We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Herr Bush, you are under arrest

Picture this: A CIA official in handcuffs, standing in the dock of the European Court at Strasbourg while a calcified, gravelly German judge hands down a life sentence.

Far-fetched? Yes, but theoretically possible by dint of the orders issued by the Whitehouse,

“US President George W Bush has authorised the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to kill about a dozen terrorist leaders named on a secret list prepared by the White House…”

which has made waves in Europe:

“EU legal and constitutional experts in Brussels said Monday that the killing in the European Union of suspected terrorist leaders on a list drawn up by the White House would be considered murder, even if the person had been authorised for such a liquidation by the law of his home country.”

So, let’s imagine that a CIA trigger-man clips Mahmoud Al-Nutjob on the steps of his student hostel in Berlin. Is said CIA man going to be arrested by the German police? If so, is he going to be prosecuted by the German state? Would the US government intervene? If so, what form would that intervention take?

I think that there could be a just a little friction here.

*Tip to any CIA agent who may find himself in the above situation: don’t try the old ‘I was only obeying orders’ defence. It won’t cut much ice with Germans.

25 comments to Herr Bush, you are under arrest

  • The US may well view these terrorists as enemy targets and it is in their interests to do so.

    But, if they wish to violate our sovereignty in order to do so, then they should be opposed.

    The interests of Britain or any other country are not furthered by allowing foreign intelligence and security agencies carte blanche to conduct military activities.

    In actualite, I suspect that this scenario would never arise in our case and that the US would deploy this power in co-operative countries, failed states, the ‘axis of evil’ and polities that are noted for their lawlessness.

    It’s the principle that counts here.

  • Agreed, Philip. The Yemen bombing bothered me a whole hell of a lot. This sort of thing is a violation of sovereignty par excellence, and should be opposed. The Bush administration seems to think that it’s fine to violate fundamental human rights whenever they say “terrorism” or “national security.” The fact is that it’s just not OK to take away suspected terrorists’ rights because they’re suspected to be terrorists.

  • Anonymous Coward

    I was under the impression that those working for organisations like the CIA or Britain’s SIS (MI6) had to live with the concept of deniability. If you’re caught, the company is going to deny all knowledge of your existence.

  • Didn’t the Mossad do something similar after the Munich Massacre, I don’t seem to recall any of their operatives being arrested – but I stand open to correction.

    Just because a crime has been committed, and the perpetrators identified, does not mean that they will be prosecuted.

    It could be argued that if you have sufficient evidence to order a person’s assasination for terrorist activities, you probably have sufficient evidence to arrest and prosecute them.

    But what about when you don’t, or the evidence comes from an agent you have placed in the organisation and by revealing it would compromise that agent ?

    Its a tough call, and not one that sits comfortably with Libertarian principles.

  • Kevin Connors

    Coward has a point. Spooks have died quietly in nations of all stripes throughout history, particularly during the Cold War. The Bush adminstration is just parting from a convention that’s existed at least since the Hague conference of 1907 by coming right out and identifying targets.

  • lars

    It’s not like Bush gave carte blanche to go out and shoot ’em up, like an old style western. It’s a lst resort, if the bad guys are shooting back and capture is not possible.

  • Jacob

    It would be lovely if the US could tell the Yemenis (for example): ” Mr Jamal has just murdered some American soldiers. Would you please arrest him and try him and imprison him for life ?”
    This is not the case. Terrorists are wellcome, and offered sanctuary, sympathy and bases in many countries.
    Hunting down and eliminating terrorists by any means (in absence of effective judicial means), is morally justified, and practically neccessary.
    Those countries who wish their sovereignity to be respected need to adhere to universal standards of behaviour and justice.

  • Jacob

    Svereignity gives a country some rights, but also some obligations – such as the obligation to prevent it’s territory to be used to stage attacks on other countries.

  • Jacob

    As to the poor “victims” on that American hit list: they have an easy way out – thay can present themselves at the nearest US consulate and demand fair trial. Their right to fair trial will then be respected.

  • Joe


    You live in London? You want the US state to have the right to assassinate British citizens with no concern for due process or the opinion of anyone in the UK?

    You express outrage at the idea that a CIA assassin would be arrested. But how would we know who he was until he was arrested?

    And how does this policy tie in with your recommendation that citizens take self defense into their own hands? A CIA sniper might find themselves in danger from an armed citizenry who shoot first and ask questions later if we followed your advice on crime control.

    There are a lot of question marks in the above, because I find it hard to believe I have not caricatured your position.

  • Jay N

    Is this a question about assassination or agents operating in foreign countries? It seems to me that the argument as put so far regarding sovereignty is basically that agents from one country should not be allowed to operate in another without consent. But if there is consent does the dissent change? For example if the UK allows CIA agents use of their resources and free range in the country is the objection raised if they arrest someone or only if they kill someone?
    In a country like the Yemen where they deny the right of agents to operate at all do we accept that the terrorists have effectively succeeded in claiming asylum? If the agents had descended and arrested the terrorists they still would have been invading the countries sovereignty and therefore it would have been just as bad. The actual offence doesn’t change weight because of the action that is taken, either your respecting another countries sovereignty or your not.
    Which brings me to my conclusion, the CIA, MI5, Mossad, etc are SPIES, they are government agencies which by their nature behave in a fashion that violates national sovereignty, the only difference here is that it has been made clear that Bush has OK’d the list of targets, which is infinitely preferable to the CIA deciding that list on their own. They will operate as they always have with friendly nations turning a blind eye and enemy agents actively trying to stop them. And well outside the rule of international law. Repercussions will continue to happen at a diplomatic level well away from the public eye.
    It seems to me that the real question here is about the use of the secret services.

