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Putting the boot in…

The British commander of troops in the Gulf admitted yesterday that he had been forced to borrow a pair of American desert boots because of a foot injury. Air Marshal Brian Burridge, asked how he had come by the injury, replied: “Kicking a journalist.”

5 comments to Putting the boot in…

  • Jeffersonian

    By God, get his name and I’ll send him a pair myself. If it was Dan Rather, he’s getting the whole ensemble.

  • I speak for many Americans when I say that I’m proud one of our service people was so gracious with their footware … God knows there’s likely no more noble cause than helping a fellow soldier who sees the wisdom in booting a member of the press.

  • John J. Coupal

    It’s a sad commentary on the status of “the press” in modern day life that we often consider them the enemy of the people, and the friend of every rinky-dink dictator around the world.

  • The correct terminology is not “consider them”, rather ‘we KNOW they are’ the enemy of the people.

  • I hope the journalist was down at the time. 😉