We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day – they are not called the Stupid Party for nothing

There is something special about this government having enacted some of the most socialist policies of any UK government ever and still being loathed as right wing Tories.

In doing this, they have alienated many of those who would normally vote for them and failed to attract any of those who would never vote for them.

Hence they are deservedly in deep shit.

Hugh Osmond

12 comments to Samizdata quote of the day – they are not called the Stupid Party for nothing

  • Kirk

    Why do people persist in believing that these “parties” are actually what they claim to be?

    Don’t listen to what they tell you; watch their hands. That’s the key lesson in a potential fistfight or gunfight; ignore the verbiage, look at what they’re doing.

    Same with the political parties: Don’t pay attention to their labeling or their pretty speeches. Observe their actions; judge based solely on that alone. If they say they’re “Conservative” and govern like left-wing socialists? Do the f*cking math: THEY ARE NOT CONSERVATIVE.

    Jesus H. Titty-banging Christ… How many times does this have to happen, and it get pointed out, before people start to recognize that they’ve been conned? I swear to God, if you’re expecting actual small-c conservatism from mainstream Tories or Republican party members at this point, you’re the same sort of stupid feckless twat that’s expecting their returns from Bernie Madoff, any day now…

  • Paul Marks

    It is very difficult to resist the pressures from officials and those who control the Credit-Money supply of the Corporate State – the people who did not bat an eyelid at the spending of 400 Billion (yes 400 Billion) Pounds on wildly counter productive Covid policies – but manufactured an “economic crises” over modest tax reduction proposals (proposals – the tax cuts never really went into effect) by Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng.

    But “very difficult” does NOT mean “impossible”. If, for example, Prime Minister Johnson had been the man of courage and vision he believed himself to be, he would have refused to “lockdown”, but then he would also have refused the border down the Irish Sea (which he had sworn not to have), and he would have got a grip on government spending – which was already increasing BEFORE Covid.

    As for other aspects of policy – the Conservative tough talk, for so many years, on ending mass immigration enraged the far left, and the failure to limit immigration (which INCREASED – vastly increased) enraged everyone else. It enraged people who wanted to stop mass immigration (only to see it vastly increase) and it enraged people who do not much care about immigration – but were angered by an elected government promising one thing, and doing the opposite.

    On Freedom of Speech – fighting the “Woke”, Frankfurt School “Critical Theory” Marxism, the government has talked a good game – but the Equality Act (and all the rest of it) remains in place, the totalitarian agenda continues.

    So does “Net Zero” – which will lead to the destruction of British industry and the impoverishment of ordinary people.

  • James

    Couldn’t Labour actually just maybe be slightly preferable on the NHS issue vs the Tories? A slim hope I know but possible, given some of the noises from them on this issue, fiscal/demographic reality, and the fact that the tories are still terrified of being seen of doing anything that doesn’t imply total subservience to the existing failed model?

  • Couldn’t Labour actually just maybe be slightly preferable on the NHS issue vs the Tories?

    It hardly matters as the entire NHS model is unsustainable, unfixable, and inefficient almost by design. It’s baked into the entire flawed underpinning premise.

  • pete

    The Tories have been abandoned by an electorate which is ever more convinced that the state should do everything for them.

    Even the traditional Tory voting middle classes now think that the state should pay for their childcare and for their old age care. And they were happy for the state to pay their wages during Covid.

    5 or ten years of Labour will remind everyone that we must all pay our way in life, with handouts restricted to those who are unable to do so.

  • Andy

    ‘and failed to attract any of those who would never vote for them.’

    Indeed, for some baffling reason, they seem desperate to be liked by people who hate them and would never, ever vote for them.

    BTW, Lee Anderson has finally jumped ship to Reform, a potential breakthrough?

  • Paul Marks

    “Stop wasting money on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” modern Marxist “EDI”.

    Say the elected government that refuses to repeal the Equality Act (2010) that makes it compulsory.

  • Paul Marks

    As for the Corporations – getting them involved in government (whatever the pius hopes of the Institute of Economic Affairs and Adam Smith Institute) has made things worse – not better.

