We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata re-emerging from Server Hell

As our regular readers will have noticed, we were blown off our server by the bandwidth spike caused by the response to Gabriel Syme’s article on Wednesday.

We have just moved to Hosting Matters, and thus hopefully such traumatic ‘black out’ events will be a thing of the past from now on!

Glenn Reynolds has blown up more servers that Al Qaeda!

14 comments to Samizdata re-emerging from Server Hell

  • Sekimori

    *snort* He blew out Nemesis just yesterday. 🙂

  • S. Weasel

    Whew. What a relief. For a while there, I was afraid I was going to get some work done.

  • Elizabeth

    Arg – Samizdata withdrawal is shaky and horrible.

    I must say, I also enjoy the link to the Dissident Frogman as well. 🙂

  • I’m glad Samizdata is online again. It was like, I dunno, when eletricity or phone goes down. Don’t do that often, please!

  • Monsyne Dragon

    Hmmmm… Given the beating the webservers take whence he sends a link their way, I hereby suggest that Glenn Reynolds henceforth shall be referred to as the “Insta-pound-it”.

  • Perhaps Blogdom should have a rule similar to that very old rule when automobiles first starting roaming the roads…they must be proceeded by a flagman going down the road ahead…when a “server-breaker” is going to be posted, the flagman must go out first!

  • cydonia

    No worries. I just spent a pleasant hour perusing the Samizdata archives via Google’s wonderful cache store!


  • ernest young

    I thought it was caused by anti-war people sabotaging your site. Didn’t you notice the extra large numbers of repeat postings?

  • ernest young: I think that was just the server in its last death throes

  • D Anghelone


    Instapunted, maybe.

    Verb: punt

    1. Kick the ball

    2. Propel with a pole

    3. Place a bet on

  • That’s why it’s called an ‘instalance’. Tends to bury the servers.

  • No Kathy… instalance means ‘to skewer or lance a server’, the term you are reaching for is ‘instalanche’… to bury a server’. heh.

  • I have just had a vision of Glenn Reynolds with a sword in one hand and a lance in the other, coming after an errant server. This is a scary thought.