We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata quote of the day

“It can’t go on for much longer,” says one Cabinet member who described yesterday’s meeting as “excruciating: an embarrassment”.

“It’s not just the country that’s not listening to Gordon any longer: the Cabinet isn’t listening to him. Something is going to give. There were people staring at their hands, some scribbling on their papers, someone else on their BlackBerry.” Anything rather than look their own leader in the eye.

Mr Brown told his Cabinet that issues about the direction of the party should not be raised until after the present economic turmoil.

The minister adds: “Gordon is now measuring his survival in two-week horizons. It’s humiliating for everyone.”

Anne McElvoy – quoted here, and I should imagine, there and everywhere during the next few days

8 comments to Samizdata quote of the day

  • Ian B

    What a pathetic bunch of cowardly weasels. FWIW, I actually think the rest of the cabinet come out of such an image far worse than Brown does, especially whichever of the weasels sneaked this to the press.

  • It would be nice if the bastards considered to country for once in their miserable conniving lives.

  • RAB

    Bunker mentality.
    They all do it.
    Crisis! What Crisis?

    And on and on.

    Our politicians and support groups are so far removed from us, the humble citizen, that they have no idea what is going on in real life.

    Their Mortgages are paid by us, and never forclosed on,
    their windows are cleaned(even if they are multi-millionaires).

    Similarly they dont understand enough Economics to get the super rich either.Namely that their industry drives the BIG Machine called Capitalism.

    As for the poor. Forget it.
    Patronised a lot, but never been one or seen one,
    well perhaps from the limo…

  • el windy

    There seem to be countless blogs spouting the “obvious” truth that everyone is fed up with Brown and he must go etc..But the constitutional situation is that as long as he commands a majority in the House he will remain in power. So until somebody decides to do something positive – just what is the point of all this speculation? Is getting rid of Brown or anyone else for that matter, going to lead to us waking up in a bright sunny future with no problems? Philosophers and political theorists used to be able to “dream” but all we seem to be capable of doing is blathering on about a dull failure. Is it Brown or the current political system which needs to be looked at? I think all the trolling for Cameron is a poor substitute for using our grey cells and this sadly applies to everyone from libertarians to far left communists.

  • Trolling for Cameron? On Samizdata? You must be new here.

  • Kevin B

    el windy:

    Being a political wonk, doesn’t mean ypu have to abandon all your human failings.

    Think of it as a bad reality TV show. “Will Gordo be ousted? Who will take his place in the hot-seat?” Of course it might be a while before we get to vote him out of the house.

    And for those of you who consider themselves as above plain old gossip, think of it as schadenfreude.

  • “Is it Brown or the current political system which needs to be looked at?”

    Both,but first we need satisfaction.There has to be a sacrifice or the crops will not grow next year,into the bog with them all.

  • nick g.

    Politics is just as fascinating over here! Our most populous state (NSW) has had a new premier by a re-shuffling of Ministers, and I thought the choice was quite logical- they installed the Emergency Services Minister! It was an emergency when the Premier resigned, after all. People are still resigning or being reshuffled. If we didn’t have fixed terms for NSW, they’d be out of office!
    In WA, a State Election has caused a change of government. In the National Capital, Canberra, the opposition has now got a self-made millionaire- to match Prime Minister Rudd of the Labor Party, who’s wife is a very successful businesswoman! Looks like workers and average people will need to start a new party, if they want a voice!
    Who would replace Brown? Anyone stand out?