We are developing the social individualist meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous... lets see what is on the mind of the Samizdata people.

Samizdata, derived from Samizdat /n. - a system of clandestine publication of banned literature in the USSR [Russ.,= self-publishing house]

A famous Hollywood mum with guns

The other day I referred to a PJ O’Rourke gag which made the crack about a guy marrying Angelina Jolie for her brains (as opposed to her looks). Thinking about it, it was actually not a very good joke, even though it did not imply that Jolie was unintelligent, far from it. Anyway, it turns out that she is indeed smart and has a fair amount of guts as well:

“The pregnant mother of four told the U.K.’s Daily Mail that she owns guns similar to the ones she used in “Tomb Raider.” Jolie and partner Brad Pitt are not against having weapons in their house for security reasons, she says.”

“If anybody comes into my home and tries to hurt my kids, I’ve no problem shooting them,” she said.

Jolie, 32, has starred as a heat-packing vixen in several action movies – two “Tomb Raider” films, “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” and the upcoming futuristic thriller, “Wanted.”

“I can handle myself,” she said. “There’s a side to me that people know is humanitarian, and there’s a side to me that’s a mommy. But there’s also the side that likes to get down and dirty and run and jump around and fire guns.”

If the NRA wants a replacement for its former figurehead, Charlton Heston, they could do a lot worse than Ms Jolie.

Do readers have any other examples of Hollywood/other actors and actresses who have come out in favour of self defence like this? There must be some, surely.


35 comments to A famous Hollywood mum with guns

  • James

    “Do readers have any other examples of Hollywood/other actors and actresses who have come out in favour of self defence like this? There must be some, surely.”

    You not forgotten Tom Selleck, surely.

  • If I were a cynic, I’d wonder if this had anything to do with an upcoming movie release.

    Fortunately, I’m not a cynic.

  • Johnathan Pearce

    Obnoxio, I had a look at your website. Vulgarity is not a substitute for wit, I’m afraid.

  • It’s all I’ve got, I’m afraid.

  • This is awesome. My opinion of the lady (which was not very high, I have to admit), has gone up considerably now. BTW, Obnoxio may have a point, but still, I doubt that she is lying in order to promote her movies. At worst, she is probably telling the truth in order to promote them, and that is hardly something to complain about, is it.

  • Paul Marks


  • John K

    “Do readers have any other examples of Hollywood/other actors and actresses who have come out in favour of self defence like this? There must be some, surely.”

    The late, great Charlton Heston.

  • Loads of ’em have spoken in favour of small government, libertarian, right to carry, right to smoke type manifestos, from memory Kurt Russell, Clint Eastwood, Arni Schwarzenegger, Keanu Reeves etc.

  • Adrian

    …Bruce Willis, Rob Lowe, Kelsey Grammer…

  • cirby

    They used former SAS troops to train Jolie for the “Tomb Raider” movies,” and one of them mentioned that she was very, very good with firearms, and that he’d be a bit reticent to have to face off with her in a combat situation.

    A recent addition to the “gals with guns” list would be Jill Wagner, the lady on the Mercury commercials. The girl likes her firearms…

  • WalterBoswell

    He’s not an actor but Kurt Cobain was for guns. I’ll bet J. Depp is pro gun too. If not then he wasn’t listening to Hunter S. Thompson correctly.

  • Ed Foster

    I doubt Johnny Depp. He instantly hates anything remotely resembling “Middle-American”.

  • John K

    Schwarzenegger? Oh yes, he’s all for small government, he’s realy rolling it back in California. I don’t recall him vetoing any gun control bills either. Don’t try and buy a .50 cal rifle there, because you can’t.

  • Britt

    Good for her. I wondered why her and Pitt were doing Atlas Shrugged. I just kind of assumed they were typical Hollywood socialists.

    Now I know.

  • It suggests to me that the lovely Angelina would buy into my theory that your enemies, whatever their motivations, choking and dying on their own blood is a good thing.

    She’s probably not a libertarian tho – but then again neither am I.

  • Dom

    Whoopi Goldberg, believe it or not.

