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Guantanamo Bay… a great place to learn English!

There is an interesting story in the Telegraph about a teenage Afghan arrested as a Taliban supporter and held in Guantanamo Bay. Although he was none too happy about being taken away from his parents, rather surprisingly he claims that he had a good time in the US military prison!

In a first interview with any of the three juveniles held by the US at Guantanamo Bay base, Mohammed said: “They gave me a good time in Cuba. They were very nice to me, giving me English lessons.” Mohammed, an unemployed Afghan farmer, found the surroundings in Cuba at first baffling. After he settled in, however, he was left to enjoy stimulating school work, good food and prayer.

What a funny old world.

3 comments to Guantanamo Bay… a great place to learn English!

  • U.S. Fanatic

    Wait, I thought we were torturing them…

  • Chris Josephson

    It is rather odd. But considering the living conditions, at home, for most of these men Guantanamo conditions had to be better. At least they were fed and clothed.
    I read someplace that many have gained weight.

    I think we should hand over all the POWs, taken in Afghanistan, to the Afghan government. The Afghan government should decide their fate. The US shouldn’t.

    Same with the POWs from the Iraqi war. Let the Iraqis decide their fate.

  • Anointiata Delenda Est

    Oh Chris Josephson,

    What a subversive idea. Surely the Iraqis, those great defenders of personal liberty, MUST be better than the Great Satan.