  • ellie

    If the media reports regarding the the Yemen CIA ‘hit’ are accurate, it was done with the consent of the Yemeni government. In addition, the Yemeni military had made a previous attempt to arrest the primary target at the cost of 18 soldiers’ lives. To tell the truth, I wouldn’t mind sending Anna Lindh (or any other like-minded advocate of the supremecy of ‘due process’) into Yemen with an arrest warrant clutched in her hot, little hand, but, is that really practical (and do ya really think Anna would consent?) Exactly how many people should die in attempts to arrest known terrorists? And where, exactly, does the concept of self-defense rank in the hierarchy of ‘fundamental human rights?’

    If I recall correctly, the Mossad spent many years locating & taking out the Munich murderers. One of the hits was a huge blunder; the wrong person was killed, & the assassin was caught & convicted in a European court.

    All things being equal, I can’t imagine the US exercising this option often, or in Europe at all. But the fact remains: Al Qaeda HAS declared war, not simply on the US, but on American civilians (I’ll let the European left argue about whether this is Europe’s war as well.)

  • David Carr


    Outrage!?. What ‘outrage’?

    Being criticised for positions which I have not taken is, I suppose, part and parcel of being a blogger. However, pointing to the existance of a problem is not the same as taking a particular stance in relation to the said problem.

  • Joe


    I must admit that you post is much more reasonable than I had assumed given your usual pro-US War on Terror / anti-EU stance.

  • Two points.

    It is quite correct that sovereignty operates as a fiction as far as intelligence gathering and deployment is concerned. To gather as much information as possible about potential enemies, rivals etc is a given.

    However, to operate in violation of a state’s sovereignty in order to achieve military/intelligence goals without declaring war or furnishing a sufficient reason invites other countries to act in the same way within your own territory.

    For instance, France’s bombing of the Rainbow Warrior, an unnecessary and barbaric act could have been cited as sufficient to allow New Zealand to act in the same regard on French territory.

    By taking such pre-emptive actions, the United States is stating that it holds the sovereignty of other countries in less regard than its own. These countries may use the same arguments to strike back at the States.

    Sovereignty is an important principle that should not be undermined unless absolutely necessary.

  • Warmongering Lunatic

    In Berlin?

    Well, assuming that the U.S. did that instead of, you know, discussing things with the German government, the U.S. would probably use somebody with a diplomatic passport. In which case, all Germany could do to that person is declare him persona non grata and send him to the U.S. Germany could request the U.S. extradite him to face trial in Germeny, of course, but the U.S. would be perfectly free to refuse.

    As far as the Yemen thing: those who were killed had killed Yemeni soldiers in open combat. Their deaths were not an “extrajudicial killing” except in the same sense that bombing a German tank in WWII was. And it didn’t violate Yemeni soverignty because the Yemeni government authorized senind the armed Predator after the terrorists. An action by can’t violate soverignty by definition if it was authorized in advance by the soverign government.

  • Jacob

    Are the US, or it’s citizens, or people based in the US, intiating terrorist strikes agains innocent office workers in other countries ? If so, then the others would be justified to strike back.
    A general sovereignity argument cannot be valid without reference to the specifics of the case: who is the criminal and who the policeman fighting back. You cannot ignore the moral or legal difference between the two.

    As Bush said: you are either with us or against us. Those who harbor terrorists have as good as declared war on the US.

  • Jacob,

    An argument for sovereignty is a valid reason for criticising a strategy that privileges the sovereignty of the United States above the sovereignty of any other nation.

    If the US takes military action with the co-operation of the sovereign state, end of argument, no problem. If the US takes military action against a state where there is evidence of support or active military actions against US personnel or civilians, then that is a sufficient casus belli.

    If the US takes pre-emptive action in a state, after its authorities have stated that they will deal with the terrorist through their own judicial process, or have not been made aware of the existence of the said terrorist before any action is taken, then this is a violation of sovereignty and is therefore wrong.

    Quoting Bush’s aphorism is probably out of date. The ‘war on terror’ is acquiring the complexity and the moral ambiguities that all conflicts acquire after a while.

    Most countries are not for the US or against the US. They are for themselves and their own interests.

    Where your reply would be criticised by many non-Americans was the self-identification of the US as a “policeman”. This authority is not recognised, and therefore, the moral underpinning of US action is perceived as blatant coercion for a particular national interest.

    Pre-emptive action that violates the sovereignty of a state gives that state the right to oppose the actions of the US and take the necessary decisions to defend itself.


  • Trent Telenko


    You are being an idiot.

    Sovereignty is only as good as the military force available to maintain it.

    Without military might, sovereignty is a mere fiction.

    And ‘international law’ like the ICC is a shadow of that fiction.

    Europeans have given up one and should expect no one to respect the other.

    The events of 9/11 have torn the veil of fiction from American eyes. Americans will do as we must because we are at war. And not just any sort of war, but a war to the knife. Our lives or theirs. No quarter asked or given.

    Get used to the world as it is and not as your fantasies say it should be.

  • Mark


    You’re right that ideas like ‘national sovereignty’ and for that matter ‘law’ are ‘fictions’. The basis of civilization is the ability of people to believe in those fictions and fight for them.

    It may on occasion be necessary to bend the rules in the interest of survival. So we say, “We know the law doesn’t allow us to kill terrorists without a trial, but if we waited for a trial they’d attack again.”

    What we don’t say is: “Screw trials. Good, bad, I’m the one with the gun.”

