We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

So much to blog, so little time

I finally managed to herd my Conference Coordinating Committee together to review a 2008 conference proposal and am somewhat less pushed for time the rest of the day. I am of course deep into sleep deprivation but that is a normal part of life at an ISDC, something I have learned to deal with over the 20 or so of the 25 I have attended.

Our collaboration with Planetary Society has been wildly successful and a pleasure to both parties.

Buzz Aldrin had a lively luncheon, including an hysterical fighter jock type joke which I will not quote in order to save his historical reputation. Buzz has been down to the Titanic and up to the North Pole and is now trying to get a hydrogen fueled Hummer drive at the South Pole. When Hugh Downs got up to leave he called to Buzz at the podium to count him in.

There is simply so much going on here I wish I had time to tell you more, process raw images, give more anecdotes. I feel like I am cheating you of the wondrousness of the week and the people and exhibits and talks. A full time live blogger could not cover it enough, let alone someone who is tied up in Society managment, committee and board meetings, organizational shmoozing and such.

Also, please forgive errors in spelling, punctuation and whatever else I manage to screw up while racing to get information on line during stolen moments

1 comment to So much to blog, so little time

  • Hi Dale

    I’m back in NYC, it was a great ISDC. One of the best. You may have missed the set too between Klaus Heiss and Bill Nye the science guy over global warming.

    Basically Heiss took him to the cleaners. Nye was left sputtering about the IPCC.

    Lots of other good stuff and you should give a vote of thanks to who ever arranged for the outdoor air conditioning.

    Great Conference three cheers for the organizers, including yourself.