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Pub owners call for ID cards

The Publican reports that the British Institute of Innkeeping (BII) is calling on the trade to show support for the national ID card scheme, despite reports that the Cabinet has rejected the plan.

Home secretary David Blunkett is looking to introduce the scheme, which would see the introduction of a compulsory ID card for everyone in the UK aged over 16. This will effectively give the pub industry the single proof-of-age card that many licensees and pub operators have been calling for.

Reports this week suggest that Mr Blunkett’s project has failed to gain full Cabinet support and that the plans have been referred back to a government sub-committee, a sign that there are serious doubts. However, Caroline Nodder, spokesperson for the BII, said most of its members fully back the scheme.

Given the number of local proof-of-age schemes it is hard for licensees to spot fake IDs. So we strongly support plans for a single, national ID card. We need to keep pushing this because from the trade’s perspective it is a very good idea.

Ms Nodder also said the very fact that ministers were sitting down and discussing a concrete plan represented a huge degree of progress.

Up until 18 months ago, ministers made it clear they wouldn’t even talk about an ID card scheme. We hope good sense will prevail. The introduction of ID cards will be a significant way forward for the government because it will help crack down on under-age drinking and has made it clear that is a key priority.

Yes, it’s true, there are people who live on an entirely different planet…

4 comments to Pub owners call for ID cards

  • When I wrote to my MP in January stating my opposition to the proposed compulsory ID cards scheme, as part of the government’s ‘public consultation exercise’, I received a (standard) letter back from my MP citing ‘combatting under-age drinking’ as one of the primary reasons she supports the concept. The reply I received made no mention of other popular government reasons for the scheme such as combatting illegal immigration or bringing the UK into line with other EU member states whose authorities routinely check ID cards which citizens are required to carry.

    That was the first time I’d come across the ‘under-age drinking’ excuse and it amazed me that anyone could be so ignorant as to believe ID cards are a magical fix in the government’s alleged battle against under-age drinking (which must, in reality, generate a lot of revenue for the government when VAT and alcohol duty are considered).

    Most 18-year-olds already have a valid government-backed form of ID card in the shape of the UK/EU driving licence. But guess what – if those selling alcohol doubt the age of the customer they need only refuse to serve that individual, assuming ID such as a driver’s licence is not provided and the vendor will not take on trust the customer’s stated age. If bar staff refuse to serve young-looking 18-year-olds it is ultimately the bar owner’s loss. It is truly ridiculous that a group like the ‘British Institute of Innkeeping’ should call for backing of the ID card proposals.

    Whatever next? Compuslory ID cards will help find cure for cancer?

  • And of course if 18 year olds do not drive, then they can obtain an alternative government issued ID (a passport) trivially easily.

    I’m pretty relaxed about under-age drinking, personally. Under age drunkenness should be treated like drunkenness of anyone else, which is that if it is causing a problem for other people, then we need to deal with it in some way, otherwise we don’t. It’s certainly not a good reason to require me to carry a license to walk out of the house.

    Even if you do think under-age drinking is bad, it doesn’t occur because people selling young people alcohol are unaware of the law, but because the people selling alcohol are turning a blind eye to it. (That is, they want the business). If you really did want to crack down on the sale of alcohol to minors, then you should crack down on the sale of alcohol to minors. Establishing very heavy fines, and regularly catching and prosecuting people who break the law in question might be helpful.

    Gabriel: Yes, it’s true, there are people who live on an entirely different planet

    What is getting me here is just how out of touch the politicians are becoming with electoral reality here. This ID card is hugely unpopular with voters, and if an election was fought principally over the issue, it would cost Labour government. And yet they seem oblivious to this. And worse, the opposition seem oblivious to it too. Our political class seems completely isolated from the rest of us. And this is dreadful.

  • mr. kostkewitsch


    I need a Driving license!
    I´m from Germany!
    How can you help me?


  • willy

    hit me baby one more time!!