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but that seems to be what you’re saying.

  • Philip Chaston


    I never return insults since they always mirror their author.

    If you read my post closely, instead of launching into the War of the Knife, you would note that nothing I said would halt current American actions.

    My defence of sovereignty is also unsympathetic to the European Union or transnational progressivism since it does not recognise the rights of supranational bodies or courts to overrule a sovereign state. Your reading of my comment in this light is false.

    Sovereignty is a necessary ‘fiction’ since the uncivilised alternatives are ‘might is right’ and pure power plays.

    British sovereignty is as important to me as American sovereignty is to you. Live with it and learn to distinguish dreams from reality.

  • Trent Telenko


    Since when has international relations been anything other than the strong preying on the weak?

    The only times there has been relative peace have been when a single power dominates the world.

    They called those times Pax Romana, Pax Britannica and Pax Americana for a reason.


    Your conception of sovereignty died a richly deserved death in a place called Srebrenicia.

    There national sovereignty was used as an excuse for Europeans to do nothing in the face of genocide because the victims were muslims.

    So America killed that conception of sovereignty under international law in the skies over Kosovo to stop genocide.

    I call that a good bargin in order to exterminate evil.

    The problem with libratarians is you all go flaky when faced with outright evil and the need to destroy it.

    It is one thing libratarians share with the Trannsies. The knee jerk denial of evil when it rears its ugly head outside your working paradigms.

  • Jacob

    Concerning sovereignity: we, libertarians, worship individual rights. We do not have too much sympathy for states, goverments, nations. True ? What is sovereignity ? A right of a state. This idea has some value, but it is not a supreme value, a value that trumps all others. So, adopting a nuanced approach, I would say that we have to appreciate the idea of sovereignity in context with other ideas like the rights and safety of individuals. When a strict adherence to sovereignity would jeopardize the lives of individuals (by hindering the pursuit of terrorists) – sovereignity has to yield.

  • Inspirational tv documentary clips on the dismissed workers/poesie formated thoughts of oppressed peoples:

    Kofi Annan celebrates United Nonsense festival at United Nations circus

    hello there/
    shurk mister, his minister/
    what does celebration of new year mean/
    if massmurderer Human Butcher/
    same shurk, same cruel bastard Sharon/
    docka looks like little different coloured, Annan/
    …and all the top chiefs around of human blood/
    vad does Schutzpach mean/
    as long as massacres ongoing/
    like a process/
    Human Butcher rules/
    at last Kofi puppet certifies?


    Urho Lapplander


    Laponian protest poetry / icke lönsamma, behandlas samma/ som Laponer, såhär /
    förintas sakta
    California’s näst största industrin:/ bara en,/
    kriminalvården/ SvekJa Kingdom’s:/ kluven,/
    registration, migration/ vad skulle heta det/
    rena bödlar bakom leendet/ stämplar
    vidare, fräckhet/ utestängning kallas det/ stiger
    vinst helt / officiellt/ onda cirkelns mest legaliserade
    sätt/ insisterar du hos humanitet/
    då är ditt öde: eländet,/ pamparnas tröst, lurendrejeriet/
    ** vissa förintas/ för att inte/ dugliga att
    utnyttjas/ ** var femte dag/
    begår någon självmord/ ett plus/ uppger Fonus/ hamnar i
    papperskorgen/ hos FT’s redaktören/ för att inte påverkat/
    börsgrafiken/ ** icke
    lönsamma/ behandlas samma/ stackare inte ger/
    upprörande effekter/ bemannas till en form/ liksom
    vandaler-vikingatider/ förintas även mjölkko Samer/

    ** Urho Lapplander literature_Lappland@Kiruna.com



    det borde kompenserad/
    om man livstids lättlurad/
    ni som bestämmer, krävde CSN lån, vad som satanistiskt reglerat/
    ingen utväg, enligt era labyrenter oundvikligt ju lånat/
    goda språkkunskaper/ som ledde till jobbet; okay, Sir; fixat/
    men när det gällt eran tur d.v.s. jobbet som jag sökt, hindret fördubblat/
    trots högskolenivån massor låggraderade kurser förbannat/
    ändå okay, Sir; vad som ni tvingat/
    det har gott 15 år/ trapporna i universitet slutat/
    löftena låtsas borttappat, trots mitt liv slösat/
    det är min ungdom som gått till spillo; ni allihop så horaktigt bortkastat/
    oförskämda sionistiska kapitalets bastarder ni, uppfattat/
    varför finns inte en enda högutbildad arbetslös jude som köat/
    AMS chefer som slicker de herrevaldas stövlar, enda tjänst de duktigast/
    men när det gäller oss som inte kan fiffla, riskera bara systematiskt
    är det Rikaslagens “constitutionell” princip, människan inför lagen
    vart tar vägen mediala skurkar nu, om demokratin skulle verkligen fungerat/
    arbetslösa undertryckta medborgarnas gyllene år skulle så enkelt bli
    visst, de tjuvaktiga ministrar också har hjärta, någon gång något älskat/
    ingen kan förneka hur de sina egna djur inför kamror kramat/
    men jämför kära, förtryckta människor så kallblodigt hänsynslös sätt offrat/
    luriga praktikplatser räckte till bara man extra stämplat/
    jobbcenter deltagare legaliserad sätt förslavat/
    tänk på en akademiker tvingas dela ut en värdelös gatutidning på
    då bara judiska pampar en av de hortokige Jan Stenbeck, alltid dubbla viagra
    ena saken hans liv, kostnaderna praktikanters hälsan kostat/
    då borde ni “fina” svara, chefernas aktie eller kompetensen utvecklat/
    se på mig; levande bevis; sanningen är jag inte samma arbetslös/
    inte minst titel förändrat, performmerad högutbildat/
    intelllektuell som flera håll registrerat/ enda accepterat/
    men du, höguppsatte lögnaren, du är på samma nivån, som vi 15 år sedan träffat/
    du oförskämda Fatty Imbecill G.rån PetSion; bara lovat, bara lovat, bara lovat/
    inte något minsta positivt hos mig förändrat/
    från prat/
    till resultat


