We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

We’re all going to be rich …

That’s the good news:

Survey: Big Business Eager to Hire Bloggers

(2002-11-03) — A new survey of Fortune 500 companies reveals that 81 percent are eager to hire weblog writers (called bloggers) at substantial pay rates. Many bloggers currently spend hours each day reading news and writing views. …

This new study, by the Center for the Promotion of Income for Bloggers (CPIB), found that many corporations are awakening to the value of having a “staff blogger.”

The bad news is … it’s Scrappleface. Thanks for the link to Instapundit, who also steers the blogosphere to those party photos below. I was genuinely excited, almost as if I was back at the party (I’m the one with the yellow British teeth). But then I read:

“Big business has begun to realize the need to have someone on staff who can express open hostility with cutting wit and a generous helping of obscenities,” according to the CPIB news release. “Of course, these qualities have been in rich supply within most organizations for years, but their expression has been reserved for private emails, and restroom stalls. Now, companies are willing to pay, and pay well, for these bitter screeds.”

The CPIB study was underwritten by income from a Pay Pal “tip jar” on its web site. The statistical margin of error is plus or minus 100 percent.

Well, you never know. There’s many a truth that started its career as a jest.

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