    The roads are a mess – regardless of how much money is given to the vast corporations that are in charge of maintaining them (Corporations who run rings round Local Government Officers and Civil Servants when it comes to contracts and service agreements).

    “Placements” for children (the children dependent on the state – as socially Progressive policies have undermined the family and both religious and secular associations) cost truly vast sums of money – because private “providers” include the cost of BUYING BUILDINGS in the “placement” costs – yes you have guessed it, they demand the money (remember that, by law, these are “demand led services” one can not say “no” – that would mean children dying) to buy and equip buildings – buildings they get to keep (although they paid for them with taxpayer money).

    And drug companies get to influence the very “safety agencies” that are supposed to police them (and it is made very difficult to take private court action against the drug companies) – hence what has happened with the Covid “vaccines” and other stuff (such as the smearing of medicines that are effective, but are no longer under patent).

    There must be a clear dividing line between companies (corporations) and the state – this “partnership” doctrine (which is INTERNATIONAL now) is an unfolding disaster.

    As for Central Banking and the Credit Money financial and monetary system – that is the biggest “public-private partnership” obscenity of all.

    The “Cantillon Effect” Corporate State with its “money” created from NOTHING, has to go.

  • Paul Marks

    The “placement” costs for a single child can cost hundreds of thousands of Pounds – because it turns out that much of the money is going to buy a building to put the child in, then the private “care provider” may sell the building and (well you can work out the rest).

    We are not “stupid” – we know what is happening. And we are not corrupt – look at my bank accounts, I am not rich, the “brown paper envelopes” do not contain money, they contain paper work.

    We are powerless (or, at least, the power of elected politicians is very limited) – being powerless is not the same thing as being stupid or being corrupt. So “elect different people”, at local or national level, is NOT going to work – not unless the elected people actually have power, and that would mean scrapping the basic laws that are the framework of the modern administrative state.

    And sadly Richard Tice (Reform Party) has been a bit quiet on scrapping the system that, for example, gives the drug companies such power over medical care – including influence over very bodies that are supposed to police them. I have yet to see the Gentleman, for example, denounce the Covid “vaccines”.

    And, American readers, do not think that the Administrative State (the power of the bureaucracy) and accursed “public-private partnerships” of “Stakeholder Capitalism” does not apply to the United States as well – it does apply.

    You are a fiat money credit bubble place to – the people who (rightly) sneer that the Russian Ruble is “based on nothing” other than threats of violence from the state, forget that the American Dollar and British Pound (and so on) are THE SAME TYPE OF THING as the Russian Ruble – they are also based on nothing other than threats of violence from the state.

  • Paul Marks

    “O.K. let us cut the banks and other corporations out and just have the state print money”.

    If anyone really thinks this General Peron style policy (urged by George Galloway and Neil Oliver) is a good idea – then the word “stupid” applies to you.

    It is the principle of the thing itself, not who is doing it, that is wrong.

  • Kirk

    Paul Marks said:

    It is the principle of the thing itself, not who is doing it, that is wrong.

    This is something that the current age denies, denies, denies… It’s part and parcel with the attitude that “…blacks can’t be racist…” and all the rest of the typical leftoid shibboleths that we all have to nod along with, even as we know their falsity.

    We live in a period of unreality, where the delusional hold sway over us through sheer intimidation. There’s no objective evidence that anything they assert is either valid or true, but they still insist on those things being incontrovertible. Up until recently, that hasn’t necessarily been a huge issue for most people… They’d nod along, humoring the mad, not wanting to raise a fuss. The problem is, the slack is coming out of the line, and we are fast approaching the point where tolerance for delusion becomes untenable, and we will have to do something.

    My guess is that there’s going to be a short, sharp transition to “something else”, followed by a lengthy re-learning phase while everyone is forced to digest the fact that there are such things as Kipling’s “Gods of the Copybook Headings”, and we’d better start acknowledging that fact.

  • Paul Marks

    Kirk – yes, yes indeed.

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