We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samidata quote of the day

The Left needs to defend the riots; not to valourise the burning of grannies’ cars, but to make clear that we reject the whole bourgeois construction of events, that we stand in solidarity with the oppressed and that, when it comes to it, we will, without hesitation, join the “rioters” to overthrow the legitimised exploitation, state-sanctioned violence and sham “democracy” that oppress us all.

Ian Grigg-Spall

21 comments to Samidata quote of the day

  • guy herbert

    Damien Thompson collates some less magisterial versions of the same analysis here:

  • You find this odd? To me this is merely honest.

  • Jim

    If someone organised a flashmob riot and burnt his house to the ground in order to overthrow the exploitation, state-sanctioned violence and sham “democracy” that oppresses us all, that would be terrible.

  • Guy

    I am sure you are right that Ian Grigg-Spall said this, but where? Your link only says who IG-s is and what he does, not where he said this.

    I found someone called “wit” saying this in a comment here. But how do you know that “wit” is IG-S? Or was “wit” quoting IG-S, and did IG-S say this somewhere else?

  • guy herbert

    On Facebook, he being one of my odd variety of Facebook contacts.

  • guy herbert

    I think from timing, and the absence of reason to believe wit’s self-description to be false, that Grigg-Spall is quoting wit without attribution. Not good form for a professional academic.

  • If someone organised a flashmob riot and burnt his house to the ground in order to overthrow the exploitation, state-sanctioned violence and sham “democracy” that oppresses us all, that would be terrible.

    Yes, wouldn’t that be… er…awful.

  • Kristopher

    These socialist idiots make similar statements in the US.

    That rule of law they complain about is the only thing preventing folks like me from hanging them from lamp posts. Rule of law protects these little socialist a-holes from me.

    They should think long and hard before throwing in with the rioters.

  • riots are kind of a desperate reaction
    I wish people would react before it’s desperate

  • To judge strictly by the death toll, these were pretty non-violent riots.

    Sure they gave the MSM some great visuals and there’s lots to right about, but if only 4 or 5 people lost their lives in three nights of nationwide rioting, its a pretty low number given all the effort involved.

    Hell, Bashir Al Assad, can do that many in a couple of minutes.

    I suspect that seen from outside Europe these nice friendly, civilized, wimpy riots just make Europe look decadent.

  • riots are kind of a desperate reaction
    I wish people would react before it’s desperate

    No, riots like this are not a ‘desperate’ reaction, they are what happens when a welfare state’s political class hollow out civil society and prevent what remains of that society from defending itself.

  • I suspect that seen from outside Europe these nice friendly, civilized, wimpy riots just make Europe look decadent.

    Then there must be some pretty stupid people outside Europe. This has to be one of the most moronic remarks I have read in quite some time (and that’s saying something). I would have dearly loved to see you in the middle of one of these “civilised, wimpy” riots like I was the other day. Jackass.

  • I’ve been in riots in Bangaladesh that made these ones look peaceful . Not to mention other even more violent places.

    In 1992 in LA the death toll was 53. that’s civil violence.

  • Taylor, you’re coming across as something of a dick. Sorry our body count doesn’t match your high expectations.

  • billwhite

    the ‘riots’ were pretty puny, $161 million in losses from stolen goods and property damage and 3 dead is not exactly armageddon. still the government will use this as an excuse for pushing all sorts of nonsense like Shutting down social media and banning certain clothing.

  • Eric

    One wonders just how perfect society would have to be for Mr. Grig-Spall to agree rioting is the wrong thing to do.

    I’m guessing he would turn very quickly against any genuine revolution and also that it wouldn’t matter, because genuine revolutionaries would know enough to send him to the wall as soon as victory is at hand.

  • Johnathan Pearce

    Eric, Grig-Spall and people like him will always find an excuse for violence – so long as someone else suffers. I hope the idiot gets his place ransacked and see how he likes it.

    Taylor, yes, as others said, you are coming across as a pit of a cock. Hundreds of police hurt, tens of millions of pounds of damage, businesses destroyed, etc.

    Oh well, it was not the Battle of Stalingrad, so I guess it was “puny”.

  • John W

    Ayn Rand, For The New Intellectual (1961) :

    The intellectuals share the philosophers’ guilt. The intellectuals – all those whose professions deal with the “humanities” and require a firm philosophical base – have known for a long time that no such base existed. They know that they were functioning in a philosophical vacuum and that the currency they were passing was rubber checks which would bounce, some day, wrecking their culture.

  • Hmmm, I took Taylor’s remark as obviously sarcastic, but it turns out that was just me?

  • David Gillies

    Taylor is coming across as a ‘bit of a dick’, is he? From where I’m standing he’s coming across as the shaft, urethra, corpus cavernosum, glans, frenulum, prepuce and a hefty helping of smegma. Pretty much the whole nine yards (or in his case no doubt, the whole four inches.)

  • Paul Marks

    The masks are comming off – the evil of the “left hand path” is becomming exposed.