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More good EU tidings

Polly Toynbee, doyenne of the transnational progressive movement and all-round-leftist prig, is shocked, shocked! that Tony Blair’s forthright denunciation of France’s perfidy over Iraq is damaging our prospects of getting deeper into bed with the Eurofederalists…

Once again <drums roll!> – excellent! Let’s hope that a woman who is so consistently wrong is actually correct on this one!

5 comments to More good EU tidings

  • S. Weasel

    Hm. Interesting. Hidden toward the end of Miz Toynbee’s steaming pile of insights is this factoid:

    Europe plans (too slowly) to build its own defence capability – currently spending half as much as the US, yet getting just 10% of its firepower.

    Whoever becomes the next great power, it’ll never be Europe. They piss too many of their resources away on bureaucracy and socialism, draining the land of innovation, optimism and energy. Which is how you spend 50% for 10% value.

  • Guy Herbert

    Of course there’s a horrid possibility that it will do precisely the reverse. Having upset his playmates playing football with the wrong gang, Blair may end up feeling he has to do everything he can to ingratiate himself with them again.

  • Della

    Apparently France is taking its ball and going home:

    France would block any UN resolution giving the US and Britain the power of administration in Iraq, French President Jacques Chirac has declared.

    “This idea of a resolution seems to me to be a way of authorising military intervention after the event, and so is not, in my point of view, fitting in the current situation,” Mr Chirac said at a news conference in Brussels.

  • Theodopoulos Pherecydes

    This poisonous woman couldn’t wait for Auberon Waugh’s body to cool before taking the cheap shots at him she never would have taken had he been alive. I’ll never read anything she writes again.

  • Theodopoulos Pherecydes

    This poisonous woman couldn’t wait until Auberon Waugh’s body was cool before getting off the cheap shots she would never have dared make had he been alive. I have never read anything she’s written since and don’t intend to start now.