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The Cannes Film Festival

Sharon Stone is looking pretty damn good for someone recovering from a stroke!

And what is this nonsense about the self styled ‘American Jewish Congress’ urging Jews to boycott the Cannes Film Festival because ‘the French are anti-Semitic’? And which ‘French’ would that be? The 80% who did not vote for Le Pen? Spare us the collectivist crap, guys… I do not see why a foreign Jewish organisation should feel the need to provide the neo-Nazi barking moonbats in France with an excuse to say ‘See? Those mean old Jews are boycotting all of France!’ Duh.

In the linked article, it also says ‘satirist Michael Moore’ is making a documentary about the Columbine school massacre. But satire requires wit and insight, so I guess there must be more than one Michael Moore because the only one I know of is a talentless ignorant prick, not a satirist.

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