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Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Muslimpundit comes back to life

Hurrah! Someone must have poked Adil Farooq with a sharp stick because because the excellent Muslimpundit blog has once again started loudly proclaiming some common sense from the minarets.

He is in effect pointing out the absurdity of ‘multiculturalism’ (which is of course nothing of the sort) and puts the boot in where it is sorely needed. The fact such self-evident remarks are even controversial is a testament to the degree of stupidity often heard on the subject

I would have thought that any attempt to accelerate the integration of citizenship-seeking immigrants into Britain, thereby preparing such people at the outset to take advantage of more opportunities to help increase their welfare, would have been welcomed by all. After all, this is what immigrants come for – to increase their living standards through seeking jobs. Taking English classes would make this easier

It is a dark marvel that there are people who cannot understand that!

Muslims often claim that their religion is misunderstood by America and others in the West. Well, in the aftermath of September 11, that is no longer the case. Non-Muslims have bent over backwards to understand Muslims, their history, their religion, even the source of their grievances, in an effort to understand what they are dealing with. The onus is now on the Muslims to do the same, and to actively throw off the shackles of ignorance and misunderstanding that they persistently have had have of America and others in the West. It will not be easy, but then serious introspection never claims to be, especially in the Muslim World, where vast hordes of people are almost always wrong almost all the time.

Now if that is not a brutally objective critically rational perspective, then I don’t know what is!

A highly recommended blog for all, but particularly those who mistakenly think the merest whiff of Islam invariably causes homicidal dementia and an urge to take flying lessons. Now all we have to do is hassle the hell out of Adil to update the blog more often.

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