was it for me: I finally fell apart. She just fell into my arms and we both began sobbing for several minutes.


    Copy, paste, and save this little troll vignette and use it freely for whatever political point you want to make.


    Since we lost her mother there hasn’t been a lot of free time around here.

    Apparently there’s enough time for Dad to sit around reading KrazyKos, getting himself all worked up into foaming at the mouth, and posting on comment boards. If it were just him and his daughter, he wouldn’t have time to fart around on the computer.


    Notice the tone of the story and the followup comment “since Mom’s dead/gone.” It’s typical Democrat: since we’re victims, and we have suffered, you have no right to criticize our ideas or engage in debate…you heartless bastard.


    Child abuse! Children need to see their world as safe and predictable. Once they have the capacity for abstract thought, in mid adolescence at the earliest, they can start thinking in a way that doesn’t threaten their basic sense of personal security.

    Call Social Services! This dad’s an abusive idiot making a neurotic monster to unleash on the world.

    He’d do better to shut his yap and sign her up for soccer.

  • You guys are a little late on this: as Tim Newman points out, I picked it up a week ago…


  • Um…that’s great. Were you expecting some kind of prize?

  • Yes, please. A bit bowl of jelly and a coconut would be spot on, cheers.


  • Done! For making the most pointless comment on the thread, you are awarded…a big bowl of jelly and a coconut!

    How d’ya feel???

  • Cheers, James, I feel good.

    Yup, pointless comments are amusing. And, of course, when one writes one’s own blog rather than piggy-backing off other people’s hard work, one is always looking for links (although, let’s face it, I don’t do badly).

    Y’know, it kinda feels good at this end, you irritating little tit.


  • anna

    well iwill write a short story on my relation ship with my father well he resemble s prnce william ans sometimes george micheal behaves like me and talk like his father
    tha is not a poem but a story about me and my father
    we had spent nearlly 5 years together that is how my life started he wished isould have been a better looking kid and should have the coloe of his hair well ididnot know what he was trying to do no not child abuse but sometimes child abiuse is not physical it is when you grow up you call it mental torture through outvthe day you are watching him screaming and when he is happy making plans for women so you know the daughter started behavinh like a wife of his father and start getting jealous iof her mother so all the toime she is standing in front ofth mirror and check her private parts and waiting whaen her fatyher will released his pressure through anger so it is not desperation but choild ois a chid write it again l

  • Penny Dreadful

    A commenter responds:

    “That story sounded so familiar – sort of like the same story you told April 19
    but even more like the one on April 27

    Do you and your daughter really spend so much time crying on the sofa over the state of the country?
    (Not that the state of the country doesn’t warrant some tears.)”

    IOW, this sounds like it was a troll and the commenters recognized it as such.

    They really aren’t crazy. But I suspect you know that.

  • Penny Dreadful

    Other commenters busted that guy as a fraud, as you will notice from the replies. If you’re going to cherry-pick comments, please be careful.