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Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

The European Union versus The Vikings of Doom!

Dale Amon, from Belfast, reports on the daft new regulation to limit decibels to 83db. Are the EU mad? Who is really going to enforce this? I can imagine the first time some little dweeb from the EU directorate goes into a death metal gig in Sweden. The venue is full of leathered, iron spiked and generally cranky death-metal fans. Is the EU bloke going to ask these nutters to turn down their music, and expect to live? Just look through the pages of Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles or Terrorizer to find examples of death metal types. Never mind the fact that most death metal fans I meet are huge, well built hard men who look like they could be vikings. Is it a co-incidence that extreme/death/doom/speed metal is very popular in Scandinavia and Germany? I don’t think so. Sorry to tell you Dale but punk rockers are wimps compared to these guys.

May I suggest we send Chris Patten to Wacken or maybe the Inferno festival? Someone needs to convince him to announce from the stage at about 10pm what his intentions are. “Excuse me fellow Europeans, I am here to inform you that this venue must turn down the music to an EU-approved 83db. The EU is only concerned for your hearing and well-being.”

Well good thing about this new db rule, it will turn anyone who likes loud and heavy music against the EU in an instant. What I would love to see is an army of leather clad insensed metal-heads decending on Brussels for a huge protest.

Oh yes and Dale, there have been several songs written about the EU. One, whose name I forget, mentions the great line: “another doomed utopian ideal…” You are also mistakened if you think all musicians are socialists. The loud-mouthed ones might be, but there are many a band whose lyrics speak to a libertarian mind-set (especially in the heavy metal/hard rock genres). Of course, I know of major bands who are Tory voting, all of whom think their being ‘outed’ would hurt/kill their careers.

Rockers Outraged At Regulation (R.O.A.R.) arise against fascist EU state!

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