    Bosse Hugemark

    ur LIVING HISTORY: Förintelse memoarer / JobZentrum KZ AMS SvekJa Kingdom
    model-Af suburb, poem nr. 000029


    Inspiration by oppressed jobless, so called the discriminated academician
    “utestängda” who forced to join the fake job centre… KZ JobZentrum
    Vårberg-Skärholmen Ghetto.

    That som väckte civil-courage tankar inom mig…efteråt skrev jag Lappland’s
    näst minst
    satiristiska dikten:


    peka på direkt/
    bedragaren Pet/
    den giriga/
    plundringsligornas/ pestsmittad leende Pet/
    fega fett/
    ljuger mest/

    som utestänger/
    mest hedervärda kritiker/
    storskallig fet/
    pet Pet/
    som alltid står bakom/
    sina sionherrarnas svans
    Sharon’s bastarder/
    lika fega som G.rån modell fett/
    det är det/
    visa med pekfingret/
    säg sakens namn rätt/
    petsionens valp kallas Pet


    Unne Schamansson


    befallit dig att diga/ orsak behövs att skaffa/

    ändå någon som lurar/
    låtsas att inte fattar/
    de united skurkar/
    vidare inspekterar/
    Babylon’s gömda vapen?/
    inte alls det/
    utan orsak


    Sanna Lapplander


    medan folk mjölkas, medien afficherar Anitra’s ass/

    folk mjölkas av/
    officiella skurkar/
    medan Petsion flirtar/
    men tyvärr/
    sådan premier/
    kallas inte bedragaren/
    för att gynnar omgivningen/
    traditinellt judiska/
    plundringen ligornas/
    mest hederlösa/


    Arbetssökande Lättluradefolketsson

    ur LIVING HISTORY: Förintelse memoarer / JobZentrum Stockholm KZ AMS-Af suburb,
    poem nr. 000028


    leende anställda av judiska ondskan/ motstrider humanistiska

    vi måste berätta/
    för tystnar vi/
    då riskerar dominerande/
    språkrör bli kvar/
    i herrens tjänst att propagera/
    betyder mänskligheten tystas/
    då kommer att/
    fienden höras/
    då kan historien upprepas/
    då kan judiska kapitalets våldet/
    åter triumfera/
    sugen att massakrera/
    liksom hänt i Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Berlin, Hanoi, My Lai, Belgrad,
    Qabul, Jenin, Shatila, Qana, Sabra, /
    och med mera, flera/
    glöm inte de modiga hjältarna/
    F 16 används mot försvarlösa/
    judar mossad små barnen, flickorna/
    avrätttas under paletter av pansar, stridsvagnarna/
    medan Bonniers medien, dess valpar drogar världen/
    kommer nya Sharonibastarder på secenen/
    känd att vara brutala/
    slaktas vidare tusentals tappra/
    vardera Che Guevara/
    många flera andra/
    varje levande minnet/
    upfyller önskan/
    varje glömt namn/
    är en seger för ondskan
    Arbetssökande Lättluradefolketsson

    ur LIVING HISTORY: Förintelse memoarer / JobZentrum Stockholm KZ AMS SvekJa
    Kingdom model-Af suburb, poem nr. 000027


    CONDOLENCES to the MINISTER jurist Anna Lindh’s plundered victims

    jag var redan färdig med examen/
    då du kanske börjat juridiska linjen/
    som inte ens klarat uttala “convension”/
    blandade ihop typiskt evangeliska sion/
    medan mina översättningar nådde i fem språk/
    lästes som skolläxa av Céline Dion/
    kortfattad, världsberömd publikation/
    men vilken horaktig tur, ofattbart/
    du och andra mästarfifflar fått allt/
    jag drabbades utanförskap, tvingades att/
    lämna arbetsansökan, praktisera förgäves o sådant/


    förtryckta samhällsklasser/
    inte idioter/
    tiden går, tiden kommer/
    man vaknar, bevittnar vad som händer/
    schakaler gynnar schakaler/

    som svansar varandra, lika fega skurkar/
    kunnat inte fatta mina förväntningar/
    vad ni krävt intygades med pärmar/
    så kallades “arbetsansökningar”/
    hamnat bara i era papperskorgar/
    då ditt gäng annonserat för en kontorist/
    när det gällt mitt namn, visade sig lurigt/
    vad borde jag säga då, bara fint/


    du är gående/
    vi är kvarleende


    Olle Greenwall


    CONDOLENCES to the true victims, but the nonsense of overclass

    mina alla rosor/
    till den mannen
    hela livet kränktes, såreades/
    då hördes inte/
    märktes inte att den/
    också en människa högsta graden/
    vad hände sen/
    han som slutat att tystas, utan röstat/
    på sitt sätt straffat/
    en av nonsense horor av systemet/
    som tvingades att göra endast den/
    att bli räknad, visa existensen/
    en fom av röst, slå tillbaka den/
    sionismens marionetten/
    vad som hon förtjänat verkligen/

    till den/
    modiga mannen/
    som offrat/


    Alter Amnesty


    ONLY WE, OPPRESSED PEOPLE CRIED until this moment/

    ** we never been heard/
    because the masses almost been droged/
    now cries the hypocrite Anna Lindh’s clan members/
    we say; “Listen to them;/
    listen and understand how they master shurks/
    and see their true faces!”..

    och utestängnings/
    maskineriets råtta/
    minister Anna/
    hah, ha!

    hororna också har/
    bara ett hjärta/
    kan darra/
    och sluta/
    hah, ha!


