We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Sean Corrigan on CNBC

Patrick Crozier reports on another ripple spreading outwards from the Cobden Centre:

CNBC is much better than the BBC. But that is not saying much. For the most part it offers up a stream of Keynesians with a smattering of Monetarists.

So, imagine my surprise when I turned on today to hear someone talking sense. Real, proper, honest-to-Godness, complete, free-market, Austrian sense. I even spent the next half an hour glued to the show just so I could catch his name.

I succeeded. The guy’s name is Sean Corrigan and he works for these people.

Oh, and he writes for the Cobden Centre. …

Corrigan is indeed excellent, as I found out for myself when I heard him speak at a Cobden Centre organised meeting at the IEA. What marks him out from other people who have jobs as Somethings in the City is that whereas most such persons are only now asking themselves: “What the hell just happened?”, Corrigan was asking himself: “What the hell is happening?” about a decade ago or more. And, as Patrick Crozier notes, he got the answers right too.

Unlike, says Patrick in his immediately following posting, George Osborne.

3 comments to Sean Corrigan on CNBC

  • James Pruitt

    Unfortunately, I missed this. Hope to find video of it later. However, readers over at lewrockwell.com know Sean and his work rather well.

  • SKPeterson

    I was going to say, Mr. Corrigan has been a regular at LRC and at Mises.org for years. Nice to see him getting some mainstream exposure.

  • Paul Marks

    All good news.