We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Bitten on the arse!

Just under a year ago, the Prime Minister’s wife Cherie Blair expressed her sympathy with the plight of ‘suicide bombers’:

Speaking at a charity event in London, Mrs Blair said young Palestinians felt they had “no hope” but to blow themselves up.

Her steaming pile of wisdom was delivered just hours after one of them had murdered 19 Israelis.

But that was then. This is now:

The prime minister’s wife Cherie Blair was forced to pull out of a London charity event following the threat of a suicide bomb attack.

Assuming the threat was genuine, it looks like Mrs.Blair’s outreach exercise was a waste of time.

3 comments to Bitten on the arse!

  • My guess is that the threat was a hoax. It doesn’t seem to be suicide bomber style to issue warnings in advance of their attacks.

    I look forward to Cherie’s comments on the recent attack in Israel: “It is so tragic that British citizens from comfortable middle-class backgrounds felt they had no hope but to travel hundreds of miles in order to blow up a nightclub”.

  • Just shows what kind of stuff she’s made of, doesn’t it !!

  • MLD

    Why is it that the Cherie Blairites of the world never look at the other ‘root’ causes of why people might choose to blow themselves up and kill innocents in the process? Hate-mongering and preaching and funding of terror by some very wealthy individuals indeed (see House of Saud princes and parts of the Pakistani military establishment with their semi-feudal powers) ?

    What she doesn’t understand is that the suicide bombers have not lost hope; they are full of hope that murderous rage directed at the enemy will lead to ‘victory’.

    Would she pull a Fisk in this situation and blame the bomb threat on her husband’s recent policies? A peace protestor who has lost all hope, poor thing….