We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Working for the state does not make your life more valuable

Samizdatistas David Carr was on the Jeremy Vine Show (BBC Radio Two) this morning, arguing with some Labour member of Parliament who believes that firemen and ambulance drivers should enjoy higher levels of legal protection than the ordinary people in the street.

David puts his views forcefully and you can download and listen to it here (mp3 file).

12 comments to Working for the state does not make your life more valuable

  • Johnathan Pearce

    I have just heard the programme. Carr totally crushed the dipshit of the MP, admittedly not a particularly difficult feat.

  • Bernie

    David did an excellent job and I would like to hear him expand on this subject a bit more than he had time to on the radio. It looks to me like several groups of state workers are out to get a completely different legal status to the rest of us.

  • Nancy

    Well done, David. What I don’t understand is Mr Dixon’s sad tone in describing being “disappointed” in not being “able to intervene” and so possibly “have been able to steer them away from the path that they chose.” Since when is it the firemen’s duty to adjust the attitude of vicious teenage miscreants? Those kids are 14 and 15 years old – where the hell are their parents? I have a 14 year old towering lug of my own, who is now significantly bigger than me. If I ever caught him throwing bricks at or laying hands on a firefighter, I’d make him wish he hadn’t. All the “worthwhile initiatives” and specific laws in the world can’t overcome a lack of decent parenting.

  • Verity

    W-a-a-a-a-h! My Real Player doesn’t have any sound!

  • Julian Taylor

    The USAF term ‘clubbing baby seals’ comes to mind …

  • Verity: it is an mp3 file, not a Real Media file.

  • Verity

    Perry – Thanks. Can I listen to it in some other way? I clicked on the link, Realplayer came down and then didn’t work – as it wouldn’t if it’s the wrong kind of file. Is there something else I can do to access it? Actually, I don’t want to do anything too complicated as this computer has to go to computer hospital for a two-day period of tests, so I don’t want to strain it…. After whining for a post from David Carr over a two week period, I may have to forego this one.

  • Julian Taylor

    Verity, right click on the link and save it to your HD then use Windows Media Player or, even better, iTunes to play it.

  • Chris Harper




    You would suggest that this dear lady should deliberately infect her computer, poor sickly thing that it already is, with THAT virus?

    Shame on you.

  • How exactly is iTunes a virus?

  • I have to say, I was a bit confused when the fire chief said they were working in schools and with young children to prevent these kind of incidents. And there was me thinking a fireman’s job is to tackle fires and it is the job of the police to arrest those who throw bricks at people. Silly me, I’ve been abroad too long.

  • I have to say, I was a bit confused when the fire chief said they were working in schools and with young children to prevent these kind of incidents. And there was me thinking a fireman’s job is to tackle fires and it is the job of the police to arrest those who throw bricks at people. Silly me, I’ve been abroad too long.