We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Dead trees and pajama kids at the Adam Smith Institute

The ASI hosted a gathering of bloggers and curious old media types in Westminster last night. Times journo Danny Finkelstein and well known blog commentator Tim Worstall. As with all the ASI events I have attended, I rather enjoyed myself and there was a large posse of OG bloggers to swap scandal with.

Read more about it from Jax here.

17 comments to Dead trees and pajama kids at the Adam Smith Institute

  • Verity

    As so often with Perry’s posts – “there was a large pose of OG bloggers to swap scandal with.” – one wonders whether to ascribe one of his phrases to irony or another Perry bad spelling day.

  • OG is indeed what I intended to write

  • RobtE

    Thank you, Verity and Perry. As a result of your exchange I’ve now sprayed cider across my laptop’s keyboard whilst laughing. How the hell do I clean this crap up?


  • Verity

    RobtE – Precisely! I’m laughing too! White wine in my case!

  • RobtE

    Oh! Stealth editing on Samizdata? Tell me it ain’t so.

  • Verity

    RbtE – well, well, well. Stealth editing. Just like the BBC! which Biased-BBC has been pointing out for three years now.

    And now it’s come to Samizdata and soon to a stalag near you!

    Here, posse, posse, posse! Good posse! Nice posse!

    Stealth editing! How pathetic!

  • Concerned Citizen

    Verity, I think this shocking situation calls for you to take leave of the Samizdata comments and start your own blog: Biased Samizdata.

    Please. I’m begging you.

  • Uh, how is it a ‘stealth’ edit if the comments trail of events is still here and plain for everyone to see? What exactly do you expect, a friggin’ cookie for spending more time on this blog than the editors do?

  • OG bloggers? Well, there was me, The Briff, Mr. Free Market….who else? Don’t tell me I’ve missed noting that yet even more British bloggers went to the same school?
    Or, umm, have I missed a meaning of OG here?

  • Julian Taylor

    Aw, I quite liked the notion of a ‘pose of bloggers’.

  • Johnathan Pearce

    I failed to make it as I was abroad on business. ASI events are often quite good fun. I laughed out loud when I saw a pic on Clive Davis’s blog of Perry standing next to a profile of Adam Smith. Ah, the “invisible hand” at work……

  • Verity

    Concerned Citizen – I think it is graver than that. I think SamizdataWatch is called for. We must be ever alert.

    Julian Taylor, I liked “a pose of bloggers” too, which is why it caught my eye.

    Friggin’ Jackie Danicki – When a thread engages me, I contibute to it. There are, on the other hand, huge swathes of Samizdata that interest me not at all and never see my name. This, I believe, is what blogging is all about?

    Keep your friggin’ cookie, sweetheart. We say biscuit in Britain so your American epithet loses its je ne sais quoi.

  • permanent expat

    Verity: In Britain they say: ‘I don’t know what.’ 😉

  • Verity

    Jackie Danicki – The trail is not there for all to see. The spelling mistake that changed the meaning of Perry’s sentence has been corrected, rendering the comments that follow it rather puzzling.

  • Johnthan Pearce

    Jackie vs Verity: a scrap not for those of a nervous disposition…..

  • Concerned Citizen

    Verity, perhaps you should not admit publicly how easily confused you are.

  • JP: Free entertainment is always a plus…