We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

The lone blogger

Is it just me? Apparently yes. And of course it must be very clear to all our readers what is causing this. All the others Samizdatistas are still recovering from the blogger bash. Lots of photos of people doing embarrassing things. Two bits from Perry and David before they succumbed to unconsciousness. Then silence for 48 hours from almost all of them apart from me. It’s obvious.

No doubt in the hours and days that follow, the others will slowly emerge in ones and twos from their sickbeds and from behind the sofas and out of the various closets and small rooms in Chateau Perry behind which and within which they still now groan and toss and roll about in a purgatorial state between sleep and wakefulness, pain and nightmare, and others besides me will eventually again be telling you things. But for now, mine are the only hands at the blogpump, and if you don’t like me, well, I don’t really know, being too polite, what to suggest about that.

But I know what you’re thinking. Why am I the only conscious and functioning Samizdatista? Did I not drink any alcohol? Did I drink lots of alcohol but am I unaffected by alcohol, immune from dizziness, vomiting, violent headaches, and so forth?

Strangely, it’s the opposite. I am no better at resisting pleasure than anyone else, or even postponing it, and my constitution is made not of iron but of balsa wood. And that, ladies and gentlemen of the sober world, is what gives me my competitive advantage when it comes to blogging only a few hours after participating in a blogger bash. Alcohol affects me immediately. I get my hangovers straight away, within minutes. Thus I immediately switch to girlie drinks like Pepsi and Orange Juice. I am not teetotal. But I genuinely drink only in moderation, even at parties where everyone else is chucking it down like there’s no tomorrow. With the result that when tomorrow does come, they all wish there really was no tomorrow, but I’m still operating at my usual steady if indolent rate.

My late father was just the same. He too would refrain from excessive drinking, not because of any great strength of character – although unlike me he was quite a strong character – but because of the same genetically inborn instant aversion therapy that curbs any inclination I ever have towards alcoholic excess. I’ve only ever been properly drunk once in my entire life.

I just thought you might like to know.

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