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Diet coke, Mentos mints, Bellagio fountains and mad scientists

What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 523 Mentos mints? EepyBird.com has the answer in the form of the Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments.


14 comments to Diet coke, Mentos mints, Bellagio fountains and mad scientists

  • Awesome! Ok, now I’d like to see thousands of Mentos mints dropped into a huge vat of Diet Coke, just for the sheer spectacle of it going off. Triple points if they place an unfixed lid over the vat and put a car on top of it.

  • A completely pointless waste of time and money. Superb.

  • KRM

    I’m gonna remember that for my next bbq

  • Ian Grey

    Be also sure to check out the cautionary tale on their “how does it work?” page.

  • Michael Farris

    As wonderful as the video undoubtedly is, it’s also highly disturbing. The possibilities of harming those incapable of protecting themselves adequately are, I’m afraid, very real. In the best interests of society as a whole, the answer is clear – Diet Coke and Mentos must be banned forever.
    A fact finding team with suitable funding must be summoned right away to determine what other (diet) carbonated drinks and freshmaking candy mints react in similar ways so that they can be banned as well.
    Doesn’t anybody _care_??????

  • Johnathan Pearce

    Good grief, my pancreas would explode if I ate or drank such a concoction. I feel ill just thinking about it.

  • Ron

    Pah! That’s NOTHING!

    See George Goble lighting his barbecue using 3 gallons of liquid oxygen.

    “Started with 60 lbs of charcoal, and burnt up 40 lbs of it in 3 seconds. Result is a grill ready to cook in about 3 seconds, and all the old grease, etc burned off. Don’t try this at home.”

  • Ron – um, hate to tell you this, but…the Diet Coke/Mentos thing is infinitely cooler.

  • Kim du Toit

    At last… a valid reason to buy Diet Coke.

  • big p

    why does this reaction happen thou?

  • .:erica:.

    that thing is so cool. my friend and i are doing it for a science fair project. what parts of the cola cause the reaction. scary stuff cokes made of. never drinking it again. and to put rumours to rest, its the parts of the cola that make the reaction, and the rough surface of the mento. its not the stupid sugar theories that people say. neways try it. we wasted a whole bunch of money doing it, and it was so much fun

  • I have tried it in my garden it really works

  • zarrah

    So Every body knows that when you put a roll of mentos in diet coke real fast it explodes. But what real scentific data or therioes can be made out of this? I guess what i’m trying to say is how do you make it into a science project? I would love to get my 6 / 10 year old involved in somethingl like this.. I’m always trying to teach them things that are fun, but that put their minds to use at the same time. I would love to turn this into an at- home science project for the kiddios, specially when their out of school. Figuring it be way better than letting them sit their whole break in front of the t.v watching spunge bob square pants. Any ideas or advise as to how to turn this into a science project for a 10 year old boy and 6 year old girl?? I’ve trd looking all over the internet, but cannot find ways to put it together so the kids would basically come up woth their own theriories and test them and come up with a conclusion. Its nearly impossible to find what i’m looking for. Help??

  • I love the mentos and diet coke experiment. I did this one with my son this weekend. I explained what chemical reaction and also showed him how a volcano erputs (he is only 4 years old) with this little science gem. We found another cool site with neat science experiments like this. I will put the link below for anyone whos interested.
