We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Beware of counter-revolutionaries

Some people are just so selfish. Rather than queue patiently for their state ration of bread and cabbage, they’ll conjour up all sorts of ruses to get an unfair advantage: [from the UK Times]

A GRANDMOTHER at the end of her tether after waiting seven months for an operation mixed cranberry juice with crumbled biscuits to simulate her own blood and dialled 999 for an ambulance.

After claiming to have been vomiting blood, Trizka Litton, 62, was taken to Walsgrave Hospital in Coventry. The mother of three got rid of her fake blood, which she was carrying in a plastic container, before it could be tested and underwent surgery to remedy a serious hiatus hernia.

Obviously an extreme right-winger and an enemy of the people.

“I carried a heavy burden of guilt and shame at being forced to cheat and lie,” Mrs Litton said, “but that vanished when doctors told me just how near death I had been.”

Well, in the circumstances I suppose this indiscretion can be overlooked. But anymore tricks like that and it’s re-education for her.

4 comments to Beware of counter-revolutionaries

  • Those tricky OAPs are just not to be trusted, for they still remember how to use their brains.

  • “Obviously an extreme right-winger and an enemy of the people.”

    Not at all. Just another left-winger campaigning for more money to be spent reducing NHS waiting-list times; state rations shouldn’t consist of bread and cabbage. They should consist of ciabatta and rocket salad! Obviously!

    (From bitter experience, I feel obliged to point out that the paragraph above contains *irony*.)

    The real problem isn’t freedom-and-granny-hating Marxists under the bed, it’s that people don’t understand economics. They need someone to tell them why capitalism would actually be *more* likely to come up with the goods than the NHS.

  • Alfred E. Neuman

    Wait–socialised medicine doesn’t work?

  • R. C. Dean

    Depends on what you mean by “work.”

    If you believe that we should all be equally sick and miserable, socialism, including socialized medicine, works like a charm.