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A good article on the Green affair

Henry Porter, who to his immense credit has been telling it like it is on the civil liberties issue in Britain for several years, has a strong article in the Guardian on the arrest of Damian Green and the government’s miserable behaviour since.

As he puts it, the arrest of one of their own has finally woken MPs up to what is going on. It is hard not to feel a certain bitterness at MPs’ complacency on these issues for many years, but better late than never. The arrest of an MP in such circumstances must count as the ultimate “canary in the coalmine”.

What a way to mark the State Opening of Parliament. At the time of writing I do not know if the Speaker of the House of Commons has been sacked yet or resigned.

8 comments to A good article on the Green affair

  • Right now, the Speaker said he’s referring the issue to a committee of senior MPs, according to the BBC.

    Did you seriously think there was any chance of him resigning or being sacked?

  • Guthrum

    No chance of anybody in the HofC taking any responsibility, David Winnick did the right thing in calling for Quick to be called to the bar of the House. Would that we could all have such protection from an out of control Police Force.

  • jsallison

    Less dangerous to stalk MP’s than oh, I don’t know, showing some backbone and dealing with the ‘troubled youth’.

  • Cleanthes

    Seems that even Paxo last night managed to ask the question that immediately came to mind even as the Speaker read his statement: it is not enough to know that the Sergeant at Arms did not ask if the Police had a warrant. The pertinent question is “Why did the Speaker not ask the Sergeant at Arms if the Police had a warrant”?

    And for the moronic class warriors trotted out and allowed, unchallenged, to present the idea that all the complaints about Gorbals Mick are motivated only by snobbery, can anyone seriously imagine the Speaker allowing the Police to raid a Labour MP’s office in Parliament House without a warrant or significant protest or both?

  • Rajesh

    The problem here is that MP’s are not saying that the law is overbroad and a general threat to liberty.
    they are saying that there should be an exception for them.

    i.e. if a civil servant had passed the same info to a journalist or blogger then the subsequent action would have been fine.

  • Rob

    Som one is lying about “consent” and I do not believe it is the police.
    Read the letter sent to the Home Sec by Bob Quick.

    Martin Should be toast – soon

  • Laird

    l’affair Damian Green has caught the attention of noted US blogger Iowahawk (writing on a UK blok, though).

  • Laird

    That should have been “UK blog“, obviously.