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Brilliant satire

Peter Briffa is on great form.

7 comments to Brilliant satire

  • If you had told me those were actual quotes, I might well have believed you.

  • RAB

    He captures everyones “Tone” just right, doesn’t he!
    Lovely stuff.

  • Kevin B

    Given the calibre of the contenders, I’m with Bobby Fisk here. Come on George, get your finger out, nuke Iran and cancel the elections.

  • Paul Marks

    Yes Peter Briffa has got the tone of each person – and the words are very close to what they actually say.

    God help Britain.

  • Paul Marks

    For non British readers:

    Several of the people on the Peter Briffa thing are not socialists – indeed they are supposed to be leading conservative thinkers (by British standards).

    For example, Sir Max Hastings is supposed to be a concervative minded person – and, no, Peter Briffa was not streaching what he says very far.

  • tatty the slag

    Fine satire indeed. Might I however note that I agree in all seriousness with every single word of the following:

    “Ignore the media-generated hysteria of the New York Times and the San Antonio Gazette. The election of Barack Obama as President would be a disaster for all Afro-Americans. For all his courting of the disaffected Muslim vote, his boyish appeal to the soccer moms of the midwest, and his sly cultivation of impressionable east coast liberals, the man is a mere front for the vested interested of the Washington neocon establishment. They wouldn’t have let him get this far if he was a genuine radical.
    Indeed, if President Coconut wins the next election, this could be the biggest setback to the civil rights movement since the death of Malcolm X.”

    Anyone who casually speaks of nuking an American ally like Pakistan is, if not a neocon true-believer, than an easy dupe for any kvetchy charlatan that comes along.

    And yes, “Civil Rights” (such as freedom of association) would have been immensely assisted by the further political activity of a separatist like Malcolm X.