  • Bob

    Sarah Michelle Geller doesn’t jump through hoops.

  • RRS

    If one has enough money one need not be a Libertarian; but, if one does – one probably is (with arms).

  • John

    Robert Downey Jr.(Link) hasn’t explicitly said it, but I bet he does, based on this quote:

    “I have a really interesting political point of view, and it’s not always something I say too loud at dinner tables here, but you can’t go from a $2,000-a-night suite at La Mirage to a penitentiary and really understand it and come out a liberal. You can’t. I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone else, but it was very, very, very educational for me and has informed my proclivities and politics every since.”

  • John

    For guts – Jimmy Stewart
    For brains – Hedy Lamarr

  • nick g.

    Russell Crowe believes in an actor’s right to have and use phones, and not just to phone a friend! Despite that, he’s not a phoney!

  • Bogdan of Australia

    Jane Fonda is also a BIG fan of BIG guns. She was once photpgraphed with one in HANOI…

  • Jenn

    I remember reading once that the singer Jewel is a vintage firearms collector. And, I believe, she stated that she liked guns.

    Also, though he is very liberal on other matters such as healthcare, I believe Kiefer Sutherland has expressed a point of view that is positive toward gun ownership.

    I read both of these awhile back … I’d have to hunt for the articles.

  • Jenn

    Isn’t Jolie living in France now? What are their gun laws? Do they even allow non-citizens to carry firearms? Or is it a typical case of celebrities having the right to bend the rules to protect their families, but no one else can?

  • For brains – Hedy Lamarr

    That’s HEDLEY!

    (Sorry, couldn’t help it… just watched Blazing Saddles.)

  • bluestationwagon

    Ted Nugent is a good one.

  • Robert

    A hot babe who likes guns: what a combination.

    When they find-out I’m a gun enthusiast, most of the women I’ve met instantly dismiss me as a nut case.

    She shouldn’t have her fingers on the triggers, though.

  • Sunfish

    France is unusually permissive. Well, by European standards. Evil scary black rifles are sort of legal. More so than in parts of the US. Even stranger, there’s actually some sort of recognized right to use a firearm in self-defense inside the home.

    It’s almost like they don’t want to be like their neighbors. (!)


    Angelina Jolie is showing cleavage and your eyes went to a Rule 3 violations? We have to talk. I’m a gun geek and even I noticed the woman first!

    (Although, this is where I’d make a nasty remark about H&K’s customer service supporting the customer like Glock supports their chambers…)

    Nick g…

    Russell Crowe believes in singing songs, telling stories, and fighting ’round the world!

    By the way, does anybody remember the interview where Elizabeth Hurley said that she’d rather have a shotgun than jewelry for a birthday present? It makes me want to watch Austin Powers (the source of everything I know about England) again!

  • nick g.

    Sunfish, you might also want to watch Shrek three, to catch up on England since then!
    And for OZ, ‘Finding Neemo’. Then you’ll fit right in.
    I should imagine ‘The Incredibles’ would be all I need to know to be current on US affairs?

  • Sunfish

    Sunfish, you might also want to watch Shrek three, to catch up on England since then!
    And for OZ, ‘Finding Neemo’. Then you’ll fit right in.
    I should imagine ‘The Incredibles’ would be all I need to know to be current on US affairs?

    I didn’t even see Shrek I or II.

    I did extra research for OZ, though. I watched all three Mad Max movies once. And in the name of research, I rewound and reviewed the Tina Turner in chainmail scenes several times, just to be sure that I caught all of the important details.

    As for the US: I personally would have recommended South Park. But whatever works for you.

  • Sunfish, you actually should watch Shrek I,

  • Eamon Brennan


    For a concise and accurate protrayal of multicultural Britain in all its rich diversity, see here…


  • I don’t have the citation at hand, but I remember reading once that Ashton Kutcher (in an interview) stated that he and wife Demi Moore often carry concealed handguns for self protection. He said he prefers the 1911 and she prefers a Glock.

  • rebecca

    does cortney cox and jennifer aniston like guns

  • i am patrick from nigeria. i just want to meet julie