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The other California circus

The movie moguls and their sidekicks in the film industry are being urged to tone down their campaigning to win the forthcoming Oscars.

Presumably the heads of the film industry in the U.S. and elsewhere are concerned that an unseemly rush by actors, actresses and others to plug their films is already annoying the public. I honestly don’t know if people really are all that concerned if, say, Cameron Diaz or Russell Crowe are on the stump advocating the merits of their films. (If Ms Diaz wants me to interview her about her work, she is only too welcome).

The film industry, both in the States as well as elsewhere, has become so large in its financial strength that it is hard to see how much can, or should be done to restrain artists from doing their all to grab one of the golden statues. It may be crass, but what can you do, apart from ask for polite restraint? Personally, I nurse a slight antipathy to the Oscars, which usually provide an opportunity for blowhards like hard-left progagandist Michael Moore to harangue the audience with his paranoid views at the reward ceremonies, or else give the back-scratchers in the business a chance to do what they know best.

But really, in the big scheme of things, it is hard to get too upset. The Oscars have become a circus and they look set to remain that way, barring a catastrophic drop in the movie industry’s fortunes. Michael Jennings of this parish had some good things to say in this vein in his superb piece here a few days ago.

Of course the surreal nature of lobbying for Oscar slots gets even more Daliesque when juxtaposed next to the recall election in California. Here’s a poser for you – which is more out of touch with reality, the Oscars, or California’s politicians? Discuss.

8 comments to The other California circus

  • The Oscars have become a circus and they look set to remain that way, barring a catastrophic drop in the movie industry’s fortunes.

    They are basically a larger version of MTV’s Video Music Award and like that show is getting dumber every year. Well, there’s at least the hope that Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera are going to get really down and dirty at the Oscar’s. 🙂

  • Part of the issue is that this year’s Oscar campaign will be a month shorter than in the past. The start of the campaign will remain at the same time (films are typically shown to critics in early December and then must be released in theatres in Los Angeles by the end of December) but the ceremony will be one month earlier than in the past, so the campaign will be more intense than previously.

    And I think for now the Oscars are still slightly more than MTV awards. The recipients still care about winning them, much more than any other set of entertainment awards. On the other hand, ask me about the Oscars that I think have gone to the wrong people, and I will be going for hours.

  • Andy

    “which is more out of touch with reality, the Oscars, or California’s politicians?”
    Sir, your premise presumes facts not in evidence in EITHER case.

    The Oscars are a joke (the only ones that really matter are the ones that don’t make it on TV, the technical Oscars like sound, SFX, etc.), as was already stated.

    Politics here in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia are so removed from reality, that we have a governor that is in such a panic mode trying to keep his job, that he is pandering to any special interest that walks by; on Saturday, he will sign a bill that allows illegal immigrants to get drivers licenses (which will allow them to vote, buy guns and a few other things). This is in a desparate hope to garner support from the Hispanic lobby.
    Cruz Bustamante, the leading Democrat candidate in the recall election was unable to answer a question about what socialist benefits he would deny to illegal immigrants and has also said that he would raise taxes (apparently unaware of the fact that the high tax rate is what is driving out people and jobs, causing the amount of $ the CA government takes in lower). He is also an avowed member of a racist sepatarist group, MENCha. (note that if Arnie isn’t careful, Bustamante will win this election)

    One of our other candidates, Schwarzenegger, says he won’t raise property taxes but hired on limousine liberal Warren Buffet (who was surprised his property taxes on his CA house were so low) as a financial advisor.

  • Johnathan

    Actually Andy, I agree with you 100pct!

  • Oscars are so much more out of touch than CA politics.

  • Random California Resident

    Gandolf for Governor!

  • JSAllison

    Gandalf wouldn’t take it on a bet…Nog of the Uruk-Hai for Governor! He’ll eat their hearts out!

  • JSAllison

    Comical Ali (aka Skippy) for Governor! He’ll roast their livers in the State House!!!