We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

And you thought the Guardian was bad?

Then you clearly have not been exposed to the Daily Mirror.

They call it an editorial. I call it a vomit-inducing hagiography, the final paragraph of which has the capacity to keep you awake at nights like the trauma of a mugging:

“It was a magnificent speech from a man who is rapidly becoming the greatest figure in world politics, second only, perhaps, to Nelson Mandela.”

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to who is number 3 on their list? Personally, I shudder to think.

8 comments to And you thought the Guardian was bad?

  • ROTFLMAO! That’s great. Had me going right ’til the last couple of paragraphs. A Classic.

  • Hmm…. the third? Hard to say–I’m divided between Saddam Hussein and Jiang Zemin…

  • Walter E. Wallis

    Clinton may be a great speaker, but he can’t hold a candle to Gore.

  • Randall May

    Someone said that if you try to teach a pig to sign you not only waste your time but you annoy the pig. Clinton as the greatest figure in world politics? Go figure.

  • Think they were passing the bong around?
    Definite Group psychosis–one is reminded of Germans in 1938 listening avidly to Der Fuhrer, who was before Der Slickster.
    #3 would have to be either Yasser Arafat, that Finsbury Park mullah with the hook hand and one eye missing–someone on line calls him Captain Hook, or Osama himself, surely.
    David, PLEASE tell me: Do “thinking people” in Britain read these pieces in the Mirror?
    I thought most Brits (men) bought them for the tit pix on Page 3…

  • Simon Williams

    The Sun has the tit pics.The Mirror stopped them years ago.But no-one’s buying the Mirror anymore, possibly because it’s full of tripe like that

  • Warmongering Lunatic

    “He was more idealistic and visionary than during his presidency”

    Well, sure. Now he doesn’t have to explain away sex scandals or mention all 30 poll-tested programs during a State of the Union. All he needs to do now is to smoothly deliver speeches taliored by speechwriters to appeal to the chattering class left. That accomplished, the Great Seducer can add entire rooms of lefties to his list of conquests.

  • Eric Tavenner

    Hmm, Number three. Based on the article I would guess that the Mirror would pick either Joe Stalin or Pol Pot.