We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Trumping the vogons

There is poetry, there is bad poetry and there is an order of magnitude revealed by the “The Hatemonger’s Quarterly” Fifth Annual Horrible College-Student Poetry Competition.

Some snippets from a piece that has a fluidity we can only dream of:

When I see the fungual discoloration of my toenails,
I see all of the free people not given a living wage by America.

And when I see all of the problems my body has
But I have no national health care plan to help,
I see that I, too, have been victimized by America.

Or this:

[NOTE: Next verse recited stoic’ly, almost Gaelic’ly, like in the movie “Rob Roy” or “Braveheart, with one lone mournful bagpipe weeping from behind]
The dogs of a chicken-hawk war run blindingly on!
Their fateful howling screams a den of fearul shame!
Can they see not the havick they so retchedly reek upon us all!
And that they’re woeful day of wreckn’ing is writ large upon them!
While their currish tails all but hide their rancid fowl deseats?

Will we stand most righteous against the patricianarchal neocon hordes?
Against the hatemongrills, the warmongrills, each mongrills all!
That would dog-wag us into unjust genocide with their hateful doggerills?
For in their primate fear can they not see the truth afire?!
The truth all burning …all … afire?!

Do read the whole post.

12 comments to Trumping the vogons

  • The lack of a national health care plan is obviously the only thing standing between these poor benighted souls and the brain transplants they so obviously need.

    Hang in there, guys and girls, we’re working on it, and have you near the top of the wait list.

    Ah, yes, the wait list. See? Some bits have already been implemented.

  • “Do read the whole post.”

    Sorry I can’t,it is just to harrowing,sob!

  • RAB

    Holy friggin God!

    A onetime published poet.

  • “mournful bagpipe weeping from behind]”

    Is it possible to get incontinence pants for bagpipes?

  • permanentexpat

    Sacre maquereux!
    We should be proud of our education shytstem!

  • Is it April 1st all over again?

  • “When I see the discharge from my vagina,
    I see all of the women raped by America.”

    “When I see the ooze from the sores on my penis,
    I see all of the gay men marginalixed by America.”

    Exactly what we all wanted, more hermaphrodite poetry!

    My life is complete.

    *Gouges out brain*

  • guy herbert


    It is worth pointing put that all this is parody. Whether the genre it mocks actually exists in great quantity I have my doubts.

  • manuel II paleologos

    Sorry to ask a daft question, but are these real poems or are they spoofs?

    I’ve certainly seen ones verging on this; a certain Helmut Seethaler used to posted stuff up (in English, for some odd reason) around the Vienna U-Bahn; his finest went something like this:

    People come to fight in wars
    Year after year
    Until one day no-one will turn up to fight
    Because they will already have been killed in the last one.

    I never managed to find out much about Herr Seethaler but as far as I could see he took himself very seriously. Maybe I should look him up on YouFace as he is surely revelling in the advent of the Interweb.

  • These are spoofs (depending upon the entry), but to identify them as such would take away half the fun.

  • Paul Marks

    As is so often said:

    The difference between us beasts and the left is that they are so “cultured”, “artistic” and “creative”.

  • Wow. I get in touch with my inner Vogon, and something I wrote gets (partially) published on Samizata.net!

    I am insufferably pleased with myself.