    Lars Bengtsson


    ** nowadays every rats/
    introduce himself a kind of doctor, instead of kinky ass/

    many oppressed people/
    became suicide/
    they counted for “zero citizens”/
    nobody talks on their situation/
    is it moral level in a healthy community/
    nobody asks…


    but when you react against imperialism/
    instead of kill yourself/
    so all these execution staff, rats/
    all kind of megaphoines/
    crying all together/
    labelling you “psyho”/


    what we witnessed in SvekJa Kingdom/
    one of them oppressed heroes/
    used self-defence right/
    reacted a bite hard/
    against the system/
    what a ministerial masked whore represented/
    at least, action man succeed to be héard/
    otherway, it’s not imported now/
    the droged masses find this reaction not so fanny/
    or massmedial shurks caricaturize him so worst/
    se the reality, it’s a fact/
    a man reacted/
    a man who belong to the biggest army of the world:
    betrayed peoples/


    result is important. not the numeric of monkeys/
    in fact/ jobless man ended a film/
    a scenario which regissed/
    by a group the financial lobbies and puppets/
    like Evangelian Zion Church member Anna Lindh/
    gone with the autumn wind/

    we all the oppressed people/
    have a taste now/
    to go to the cemetary/
    and piss off on the gravestones/
    of all the such glamorous chiefs/
    the rats will collect there and smell it…


    Martin Wendel



    trots du etiketterad “minister”/
    aldrig svarade folkets anklagelser/
    utom omgivningen, klanmedlemmar/
    sion lobbyns knähundar/


    det är en form/
    av sista brev/
    lika bra hos dig/
    eftersom de alla andra/
    brev också inte ens besvarat


    Birgitta Dahlqvist



    if this braveheart man should know/
    after Anna Lindh comes Jan O. Karlsson/
    this kinky shurk sitting at the ministry of foreign affairs/
    definitely he should avoid/
    spend his golden time/
    he never should cleansing/
    at first this female marionette


    Ewa Carlberg
    Ewa Carlberg@yahoo.com



    many minsters were been massacred in Afghanistan/
    Vietnam, Irak, Chechenia, Somalia, Balkan/
    nobody talked on them/
    then high society didn’t want to discuss that they had Human Rights/
    but first today we hear a puppet scared/
    from this kinky front/
    USrael’s satellite Sweden’s whore/
    chocked all the puppets how it should so easy/
    danger was on these creatures, too/
    if they like or not…


    al these shurks/
    who never accepted the Human Rights/
    of others/
    should no have a rigt/
    to talk on the humanity/
    if they like or not/
    if these very strong or not/
    anybody should explain/
    the voice of Zionist Imperialism/
    isn’t worthy for us/
    than my Grandfather’s donkeys fart…


    Aasne Seiersted’s exman



    if system sucks/
    the blood of children/
    of working class/
    traditionally freakness/
    we accept that/
    like the normal attitude…/


    it’s today’s paradox/
    when al these oppressed/
    people began response/
    then massmedial shurks cry on all the world/
    they forget on Anna Lindh case, too/
    our voice wasn’t so strong/
    but our hands are the important pieces of working power/
    it’s not joke, at least/
    Swedish Evangelian Zionist minister Anna learned/
    our hands are very strong/


    cloakrats created this system, not we/
    they left no space such feelings/
    no mercy!..

    Lena Carlsson


    LINDH case looks like the theatral shows around KENNEDY, PALME

    ceremonies around Anna Lindh, look like J. F. Kennedy, Olof Palme cases/
    did you witness/
    massmedial shurks/
    tv commentaries/
    the first 100 examples/
    100% procent Jews
    most clever to manipulate/
    flexible foxies experienced on such cases/
    eager to manipulate/
    lie machines at work/
    hate process ongoing/
    all the classes of communities/
    forces against each other/
    all over the world/
    freakness on the scen/
    traditionally zionist play/

    Magdalena Wierup



    ** you was my colleague/
    because you just began/
    when I successfully examined at law faculty/
    everyone remembers how incredible lowest was your capacity/ on the juridical
    you never succeed pronounce for instance “constitutional”/
    blended with evangelian zional/
    well, your clan exposed it’s traditional/
    like a joke you get the higher job, at last at the foreign affairs/ without
    qualification but dominational/
    like a kind of virus, your lobby saved you characteristical/
    and you gave opportunities to your collaborated lapdogs/
    behind the sosis capitalist mask and glamorous conferences on justice, moral/
    well, we had one common point, similarly tittles, “jurist”/
    but it’s a fake destiny, only overclass/
    and the boss of thus dirty mechanism, a lot of Jewish ass/
    plundered people’s wealth, all the official possibilities/
    meanwhile I been discriminated and betrayed/
    since 15 year not a single job chance, like the slaves/
    no any answer on my all the letters/
    although many criminal recruitmens/
    I can say here many names, fake immigrants/ who never had true diplom
    nor exams/
    placed at administrative sections around you/
    I hadn’t get any single chance for an inteview/
    and you never replied my gentle applications/
    therefore I have nothing to left with this last letter/
    no reply, as usually; but this time I am sure/
    nothing difference for me, you lived or not lived/
    but you was very foxy, lied to the peoples/
    foreign affairs, means you betrayed whole world/
    when your administration needed a simply male secretary/
    I sent another letter to be an ordinary staff, refuseed/
    a staff showed, my coverages were directly thwroven in the garbage can/
    like your true fascist fathers, you showed what you can/
    since so many years I been handled like a “citizen Zero”/
    you smiled and gone like an over creatur/
    now I imitate you/
    you are dying/
    I am smiling


