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The sadness of being correct

Before the war started I made the comment there might well be more media casualties in this war than are usual. I must admit I did not expect the media guys would be running a close second to the soldiers for death by enemy fire. It must be an historical first.

I’m fairly sure they will soon fall well behind the soldiers in this sad statistic. Even so, the total butchers bill has been incredibly low all around. I would like it to stay that way but the only thing one can say about the fortunes of war is that they are unknowable.

My condolences to all those brave (and sometimes foolhardy) journalists running about an extremely dangerous Iraq.

1 comment to The sadness of being correct

  • Elizabeth

    I also send my condolences to the families of everyone who has been lost during this war.

    Consciously I am not glued to the tv for coverage, but I do understand some of the journalists were murdered in a suicide bomb in a vehicle in northern Iraq.
    All jouralists need to remember what happened to Danny Pearl and recognize that there are elements to those who do not value life – in this war. They are not safe like the first Gulf War.
    These journalists are doing my dream job though and I commend them for their bravery and dedication to their work.