We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Help a sad middle-aged man – buy fur now!

In a centrally heated and climatically warming world, I have never been able to see much fun in fur. I certainly would not want to wear it – too much hassle and discomfort. However, it has been brought to my attention that a number of attractive models and actresses have revived the “I’d rather go naked than wear fur” protest campaign for PETA, and are posing naked for publicity photos. This has raised my interest in the topic considerably.

Please help them continue in this valuable charity work for as long as possible. Do not stop buying fur.

20 comments to Help a sad middle-aged man – buy fur now!

  • Steven Groeneveld

    Ah lovely, making the law of unintended consequences work for you!!

    I lived for a spell in Italy and I was amazed at how many Italian women wear fur. It seems that wear the climate least requires furs, the anti fur crusade has had its weakest impact.

  • Nick M

    Guy, are you so desperate that you need folks to buy mink coats just so you can get a glimpse of Naomi Campbell’s tits!

  • RAB

    Fur coats can be very useful!
    In my student days I bought my girlfriend a tatty fur coat in a fleapit shop in Arkwright Street, Nottingham.
    I hitched back to Cardiff for the weekend but it was so bloody cold, I ended up wearing the coat.
    That coupled with having fairly long hair at the time, got me a lift almost instantly. The bloke who stopped, thought I was a woman.
    How we laughed all the way down the M5!
    Has your mum done the S wales trip yet Nick?

  • Nick M

    Yup Rab. She has. Had a great time.

    I’m from Gateshead. The odd thing about living in Nottingham was the lack of seagulls. It’s almost as far from the coast as you can get in the UK. And because of that it got bloody cold in winter. Nottingham in February in a flat without central heating has to be lived to be believed.

    And yeah I’m an English wuss as far as cold is so I don’t need to hear about being snowed in Bismarck ND from some of the American commentariat. That is just beyond my English comprehension.

    PS. My girlfriend (soon to be wife – eek!) spent time in Moscow as a student. Hardly surprising, her degree being in Russian. She said your eyes could freeze and she once saw the militia chipping a dead vagrant off the road with spades where he had frozen to death. She said it looked like Jack Nicholson at the end of the shining. She coulda bought some cheap furs (much, much cheaper than here) but she was a vegan at the time. Bugger.

  • John K

    Earth calling supermodels: We don’t give a toss what you think about anything you brainless bimbos. Your sole purpose in life is to look good. That’s it.

  • RAB

    Well I for one, will offer you congratulations and to your soon to be long suffering spouse.
    I have been married for about 27 years now (what do you mean about!!! ‘er indoors).
    And believe me, a damn good row every day keeps the divorce lawyers away! No Honest! The folks who turn up on the telly aged 95 , been married fifty years and never had a row are just simple!
    Ha! The last place I lived in Nottingham, was in Wilford Road, the Meadows. A white ghetto that used to be a mining one. The Raleigh Factory and district was just round the back, and the Trip To Jerusalem, just down the road. It was being torn down as I lived there along with it’s culture. Um such as that was!
    I looked out my window onto a scene from Saturday Night Sunday morning. The houses accross the road were identical to those in the film.
    2 up 2 down, lavvies and washouses in the alley between the rows of houses.
    I came from a poor part of the country, but I had never seen poverty like that!
    It’s the only place I have ever been attacked (for no reason at all, twice!)
    I have never been back.

  • k

    John K – How do you know supermodels are brainless? As a group they probably have the same mix of stupidity and intelligence as the general population.

  • James

    I think the more amusing element of this story is that the Guardian’s website actually has an ‘animalrights’ directory!

  • Julian Taylor

    So, let me get this right. The more fur that starts being sold then the more supermodels will take their clothes off in protest?

    Show me the mink farm, I feel the urge to buy a coat …

  • Having just arrived on Sakhalin Island, I see that anti-fur protestors are rather few in number here. I think they all froze to death. My wife should be warm enough in her mink and sable coat.

  • Now, if it were naked bikers protesting the wearing of leather, then….

  • John K

    John K – How do you know supermodels are brainless?

    I don’t, it’s called vulgar abuse.

  • Uain

    Must admit that having grown up on a Mink Farm in upstate New York, and my parents also owned a store where we made fur coats, I am strangely comfortable with the wearing of fur. Having worn fur gloves to ride my snowmobile in the cold upstate New York winter (I’ll see Bismarck and raise you Old Stone Forge), it becomes rather clear that buxom bimbos posing naked in Miami have no clue.

  • Where’s the nekkid bims? I was promised nekkid bims!!!

  • Every place I’ve lived was Nottingham. I have Not lived anywhere near tingham.

    What will these people find to complain about when the “Well it’s real mink DNA but it’s grown on collagen” technology comes into being?

  • Nick M


    They’ll complain that they’re trapped in a William Gibson novel.

  • Julian Taylor

    Ah, let me take back the request for more bimbos stripping off. Having noticed that the “model” in question was actually Sadie Frost I think I would be quite willing to not buy a mink coat in order that Ms Frost remains fully clad.

    Can Claudia Schiffer please join PETA?

  • Any brazilian supermodel will do….

  • Alsadius

    Julian: Check out the link here – what exactly are you complaining about? Well, other than the fact that she’s facing away from the camera, I mean…

  • Uain

    No frontal nudity?!?!

    Hell I’ll pose nekked with my fat spotted arse to the camera. That will kill PETA overnight.