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American arguments about English guns

Thanks again to Instapundit for the link to this, about the history of gun control in England, and about the various Americans who seem to be doing most of the serious arguing about it.

The focus of the debate this time is professor of history at Bentley College Joyce Malcolm‘s new book Guns and Violence: The English Experience.

Time was when, as the sandal-wearing corduroy-jacket gun-wimp chick-flick-preferring libertarian that I still am, I opposed gun control only out of duty and only with difficulty. Now I’m utterly convinced, and it didn’t take the fact that recent British gun control tightening has made gun crime even worse. It was books and arguments like those of Joyce Malcolm – although not her actual book because I’ve yet to see it.

7 comments to American arguments about English guns

  • kamoto

    Guns are not the ones that hurt people it’s the person that uses the gun that does the devistation. Most people think that if a person is shot then the gun is a fult. But really they are not. So the next time you see a report on the news that someone was shot then think of the person that shot the gun the gun as the badguy.

  • gusn really are harmful,they can also be used in tools for robery.If you think guns protect us,think again.A robber or cerial killer could easily grab your own gun and turn it against you in a amtter of seconds.America made a foolish mistake by letting the citizens and people out of law have them in a harmful casre such as this.

  • kamoto

    This is a response for setez who said that guns can be taken from us in a robbery but when you think about it how many times does this happen and how many times does it help you? This is what you need to think of.

  • Response to Komoto:
    Even so guns do more damage then help.1/3 cops die a year do to exchanging of gun fire in robberys,murders,and many other cases.if no one had guns then no one would have to worry about getting shot or looking for a gun.

  • kamoto

    This is a response to setez:
    Yeah cops die every day but also in wars which brings me to what you said about “if we have no guns then we have no worry” well then tell me this how do get all the guns out of the world? I want you to tell me this because yeah we could talk to our all ies and get rid of the guns there and here be what about the enemys they aren’t going to even listen to us more or less get rid of something they have for protection.

  • Im not saying make the world get rid of them.Just the American citizens..The army and cops should get to keep there guns.But in order to get americans to dis-arm the guns we can increase inforcement,send in local malitias and the army to patrol streets for guns.

  • Matt

    This is a response to Setez:
    Are you absolutely stupid? Do you think a seriel killer couldn’t hide a gun from police. Then he would have the piece of mine to know every law abiding citizen would have turned in their guns, and he would know that they couldn’t protect themselves. How easy would it be for a armed robber to mug someone on the streets then? Theres no way the police can protect us from assailants. They can only investigate the crime. We have to protect ourselves. Look at England, is it a safer place now after the 1997 handgun ban? No, now you are six times more likely to be mugged in London than in New York City. Armed robbery has skyroketed. And that’s only the begining of the boatloads of problems England is Dealing with as a result of being disarmed.