    Jobless Jurist


    CROCODILE TEARS at the last propaganda funeral of system’s instrument Anna Lindh

    look at all these shurks/
    at the first line sitting the Jewish shurks/
    for use opportunities/
    manipulate funeral, too/
    therefore they “holy person” declared puppet minister/
    after premier G.rån Petsion/ USrael’s staff Heliga Birgitta Heijer who
    massacred Estonia 852 passangers/
    and now we witness another one Holy Petsion, Anna Lindh/
    both bulldogs and lapdogs/
    all the around of Bonniers-brain washing machine/
    been common on same screenpaly/
    in this stinky theatre


    Cecilia Marklund


    Collected poems community:



    ….instead ANNA LINDH’s crowds: CONDOLENCES to the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS

    Anna Lindh was/
    to the real equality/
    contemporary human values like work rights/

    because she was/
    never by the side/
    of the oppressed people, outraged working class/

    Anna Lindh was/
    an academician who hated other academicians/
    who not choosen by the financial dominance/
    showed ignorance/
    when a lot of discriminated/
    registrated intellectuals/
    forced to go jobless/
    well-masked ongoing troubles/
    typical, this shurk marionette too was/
    a member of Evangelian Zionist intolerance

    we have nothing to win if such foreigners coming to the scen/
    and we have nothing now to left when such cloakrats cleansing from the scen…

    ~500 000 registrated/regime critics/independent intellectuals/anti-Imperialist
    individuals of Working Class




    no, it’s not true/
    there are no connex such leagues/
    beyond Anna Lindh assasination/
    look at the backstage/
    very clear/
    there is no true evidence/
    on the zionist lobbies/
    without a trace this time/
    they are not the beyond this case/
    but front


    Brian Lindberg


    Collected poems

    Protest poetry, selected examples

  • Inspirational tv documentary clips on the dismissed workers/poetrical formated thoughts of the oppressed peoples:




    first episode:
    the tongues promise a new epoch/ but we testimonied the cemented brains

    second episode:
    Kofi Annan celebrates/ United Nonsense festival/ at United
    Nations circus
    third drop, then folk calls over/
    hello there/
    shurk mister, his minister/
    what does celebration of new year mean/
    if massmurderer Human Butcher/
    same shurk, same cruel bastard Sharon/
    docka looks like little different coloured, Annan/
    …and all the top chiefs around of human blood/
    vad does Schutzpach mean/
    as long as massacres ongoing/
    like a process/
    at first Human Butcher rules/
    at last Kofi puppet certifies?


    Urho Lapplander

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    exploitation of Anna LINDH looks like the theatral shows/ around

    ceremonies around Anna Lindh, look like J. F. Kennedy, Olof Palme cases/
    did you witness/
    massmedial shurks/
    tv commentaries/
    the first 100 examples/
    100% procent Jews
    most clever to manipulate/
    flexible foxies experienced on such cases/
    eager to manipulate/
    lie machines at work/
    hate process ongoing/
    all the classes of communities/
    forces against each other/
    all over the world/
    freakness on the scen/
    traditionally zionist play/

    Magdalena Wierup

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    heja, mest eftertryckta, hej på dig/
    detta väckte civil-courage tankar inom mig/ efteråt skrev jag Lappland’s/
    näst minst satiristiska dikten för dig…


    peka på direkt/
    bedragaren Pet/
    den giriga/
    plundringsligornas/ pestsmittad leende Pet/
    fega fett/
    ljuger mest/

    som utestänger/
    mest hedervärda kritiker/
    storskallig fet/
    pet Pet/
    som alltid står bakom/
    sina sionherrarnas svans
    Sharon’s bastarder/
    lika fega som G.rån modell fett/
    det är det/
    visa med pekfingret/
    säg sakens namn rätt/
    petsionens valp kallas Pet


    Unne Schamansson

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    leende anställda av judiska ondskan/
    motstrider humanistiska önskan/

    ** vi måste berätta/
    för tystnar vi/
    då riskerar dominerande/
    språkrör bli kvar/
    i herrens tjänst att propagera/
    betyder mänskligheten tystas/
    då kommer att/
    fienden höras/
    då kan historien upprepas/
    då kan judiska kapitalets våldet/
    åter triumfera/
    sugen att massakrera/
    liksom hänt i Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Berlin, Hanoi, My Lai, Belgrad,
    Qabul, Jenin, Shatila, Qana, Sabra, /
    och med mera, flera/
    glöm inte de modiga hjältarna/
    F 16 används mot försvarlösa/
    judar mossad små barnen, flickorna/
    avrätttas under paletter av pansar, stridsvagnarna/
    medan Bonniers medien, dess valpar drogar världen/
    kommer nya Sharonibastarder på secenen/
    känd att vara brutala/
    slaktas vidare tusentals tappra/
    vardera Che Guevara/
    många flera andra/
    varje levande minnet/
    upfyller önskan/
    varje glömt namn/
    är en seger för ondskan
    Arbetssökande Lättluradefolketsson

