We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

My mother’s maiden name is g@tfu11

After periodic, and if the truth be known, inevitable paedophile scandals in Britain of the sort that occurs in every school system in the world, checks on the backgrounds of teachers have been stepped up and made more rigorous. No problem there as if someone has a history of paedophile activities, it is entirely reasonable that a potential educational employer should want to discover that.

But then why does the state insist that as part of this information gathering process, that the prospective teacher reveals their banking details and how to access their secure password to get at their financial details?

It is because the Panopticon state regards privacy as in and of itself a cause for suspicion.

3 comments to My mother’s maiden name is g@tfu11

  • You forget the “4” Perry. Your mother’s maiden name is 4g@tfu11

  • Obviously he forgot.
    Now to a point [well actually I made my one point for the day earlier so this may only be half a point].

    Governments like to go too far when they think they can get away with it and nobody’s looking. Of course, somebody is always looking, but whether that person has a loud enough voice is usually decided in the negative.

    And whether that person has the time or inclination to go after something that appears on the face of it to be harmless and, in fact, downright sensical is also decidely negative.

    What disturbs me about this apparent revelation from Perry is that only now are padeophiles being rooted out of the British school system. I know this isn’t a catholic [small and big C] institution so what gives with that????

  • Chris T Davison

    Can you tell me my mothers maiden name?