We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Bashing Hollywood

…no, not as in ‘Hollywood sucks’. Far from it in fact.

Our favourite lefty in Los Angeles, film producer, cigar addict, gun-owning pinko, O.G. blogger and all around gentleman Brian Linse kindly made his severely cool house in the Hollywood Hills available to me and fellow Samizdatista Jackie so that we would throw yet another blogger party for many very interesting people connected to the blogosphere…

Mickey Kaus demonstrated his improvised vampire repellent technique to a hushed audience

Many people stampeded into the bedroom when Amy suggested a game of ‘spin the bottle’


Eugene Volokh gave Jackie some legal advice in return for the famous Chilli Con Chelsea recipe


Arianna was described as a ‘once and future blogger’ but she seemed pretty blog-savvy right now

Update: More reports and pictute of the latest LA Blogger Bash can be found here, here, here, here, here and here.

5 comments to Bashing Hollywood

  • Arianna Huffington, the socialist arch-environmentalist herself … on Samizdata! I’d have loved to see the reaction of the others there if she’d started talking politics.

  • There were quite a few interesting discussions early on as a wide range of the political spectrum was present, but by the time Arianna turned up, people were far to into the merlot, stella and vodka to sustain all too many political debates. I spent much of the night trying to read the articles on Amy Alkon’s derriere.

  • Speak for yourself, Perry! Although Amy’s bottom is always intriguing, I talked to Arianna and Mickey about Barack Obama (she had just come from dinner with him at David Geffen’s house to our bash) and Howard Dean. And then we made fun of Susan Estrich, which is like breathing – an activity that kids from one to ninety-two can enjoy…

  • Johnathan Pearce

    Perry, did Eugene quote you a rate on how much he charges for court cases involving your chillie-based recipes? Some of us might like to know!

    Have a good time mate.

  • Someone should get audio of A. Huffington and T. Heinz Kerry and test people to see if they can tell the two voices apart.