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs


    many minsters were been massacred in Afghanistan/
    Vietnam, Irak, Chechenia, Somalia, Balkan/
    nobody talked on them/
    then high society didn’t want to discuss that they had Human Rights/
    but first today we hear a puppet scared/
    from this kinky front/
    USrael’s satellite Sweden’s whore/
    chocked all the puppets how it should so easy/
    danger was on these creatures, too/
    if they like or not…


    al these shurks/
    who never accepted the Human Rights/
    of others/
    should no have a rigt/
    to talk on the humanity/
    if they like or not/
    if these very strong or not/
    anybody should explain/
    the voice of Zionist Imperialism/
    isn’t worthy for us/
    than my Grandfather’s donkeys’ fart…


    Aasne Seiersted’s exman

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    CONDOLENCES to the MINISTER jurist Anna Lindh’s plundered victims

    ** jag var redan färdig med examen/
    då du kanske börjat juridiska linjen/
    som inte ens klarat uttala “convension”/
    blandade ihop typiskt evangeliska sion/
    medan mina översättningar nådde i fem språk/
    lästes som skolläxa av Céline Dion/
    kortfattad, världsberömd publikation/
    men vilken horaktig tur, ofattbart/
    du och andra mästarfifflar fått allt/
    jag drabbades utanförskap, tvingades att/
    lämna arbetsansökan, praktisera förgäves o sådant/


    förtryckta samhällsklasser/
    inte idioter/
    tiden går, tiden kommer/
    man vaknar, bevittnar vad som händer/
    schakaler gynnar schakaler/

    som svansar varandra, lika fega skurkar/
    kunnat inte fatta mina förväntningar/
    vad ni krävt intygades med pärmar/
    så kallades “arbetsansökningar”/
    hamnat bara i era papperskorgar/
    då ditt gäng annonserat för en kontorist/
    när det gällt mitt namn, visade sig lurigt/
    vad borde jag säga då, bara fint/


    du är gående/
    vi är kvarleende


    Olle Greenwall

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    CONDOLENCES to the true victims, but the nonsense of overclass

    ** my all the roes/
    only to the braveheart man/
    who been scared whole life/
    and therefore scared regime’s chief/


    when he been scared so cruel/
    nobody heard him/
    då hördes inte/
    when he forced back/
    all the overclass members/
    and iits staff cried/
    what a wonderful circus!..


    han som slutat att tystas, utan röstat/
    på sitt sätt straffat/
    en av nonsense horor av systemet/
    som tvingades att göra endast den/
    att bli räknad, visa existensen/
    en fom av röst, slå tillbaka den/
    sionismens marionetten/
    vad som hon förtjänat verkligen/

    ** kondoleansen/
    till den/
    modiga mannen/
    som offrat/


    Alter Amnesty

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    ONLY WE, OPPRESSED PEOPLE CRIED until this moment/

    ** we never been heard/
    because the masses almost been droged/
    now cries the hypocrite Anna Lindh’s clan members/
    we say; “Listen to them;/
    listen and understand how they master shurks/
    and see their true faces!”..

    imperial of/
    machine’s rat/
    minister Anna/
    hah, ha!

    even whores havd/
    only one heart/
    can shakes/
    and stop/
    to fawn on/
    hah, ha!


    Lars Bengtsson

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs


    ** trots du etiketterad “minister”/
    aldrig svarade folkets anklagelser/
    utom omgivningen, klanmedlemmar/
    sion lobbyns knähundar/


    det är en form/
    av sista brev/
    lika bra hos dig/
    eftersom de alla andra/
    brev också inte ens besvarat


    Birgitta Dahlqvist

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs


    ** if this braveheart man should know/
    after Anna Lindh comes Jan O. Karlsson/
    this kinky shurk sitting at the ministry of foreign affairs/
    definitely he should avoid/
    spend his golden time/
    he never should cleansing/
    at first this female marionette


    Ewa Carlberg
    Ewa Carlberg@yahoo.com

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs


    ** you was my colleague/
    because you just began/
    when I successfully examined at law faculty/
    everyone remembers how incredible lowest was your capacity/ on the juridical
    you never succeed pronounce for instance “constitutional”/
    blended with evangelian zional/
    well, your clan exposed it’s traditional/
    like a joke you get the higher job, at last at the foreign affairs/ without
    qualification but dominational/
    like a kind of virus, your lobby saved you characteristical/
    and you gave opportunities to your collaborated lapdogs/
    behind the sosis capitalist mask and glamorous conferences on justice, moral/
    well, we had one common point, similarly tittles, “jurist”/
    but it’s a fake destiny, only overclass/
    and the boss of thus dirty mechanism, a lot of Jewish ass/
    plundered people’s wealth, all the official possibilities/
    meanwhile I been discriminated and betrayed/
    since 15 year not a single job chance, like the slaves/
    no any answer on my all the letters/
    although many criminal recruitmens/
    I can say here many names, fake immigrants/ who never had true diplom
    nor exams/
    placed at administrative sections around you/
    I hadn’t get any single chance for an inteview/
    and you never replied my gentle applications/
    therefore I have nothing to left with this last letter/
    no reply, as usually; but this time I am sure/
    nothing difference for me, you lived or not lived/
    but you was very foxy, lied to the peoples/
    foreign affairs, means you betrayed whole world/
    when your administration needed a simply male secretary/
    I sent another letter to be an ordinary staff, refuseed/
    a staff showed, my coverages were directly thwroven in the garbage can/
    like your true fascist fathers, you showed what you can/
    since so many years I been handled like a “citizen Zero”/
    you smiled and gone like an over creatur/
    now I imitate you/
    you are dying/
    I am smiling


