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Cameron really is largely useless, isn’t he?

“This sub-prime revival is part of an alleged “growth package” which will have exactly the opposite effect to the one intended. It will further stoke inflation, inflict more misery on savers (pensioners especially) and further distort the market mechanisms whose proper functioning is vital to our economic recovery. One might expect this kind of crazed Keynesian recklessness from President Obama: he does at least have the excuse of being a Marxist, hell bent on destroying the US economy, with Paul Krugman as his adviser. But Cameron? Please can someone, anyone, explain what exactly the point is of voting in a conservative prime minister if he won’t cut taxes, won’t deregulate, won’t support free markets, won’t promote sensible energy policies, won’t defend Britain’s interests in Europe, won’t in fact do anything that Ed Miliband wouldn’t have done in the same position. And at least Ed Miliband has the decency to admit to being a socialist, so we’d know more or less what we were getting.”

James Delingpole.

Our own Perry de Havilland had Cameron more or less figured out in January, 2006. I have had no reason, and neither has Perry, to change my mind about him.

16 comments to Cameron really is largely useless, isn’t he?

  • James

    And if we’d kept Gordon Brown, we might still have some Harriers to fly off the carrier.

    Cameron really is awful. Heffer’s description of him as a PR spiv was way too kind.

  • Alsadius

    Hasn’t Cameron actually cut spending? That’s a lot better than most right-wing parties in the world manage.

  • Simon Jester

    Hasn’t Cameron actually cut spending?


  • Sam Duncans

    Alsadius has clearly been listening to the propaganda. To be fair, it’s hard not to.

    Indeed, it’s hard to understand how anyone can claim the mainstream media aren’t biased to the Left when all we ever hear is “cuts“ and “austerity”, and not a single public figure is pointing out the simple, objective, fact that the present government has, in its first year, raised public spending by £22.8bn and intends to increase it by another £20bn or so next year. And the year after that. And the year after that…

    Twenty thousand million pounds a year isn’t exactly an accounting error. It’s not even the sort of figure that can be explained away by averaging it out over the entire population so that it works out as pennies: it’s about £300. Some “cut”.

  • Sam Duncan

    Where’d that extra “s” come from?

  • Josh

    He is – as are those members of the Conservative party who keep him where he is.

  • Barry Sheridan

    It must be said that by an large the main political parties in Britain are not only socialist, but also in general grossly and deliberately incompetent. There are a few individual MP’s, of no particular allegiance it must be said, who behave with some sense of realism and honour, but not enough to deflect the decay of Britain from its downward path. Alas, Mr Cameron, of whom I did have hopes, has turned out to be next to useless. Just another Euro obsessed socialist in the much the same sort of mould as Mr Blair.

  • Cameron is useful…as any Quisling or Satrap is to an uppity Imperialist Power.

    Useful to the UK? As landfill.

  • MarkE


    In the UK we don’t have to worry too much about landfill contaminating the water supply, so landfill is a sensible means of disposing of household waste in some cases.

    Cameron is of no use whatsoever.

  • Andrew Zalotocky

    So this scheme will “further stoke inflation” and at least partially re-inflate the housing bubble. In other words, it will help the government inflate away the national debt and may create a temporary “feel-good factor” in time for the next election. It’s not a stupid plan if you look at it purely in terms of electoral politics. But it is a very cynical one.

  • Peter MacFarlane

    “Cameron is really largely useless…”

    The word “largely” is not required.

  • John K

    Anyone who truly thinks that the correct response to a government backed sub-prime mortgage crisis in the USA is to create a government backed sub-prime mortgage system in the UK would clearly be certifiably insane. The only good news here is that the Green Tosser is, if nothing else, a PR spiv to the core. A few hundred million of our money will be spunked away on this useless scheme, to go with the money pissed away on mortgages for so-called “key workers”, ie government drones. Once the Tosser has got his headlines, a bureaucracy will eventually creak into existence which will spend most of its funding on itself and have barely any impact on the real world. With any luck.

  • Subprime loans – it’s not just for individuals any more.

  • PeterT

    For the most part I think this government has produced reliably middle of the road policies (not of course that I would approve of this). But they do occassionally put together these daft policies which it does not seem is demanded by either their ideology or party base. The older I get the more useless adults appear to be.

  • Paul Marks

    I have written a long post (in “another place” as they say in the House of Lords) on the latest government antics and how they fit in to international elite ideology.

    So I will confine myself here to a short comment on the latest antics.

    Yuk, yuk, yuk,………