We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

If the Conservatives had any sense…

…They would make Guido Fawkes an advisor on how to fight the next election. Of course Guido (aka Paul Staines), whom I know and like, prefers, as I and many other bloggers do, to give party politics a wide berth in professional terms. He is far more effective doing what he is doing now and obviously has a great time doing it. But as his example shows, the guy has more sense on how the Tories should go after the absurd notion of Gordon ‘off-balance-sheet’ Brown than any number of folk working in Tory HQ.

Think about it: the Tories should put up posters with the Brown comment on “no return to boom and bust” over, and over, and over. That this man, who has presided over deteriorating public finances during a relatively strong period of growth, sold our gold reserves at a fraction of their current value, raided pension funds and shafted taxpayers should be able to pose as some sort of economic Winston Churchill is a joke.

5 comments to If the Conservatives had any sense…

  • Ian B

    They can’t attack Broon because, had Dave and George been in power they would have done much the same as Blair and Broon, and when it all came crashing down they would be doing much the same as Broon is doing. They are the same kind of people, from the same class, with the same objectives and policies.

  • RAB

    Yes very true Ian, they are the same people, and would have done exactly the same, but they are supposed to be bloody politicians fer chrissakes!
    and they cant even do that properly!
    Do you think that had the position been reversed and the Tories were in power right now, that NuLab would not be blazing away with both barrels?
    The Tories left UK PLC in pretty good shape in 1997 economically and Brown has almost single handedly fucked it. He should not be allowed to get away with it.
    These chaps have been known to lie you know!

  • Alicia Kado

    They are not called The Stupid Party for nothing.

    Maybe we can get some traction calling the LibDems The Delusional Party and Labour The Evil Party? If the hat fits and all that…

  • Ian B

    True, RAB. I remember a chap called Gordon Broon, when in opposition, attacking the Tories’ quangoisation and demanding a “bonfire of the quangos”. Little did we know then that his version of a bonfire is one in which you throw three little quangos in, and a big one ten times the size arises from the ashes.

  • RAB

    None of this is new of course. I’m off to bed and leave you all with this-


    You need a good laugh in times of crisis.
    It’s what us Brits do best when we’ve blown out all the rest…