    Jobless Jurist

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    CROCODILE TEARS at the last propaganda funeral of system’s instrument Anna Lindh

    look at all these shurks/
    at the first line sitting the Jewish shurks/
    for use opportunities/
    manipulate funeral, too/
    therefore they “holy person” declared puppet minister/
    after premier G.rån Petsion/ USrael’s staff Heliga Birgitta Heijer who
    massacred Estonia 852 passangers/
    and now we witness another one Holy Petsion, Anna Lindh/
    both bulldogs and lapdogs/
    all the around of Bonniers-brain washing machine/
    been common on same screenpaly/
    in this stinky theatre


    Cecilia Marklund


    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    ….instead ANNA LINDH’s crowds: CONDOLENCES to the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS

    Anna Lindh was/
    to the real equality/
    contemporary human values like work rights/

    because she was/
    never by the side/
    of the oppressed people, outraged working class/

    Anna Lindh was/
    an academician who hated other academicians/
    who not choosen by the financial dominance/
    showed ignorance/
    when a lot of discriminated/
    registrated intellectuals/
    forced to go jobless/
    well-masked ongoing troubles/
    typical, this shurk marionette too was/
    a member of Evangelian Zionist intolerance

    we have nothing to win if such foreigners coming to the scen/
    and we have nothing now to left when such cloakrats cleansing from the scen…

    ~500 000 registrated/regime critics/independent intellectuals/anti-Imperialist
    individuals of Working Class


    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs


    no, it’s not true/
    there are no connex such leagues/
    beyond Anna Lindh assasination/
    look at the backstage/
    very clear/
    there is no true evidence/
    on the zionist lobbies/
    without a trace this time/
    they are not the beyond this case/
    but front


    Brian Lindberg


    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs


    ** nowadays every rats/
    introduce himself a kind of doctor, instead of kinky ass/

    many oppressed people/
    became suicide/
    they counted for “zero citizens”/
    nobody talks on their situation/
    is it moral level in a healthy community/
    nobody asks…


    but when you react against imperialism/
    instead of kill yourself/
    so all these execution staff, rats/
    all kind of megaphoines/
    crying all together/
    labelling you “psyho”/


    what we witnessed in SvekJa Kingdom/
    one of them oppressed heroes/
    used self-defence right/
    reacted a bite hard/
    against the system/
    what a ministerial masked whore represented/
    at least, action man succeed to be héard/
    otherway, it’s not imported now/
    the droged masses find this reaction not so fanny/
    or massmedial shurks caricaturize him so worst/
    se the reality, it’s a fact/
    a man reacted/
    a man who belong to the biggest army of the world:
    betrayed peoples/


    result is important. not the numeric of monkeys/
    in fact/ jobless man ended a film/
    a scenario which regissed/
    by a group the financial lobbies and puppets/
    like Evangelian Zion Church member Anna Lindh/
    gone with the autumn wind/

    we all the oppressed people/
    have a taste now/
    to go to the cemetary/
    and piss off on the gravestones/
    of all the such glamorous chiefs/
    the rats will collect there and smell it…


    Martin Wendel

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs



    Swedish Foriegn minister Anna Lindh murdered/
    when her officially husband Bo Holmberg was/
    Landshövding, like a kind of Gouvernor, in Södermanland/
    who obligatory came to capitol city Stockholm/
    but stayed in Solna district/
    plus intertaintment, there was a football match/
    means police forced about hooligans, ID control/
    then find a suspicious, Bonniers pointed him an 35-years old instrument/
    fit all of the kinky scenarios according to the Jewish massmedial machine/
    he was punished by the system long time ago/
    Lindh been a new popular version, fit to such persons/
    but his only wrong, he appoladed same team by the side of Bo, during this sensitive period, wrong time, wrong restaurant, there Bo drank, too /
    both couldn’t understand/
    what happened/
    until the morning 17 September 2003/
    staff explained what does this razzia mean/
    same staff did same razzia last year,/
    just same place/
    was a brothel/
    runs already by a Mammele, Inga-lill Holmberg/
    a retired Komvux teacher/
    komvux means adult school/
    yes, at least this new center in Solna server for adult hobbies/
    like the Jew controled weapon markets, animal sex industry and casinos/
    a play not so much different by Djurgården, Hammarby shows/
    when high society force the dirty profits/
    “Bordellmamma” Inga-lill is member to same Evangelian Zionist clan, calls “Holmberg”/
    since Swedish zion-bastard Kings/
    never mind, I don’t try to create any connex/
    there are living evidences in daily life/
    a kind of family affairs/
    hardy and bloody sometimes/
    otherway nothing else…


    Bosse Hermansson


    if system sucks/
    the blood of children/
    of working class/
    traditionally freakness/
    we accept that/
    like the normal attitude…/


    it’s today’s paradox/
    when al these oppressed/
    people began response/
    then massmedial shurks cry on all the world/
    they forget on Anna Lindh case, too/
    our voice wasn’t so strong/
    but our hands are the important pieces of working power/
    it’s not joke, at least/
    Swedish Evangelian Zionist minister Anna learned/
    our hands are very strong/


    cloakrats created this system, not we/
    they left no space such feelings/
    no mercy!..

    Linda Carlsson

    fr LIVING HISTORY: Concentration lager memoaries / JobZentrum Vårberg’nbelsen
    Ghetto, Skaerholm-Stockholm, there the intellectuals eliminated by the Zionist
    Imperialism&Jewish chiefs and system’s collaborated lapdogs

    Solidarity regards fr Kandalaksha-Piteaa in the EU’s occupied Palestine; colonized Laponia