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The UN gets its priorities right

Let me see. If I was going to criticise the government of Cambodia for something, what would I choose? It’s obvious, really. From the BBC

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has been named the biggest smoker among world leaders.
The United Nations has appealed to him to quit the habit, and after several failed attempts he said he was ready to try once again.

(Link via The Gweilo Diaries).

4 comments to The UN gets its priorities right

  • René

    Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen should stop smoking, he might die before his time. A vise move by the UN – lets keep Prime Minister Hun Sen with us for the longest time possible.

  • Chris Josephson

    Good grief. I went to the BBC article and saw this:
    “Cambodia has still not signed the UN Framework Convention for Tobacco Control …”

    Imagine all the money spent (meetings, studies, etc.) on the Tobacco Control Convention! There are places in the world that still don’t have easy (or any) access to clean drinking water, and the UN wastes its time and money on this!!

  • Of course no condemnation from the UN of Hun Sen for the way he unconstitutionally seized power by driving out his co-premier a few years back. Even though the UN wrote that constitution in the first place!

  • This would be amusing if it were not merely sickening.