We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Samizdata slogan of the day

The older media generation, particularly those covering the war from comfortable television studios, has not covered itself with glory. Deeply infected with anti-war feeling and Left-wing antipathy to the use of force as a means of doing good, it has once again sought to depict the achievements of the West’s servicemen as a subject for disapproval.
– John Keegan, Telegraph

5 comments to Samizdata slogan of the day

  • Jacob

    Beside the media – John Keegan’s is the first and so far the ONLY accurate military commentary about the war.
    There was no war.
    The Iraqis, in the reknown Arab military tradition, have not fought. They are far better with words than swords.

  • The people who were at college with me in the early 80s and thought then that the Falklands War [against the military dictatorship that made ‘disappear’ into a transitive verb] was an outrageous act, are now approaching the height of their professional influence in their various fields.

  • mad dog barker

    These pacifist scum should be taught a good lesson about the true nature of military power. Without it we are nothing. We are but the ammunition we carry in our pockets..

    “Peace grows from the barrel of a gun” – a phrase which left wing filth everywhere should recognise as it was quoted by that great hero of the left, chairman Mao in his only lucid moment.

    If it were not for the power of our military (no, I correct myself – if not for the power of the US military) we would ALL be communists and dispise money. And where would we be then. Certainly not where we are now!

    And the real reason we forces for democracy will NEVER cease our constant and eternal struggle against terror and tyranny is that GOD himself is on our side. Onward Christian soldiers! You have the sword of truth and the shield of justice with which to smite any that dares not to agree with us. It is our divine destiny to kill anything that does not look or think like us, and GOD will strike any that disagree with thunderbolts…

    if our mavericks don’t get you first…

  • Just the sort of might-is-right Argentinians I was talking about, mad dog.

  • Keegan has well defined what perhaps ought be termed the “R.W. ‘Johnny’ Apple., Jr. Effect”