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The Mandelson from the Ministry

As befits his role as grand pyjama person of external trade, Peter Mandelson has paid great attention to his image and position. There are a whole series of photographs of Peter meeting other responsible dignitaries as he promotes the European interest throughout the world. The jolly capers with the Chinese Minister of Commerce, Bo Xilai, are especially heartwarming.

Peter makes great play of his distinguished career at Westminster, detailing the achievements of his tenure at Trade and Industry and Northern Ireland. A mere snippet suffices…

In 1999 Peter Mandelson was appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Between 1999 and 2001 he negotiated the creation of Northern Ireland’s power sharing government and the IRA’s announcement that they planned to put their arms beyond use. He also introduced the radical overhaul of the police service in Northern Ireland.

A mere bagatelle of an omission and I am sure that it is unintentionally overlooked. But didn’t he resign a couple of times?

19 comments to The Mandelson from the Ministry

  • Euan Gray

    But didn’t he resign a couple of times?

    Not during the period referred to in the snippet, no.


  • Verity

    What’s a “grand pylama person”? I read it as a grand pyjama person and thought, gosh, how frank.

  • Pylama corrected, and Euan, Peter Mandelson resigned on the 24th January 2001, which is within the period mentioned.

    If Mandelson wishes to profile what he considers his political achievements in public, then surely the resignations are just as useful for visitors to the European Commission’s website who may display some interest in his character and career.

  • Euan Gray

    Peter Mandelson resigned on the 24th January 2001, which is within the period mentioned

    But nevertheless the snippet quoted is not factually inaccurate – he was in that job at that time and did do the things stated.


  • Verity

    Philip Chaston – Quite.

  • Old Jack Tar

    Not during the period referred to in the snippet, no.

    Funny that, eh?

  • The Last Toryboy

    If there really is an Illuminati running the world than Mandy is a part of it.

    How he can be consistently thrown out on his ear only to spring back up again like a particularly stubborn and hardy weed is beyond me. He must be Number Two or something and have an angora cat.

  • permanent expat

    If he’s “Number Two”…….then who’s at “Number Ten”? Could it be “Number One”?

  • nick

    They are both ‘Number Twos’.

  • Julian Taylor

    If there really is an Illuminati running the world than Mandy is a part of it.

    If worldwide conspiracy comes down to whether Peter Mandelson is one of the puppet masters of our lives or not then include me out. I would have hoped that international wet fantasies of secret handshakes, masonic emblems and Deus Ex-style intrigue would not include this seedy, vain and corrupt little man who dwells in the knowledge that whatever he does will be excused and pardoned by Tony Blair.

  • Johnathan Pearce

    I love the way that Euan Gray nitpicks. His pedantry is pathological.

    Fact is, Mandy resigned in disgrace twice during his time as a Cabinet minister. To exclude that from his CV seems dodgy, to say the least.

  • Simon Jester

    By EU standards, Mandy is a model of probity.

    This is not a compliment to him.

  • Verity

    Wot Johnathan said.

    But Julian Taylor, if there really were an Illuminati, they would be people of exactly this quality. Not James Bonds and Simon Templars. Peter Mandelsons and Tony Blairs. Vile.

  • The Last Toryboy

    Deus Ex, what a brilliant game.

    We’re well on the way to the dystopian future now.

  • Julian Taylor


    I would dearly hope that if there were such a thing as an Illuminati then they would consist of men of integrity, probity and wisdom. It would be a shock to discover that the last great hope against the Mandelsons and Blairs of this world are themselves Mandelson or Blair types.

  • Verity

    But I am sure that is the case, Julian Taylor. What kind of people would want to be running the world? Decent people? Of course not! People on the Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Alastair Campbell level. Louche types. Ted Heath was meant to be one of them. See? It’s all people of that calibre.

    Oh, I wonder how long it will be before the truth about an anonymous Lib Dem leadership contender hits the fan – somewhat appropriately. I can’t wait.

    Philip Chaston, I still don’t understand what a grand pyjama is. I’ve never heard the term before.

  • Euan Gray

    I still don’t understand what a grand pyjama is. I’ve never heard the term before

    Presumably a pun on grand panjandrum.


  • Verity

    Yes, Euan. Grand panjarandum occurred to me as well, but I thought it might be something different I hadn’t heard of.

  • ernest young

    grand pyjama person of external trade – quite a puzzling expression, obviously refers to his post as an EU ‘Trade Minister’, now if it had said grand pyjama person of the carriage trade – that might have covered an even broader description of the man.