We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

Esquire: scorching April issue!

I was going to just point out a splendid article in the UK edition of Esquire magazine by the dependably excellent Karen Krizanovich about ‘the murky world of the dominatrix’ and how context really matters:

Let’s say that one evening your girlfriend starts having a go at you for not doing the washing-up. “You are so lazy!” she screams, slapping a teatowel against her firm thigh. Her breasts quiver as she gestures at you. “I should put you across my knee and spank you!” she shrieks, her pupils dilating with anger. She’s red in the face now, and you are the helpless target of all her built-up rage and resentment. She steps forward, towel in hand, to take her revenge…
Whoa! Stop right there. Maybe this isn’t the perfect evening for you. But picture this scene in the bedroom with both of you naked. Maybe now you get the point.

Yes indeed I do!

But the fact is that quite apart from this howlingly wonderful Karen Krizanovich piece, this is one of the best issues of Esquire I have read in ages. There is a great article about the race car driver and supremely cool French Resistance hero Robert Benoist, a fascinating piece on the Falklands War, a hilarious ‘Ali G’ interview, new iMacs, why the sex, sadism and hard drinking in Ian Fleming’s James Bond books make the 007 movies look pallid, and an excellent list of Britain’s 40 most eligible women. Under the entry for supermodel Kate Moss:

Money: You know your annual salary? She wouldn’t get out of bed for that.

Personality: Like shouting at an alien bartender through a wall of ice 6ft thick while juggling two cats and a monkey

Run, do not walk, to your nearest news agent and purchase a copy of the April UK edition of Esquire

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