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The current British administration… and Hollywood

Jonathan Hanson has spotted some interesting parallels between Tinseltown and Downing Street

In ruminating over the current government in England, an analogy occurred to me that I hoped you might find worthy of publishing and/or commenting on.

It hit me that there are rather creepy similarities between the Blair left liberal machine and Hollywood’s current marketing strategy.

Hollywood is no longer interested in quality, only in what sells. The producers and directors strive to appeal to the lowest common denominator of moviegoer (constituent?), in a bald-faced effort to bring in the most money (votes). The content of the message is unimportant, as to whether or not it has a moral, a germ of spiritual inspiration, or the slightest connection to reality. Hollywood is happy to exploit minorities, the poor, violence in society, and numerous other causes, not in the name of justice, but in the name of profit. The result is millions of moviegoers sitting slack-jawed while being spoon-fed pablum.

Am I missing anything?

Jonathan Hanson, Tucson, Arizona

[Editor: No Jonathan, you are not missing a damn thing]

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